But he didn't want to be involved in the war at all.

After all, what if you die?

Then, the Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce that he finally established, shouldn't it just fall apart?

And his family, will likely perish.

He is the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the patriarch of the family. Once he falls on the battlefield, the Chamber of Commerce and the family will all be finished.

In this case~

How could he be so relaxed?

You must know that the enemy who besieged their glorious imperial capital was an invincible army from the Holy Empire and the castle forces!

In his opinion, this is a war that cannot be won at all!

Whenever the super god-level magic defense shield of the imperial capital was captured, the imperial capital professionals who participated in the war had a high probability of dying in the hands of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

"In the beginning, we should have withdrawn decisively from the empire and sought refuge in other empires!"

"We are businessmen, not nobles of the empire, and will not be expelled by other empires!"


"We wasted precious time evacuating!"

A chamber of commerce executive sighed.

Hearing this, the expression on President Ron's face became even more ugly.

Because he was unwilling to leave the Radiance Empire.

I felt that the Radiant Empire could not collapse so quickly.

In addition, he was reluctant to stay in the foundation and contacts of the Radiance Empire, so he chose to stay under the psychological influence of luck.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

It turned out that he had gone the wrong way!

If he had followed the advice of his daughter Joanna earlier, when the Holy Empire attacked [Palenque City], he would have left the Radiant Empire directly.

So now, nothing happens.

Unfortunately, he refused.

When [Palenque City] was captured, the western territory of the imperial capital was captured, and the high-level officials of the Shining Empire ordered an all-out war with the Holy Empire and the castle forces...

They can't leave if they want to!

Because all other local imperial capitals chose to close the teleportation authority before the Radiance Empire at this time.

None of the Radiants are allowed to teleport into their empire.

So as not to anger the Holy Empire!

As a last resort, President Ron could only take the Chamber of Commerce and the family, all the way north through the teleportation array, and finally came to the imperial capital.

But now, the imperial capital is about to be besieged again, and the war is about to come.

He really regretted it.

If he had known, he would have followed the advice of his daughter, Joanna.

"It's useless to say anything now!"

President Ron said with a dark face: "I and everyone here have been recruited to the assembly area to provide energy for the super-god-level magic defense shield of the imperial capital!"

"This task, it is not dangerous to say that it is dangerous, and it is not safe to say that it is safe!"

"Because, once the magic defense shield is captured, demigod-level professionals such as me who are indirectly involved in the war may also be regarded as enemies by the Holy Empire and the castle forces and be killed!"

"So, we have to be careful!"

The army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces did not kill the common people, but only the professionals who participated in the battle. This is already known to the Radiance Empire.


Almost all the Radiants know the behavior of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Especially those radiant people located in the core area cities and noble territories, they even rejoiced together after learning that the army of the Dark Empire was wiped out by the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Not to mention how happy!

Just because the army of the Dark Empire is coming, they will surely die.

And after death, it will be refined into puppets and summoned into undead slaves.

It can be said that it is impossible to live in peace.

On the contrary, the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces will not do anything to them, the ordinary dazzling people, and will not attack them at all.

At most, some resources have been confiscated.

What are resources compared to life?

Just live!

"Naturally you have to be careful, and you have to think of a way out!"

A high-level chamber of commerce said: "The empire has come to an end and is about to come to an end. We must plan for the future and cannot die with the true gods of the empire!"

The Radiance Empire has reached the point where they recruit their mortal-level professionals to provide energy to the super-god-level magic defense shield. Isn't this the end?

Not only their Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce~

The mortal-level professionals of other chambers of commerce and other forces are also preparing to retreat for themselves.


"We are imperial demigods, the top powerhouses at the mortal level!"

"What way can we go back?"

Another high-level chamber of commerce said: "It's not good to say that, when the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces invade the imperial capital, we don't have to do anything, just put down our weapons and surrender!"

"Surrender saves you death!"


Other top chambers of commerce also agreed.

Rough words are not rude!

In the face of the unparalleled Holy Empire and the army of the castle forces, as demigod professionals, if they do not surrender, they will die. There is no doubt about it.

