Make it a little hard for them to accept.

The Holy Lord Gladstone said in a voice full of inspiration: "Don't worry, our empire will definitely survive the crisis!"

"Wait for the light and hope to come~"

"Our empire will be reborn, and all other native empires will pay enough price for today's indifference!"


"The end of truth is light!"

"We will definitely win!"

"Praise you, Your Majesty the Great Gladstone!"

The core executives present immediately saluted respectfully.

It seems that the words of the Lord of Light, Gladstone, have played a role, making them all confident, as if they can really get through this crisis~


In an instant.

The time has come to evening.

The blood moon rose slowly from the east, and the blood light enveloped the earth.

Compared with the past, today's blood moon seems to be brighter, and the blood light it emits is also more intense, making many king-level monsters become violent~

Chapter 450 The Terrified People of the Imperial Capital! The end of the road is reached! Reproduce Miss Joanna!

Night has come.

An extraordinarily rich blood light enveloped the entire world.

All over the world, wild monsters have fallen into rage, and even those king-level monsters have been affected and become manic and restless.

Obviously, the wild monsters have entered a violent state, which is directly related to the blood moon.

It can even be said that it was influenced by the demon-.

As more and more abyss demons were transported to the blood moon, the radiance emitted by the blood moon became richer and brighter~

In the light, the evil power of the abyss is also increasing.

Wild monsters with low intelligence are the most vulnerable.

Become a raging monster!

If it is directly exposed to the evil power of the abyss demon, then even intelligent races may be demonized and become 'monsters'.

The Naga family is one of the typical victims.

In ancient times~

Before the battle of the plane gods came.

There is no Naga race in the Endless Continent.

The predecessors of all Naga are dark elves, also known as night elves.

Night elves, like nature elves, belong to the family of elves.

In the age of ancient gods, night elves and nature elves were still sisters, fighting against the burning legion from the abyss world together.

The end of the battle of the gods~

A large number of night elves were eroded by the evil forces of the abyss and turned into Naga with strange snake tails.

Later, after the war of gods is over~

The world of the endless continent worried that the Naga would continue to harm the races on the continent like the demons, so they directly exiled the Naga family to the Sea of ​​Wailing.

And regard the Naga as evil banshees, which are not tolerated by intelligent races.

As for the dark elves, they were also influenced by Naga and were forced to go to the underground world, becoming one of the famous underground dark races.

From the Naga family, you can see the horror of the evil power of the abyss.

If no protective measures are taken, the intelligent race is also likely to be eroded by the evil forces of the abyss and become 'magical creatures'.

Of course, at this stage, are there any intelligent races affected by the Blood Moon.

After all, for 100,000 years, the intelligent race has been irradiated by the light of the blood moon every day, and the racial genes have also had some resistance to the evil forces of the abyss.

I believe that even if the Burning Legion invades the Endless Continent~

There is basically no second 'Naga' to appear.

Of course, these are not important.

At least for the people of the Radiant Empire, whether the light of the blood moon has become more intense is not a concern for them at all, because they are now worried about the incoming Holy Empire and the army of the castle forces.


Under the night, the radiant imperial capital is brightly lit.

Countless magic lanterns are scattered all over the imperial capital, reflecting the entire glorious imperial capital like daylight.

However, the usual bustling streets of the imperial capital are now devoid of half a person.

All the people of the imperial capital hid in their homes.

There were also some ordinary professionals gathered in the restaurant, and there was a lot of discussion.

From the perspective of God, it can be found that whether it is the people of the imperial capital who are hiding or the ordinary professionals who gather together, all of them are horrified and their eyes are full of worry.

Because they have already received the message.

The army from the Holy Empire and the castle forces has defeated the army of the Dark Empire, and successfully assembled and killed them towards the Radiant Emperor.

They are very aware of how terrifying the strength of the Holy Empire and the castle forces are.

A few days ago, the high-level officials of their imperial capital had assembled an army of professionals with a scale of 2 trillion, and recruited massive war airships, as well as countless magic cannons, super-giant trebuchets and other war weapons to guard the Nasitino River.

The results of it?

It took less than three days for the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces to destroy the defensive line of the Nasitino River.

Hundreds of huge military heavy cities were blown up.

Most of the two trillion professional army were killed on the battlefield, only a few surrendered, and a few escaped by teleporting the magic circle through space.

It can be seen from this.

How powerful is the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Today, the trillions of troops of the Dark Empire have also been wiped out by the Holy Empire and the castle forces, which proves that the Holy Empire and the castle forces are absolutely invincible in the central area.

Not to mention that there is only one imperial capital left in the current glorious empire that is still lingering.

Even if the Radiance Empire is still in its heyday, it is not at all an opponent of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

After all, the current state of the Radiant Empire was caused by the power of the Holy Empire and the castle itself.

At this moment~

A large number of professionals gathered in the restaurants all over the imperial capital.

They were discussing the next battle to defend the imperial capital, and their voices were full of fear and tremors.

"According to the reliable news from the front, the Holy Empire and the castle forces have assembled six main gods, millions of gods, and an army of about ten trillion scales to attack our imperial capital!"

"It's terrifying!"

"The six main gods alone are enough to sweep our empire, not to mention millions of gods and an army of ten trillion scales!"

"How can we resist?"

"Only relying on Your Majesty and hundreds of thousands of Empire's true gods?"

"It's too difficult, just because the strength gap is too big!"

It has been nearly 100,000 years since the establishment of the Radiance Empire.

In such a long time, the Radiance Empire has also encountered countless enemies, including empires and racial forces, but no enemy has ever been as powerful as the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

The six main gods from the Holy Empire alone are enough to make the Radiant Empire tremble.

"Don't give up your faith!"

"We still have hope!"

Someone said: "It is said that the goddess of light, Pandora, who rules the gods of light, has come to our imperial capital to help us fight against the Holy Empire and the castle forces together!"

"is this real?"


The noble boy raised his head slightly and said, "My father's uncle's friend is a core executive of the empire, and this news came from him!"


Suddenly someone said excitedly: "Your Majesty the Goddess of Light, Pandora, that was already famous in the age of belief in the battle of gods hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"In the war of the age of faith~"

"The light gods camp headed by the goddess of light, Pandora, even defeated the dark gods camp headed by the goddess of darkness, Gabriela!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the goddess of light, Pandora, was the main god!"

"Now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the goddess of the goddess of light must be higher and stronger! Maybe it can be comparable to the goddess Isabelle, the elf goddess who rules the goddess of nature!"

"With the help of the goddess of light, Pandora, the defense of our imperial capital will be greatly enhanced!"

"That's right!"

"As someone said just now, we don't need to go out and fight the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, because that will only make us die faster!"

"We just need to guard the super-god-level magic defense shield that covers the imperial capital, and prevent the shield from being broken by the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces..."

"We are the winning side!"

"The two main gods, hundreds of thousands of true gods, more than one billion demigod-level powerhouses, plus countless divine power crystals, maintain the operation of the imperial capital's super-god-level magic defense shield..."

"It is absolutely impossible for the army of the Holy Empire and the castle to attack easily!"

"As long as we can hold out the battle of the gods, we will be victorious!"

"That's right!"

These remarks have been recognized by many brilliant professionals.

There are similar discussions in the entire Huiyao Imperial City.

When they learned that their Radiance Empire was not fighting alone, and that the goddess of light, Pandora, came to help them, all the Radiance people were excited.

The worries in their hearts also dissipated a lot.

One main **** and two main gods bring them a completely different sense of security.


At this time, in the Xicheng District of the Radiant Imperial Capital.

In the other courtyard of a certain chamber of commerce, in the hall, sat a middle-aged man and a woman with a delicate and beautiful face, who was in her early twenties.

In addition, there are several high-level chambers of commerce sitting on the side.

But compared to them, middle-aged men and beautiful women are the center of attention.

This chamber of commerce is called the Yuanyuexiang Chamber of Commerce.

The middle-aged man is Ron, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of demigods.

The beautiful woman is Joanna, who has had friendship with Lin Yi, and is also the daughter of President Ron.

At this moment~

President Ron's expression was very ugly.

The reason is very simple. As a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the demigod level, he was recruited by the Radiance Empire.

Although he is not a professional in the regular legion, but as a Hui Yao person and a demigod, he is also obliged to protect the Hui Yao Imperial Capital.

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