"When you reach that point, surrender is inevitable!"

"I don't want to die either!"

President Ron said: "The key issue is that we have to find the army of the Holy Empire and surrender to the Holy Empire. This is the most promising choice!"


All the seniors nodded.

The Holy Empire has nine main gods.

How terrifying is this?

The powers of other castle lords and rangers all add up, and they are not the opponents of the Holy Empire.

There is no doubt that the Holy Empire is the most powerful castle force.

Taking refuge in the Holy Empire is the best choice!

After a moment of silence~

Chairman Ron, including the top executives of the Chamber of Commerce present, all turned their attention to the beautiful woman Joanna who was sitting quietly beside him.

At the beginning, their Full Moon Fragrance Chamber of Commerce had cooperated many times with the predecessors of the Holy Empire [Angel Castle] and [Holy Heaven].

It's a great friendship!

As for the cooperation, Joanna has always come forward.

Even the news of 'evacuating Palenque City as soon as possible' was spoken to Joanna by His Majesty Lin Yi, the ruler of the Holy Empire.

If it wasn't for Lin Yi's kind reminder earlier~

The Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce has long since been destroyed along with the [Palenque City].


A high-level chamber of commerce said: "You are friends with the great His Majesty Lin Yi. Can you contact him and say that our Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce is willing to join the Holy Empire?"

ps: Ask for automatic subscription, ask for full subscription, ask for support. superior.

Chapter 451 Joanna's expectations! Goodbye Lin Yi! The army is coming! Chaos Empire!

Hear this.

Joanna's eyes suddenly floated over.

It fell on the top of the chamber of commerce, revealing a kind of disgust.

She did have friendship with His Majesty Lin Yi, the ruler of the Holy Empire, but how long ago was that?

Of course, although the time gap was indeed not long, at that time, the Holy Empire was far from being as powerful as it is now.

When she first met Lin Yi.

Lin Yi hasn't even become a **** yet.

now what?

Lin Yi has entered the realm of the pinnacle gods, with eight gods under his command, nearly a million true gods.

Compared to that time~

The current strength of Lin Yi and the Holy Empire has increased more than ten thousand times.

And she was still just a saint-level professional.

Not to mention comparing with Lin Yi, even if the weakest angel was randomly pulled from the Holy Empire, his strength is much stronger than her.

Lin Yi belongs to the 'Supreme God' of the Endless Continent.

And she is the mortal at the bottom of the endless continent.

The gap between the status and strength of the two can directly wipe out the so-called friendship before.

At the beginning, Lin Yi kindly reminded her to let her evacuate [Palenque City] with Yuanyuexiang, and it is best to leave the Radiance Empire, which is already considered as the end of friendship.

How could she be so embarrassed to go to see Lin Yi again?

What's more, even if she goes, she may not be able to see Lin Yi herself.

Therefore, the proposal of the high-level chamber of commerce is completely meaningless.

It's like crap!

Seeing that her father Ron was also looking at her with a look of hope, Joanna could only say: "I don't have the contact information of His Majesty Lin Yi. In the past, our Chamber of Commerce made transactions with His Majesty Lin Yi, and I went to His Majesty Lin Yi. Castle, there is no means of direct contact!"

"What's more~"

"The relationship between me and His Majesty Lin Yi is not as deep as you think!"

"We've always been just partners!"

"In the many transactions, His Majesty Lin Yi did not take advantage of us. On the contrary, the transaction allowed us to obtain more profits!"

"If it weren't for the millions of precious stones, gold and silverware, and antique ornaments that were obtained from His Majesty Lin Yi... Our Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce would not have been able to expand in a short period of time!"

"That is to say~"

"We are also gainers!"

Joanna said: "I'm just a mortal, but His Majesty Lin Yi is a more powerful pinnacle **** than His Majesty Gladstone, coercing the entire Endless Continent!"

"How can I see such a **** if I want to?"

Hear this.

President Ron and the executives of the Chamber of Commerce present were immediately disappointed.

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