"Finally get master control of it!"

"As long as I get its master control and the approval of its core brain, I can control this super-giant mothership and make it the master's exclusive ship!"

Hear Anasta's words.

The smile on Lin Yi's face became even brighter.

His imperial butler is simply an all-round, all-round talent.

Never let him down!

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I'm waiting for your good news!"

"My lord, rest assured, I will be successful soon!"

Anasta's expression was solemn.

She is definitely not the kind of person who likes to brag.

She said soon, it must be soon.

Unless there is an accident in the middle, for example, a **** with a titan pantheon discovers her incarnation of the gods, and then destroys her analysis plan.

"I believe in you~"

Lin Yi held Anasta's hand.

He also has enough trust in Anasta.

Then, his eyes turned to the distant sky.

In the direction of (Li Lehao), the faint blood moon has risen, and the sky is gradually dimming.

"So far~"

"The army of truth in the Dark Empire has all been destroyed, and 200,000 dark gods, 500,000 alchemy puppets and undead slaves have died cleanly!"

"Hundreds of billions of Dark Empire professionals who fled have suffered more than half of the casualties!"

"On the other side of the battlefield, the army of puppets and undead of the Dark Empire is already less than a trillion!"

"This war will be over soon!"

Anasta nodded and said, "It will end tomorrow afternoon at the most! In Jie Shi, the entire army of the Dark Empire will be wiped out, and the next one to be wiped out is the Radiant Imperial Capital!"


Lin Yi agreed.

"The battle of gods is close at hand!"

"After destroying the Radiance Empire, I think we may not have time to continue to attack other local empires! After all, the Abyss Demons are our enemies anyway!"

"Lord, don't worry!"

Anasta said: "The strength of the empire is strong enough. As long as we can resist the pressure from the half-step god-king level of the abyss demon race, then this war cannot be lost!"

The speech paused.

Anasta said with a firm expression: "No matter how much the price is paid, I will grab the throne of the God King and help the Lord advance to the level of the highest God King!"

"The throne of the king of God, don't force it!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Without the throne of God King, I still have the Eternal Monument, and I can also improve my strength by killing the enemy!"

"I believe that I can definitely become the Supreme God King!"

"And your angel family will also sweep the entire real universe under my watch!"

"Praise you~"

"Almighty Lord!"

Anasta looked at Lin Yi with admiration.

At this time, she is just like Shirley and Candice, her eyes are shining, and she is beautiful~

far away~

The Lord God of Destruction, Elliot, walked out of a noble house.

Seeing Lin Yi and Anasta standing under the sunset, he immediately slipped back.

Don't dare to disturb the two-person world that belongs to them~

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Chapter 444 The official real background of the game! The true identity of the goddess of fate! This revenge must be avenged! (for automatic booking

"The power of the Holy Grail is really powerful!"

Anasta glanced at the figure slipping away in the distance.

That was Elliot, the famous **** of destruction in the **** system.

Whether it is on the battlefield of the gods of war in the ancient times, or in the more distant era of faith in the gods of war, the Lord God of Destruction, Elliot, is the overlord of one side.

The main **** of destruction, Elliott, and the main **** of slaughter, Agustin, are known as the most evil main **** duo in the faith pantheon.

in front of them.

The goddess of death Gryffindor, the Lich Lord Sid Arthur, etc. are nothing.

But now~

The evil main **** duo were forced to change their beliefs and camps by the Holy Grail.

Not only joined the Holy Empire, but also became a believer of Lin Yi.

Here you can see~

How terrifying the power of the Holy Grail.

Of course, the role of [Angel Reincarnation Pool] cannot be ignored.

But anyway~

The Holy Grail's soul-transforming ability is the first prerequisite.

If there is no Holy Grail to destroy the souls of the Lord God Elliott and others and transform them into the souls of the Holy and Light camp, then even the [God-level Angel Reincarnation Pond] cannot revive them.

"Even in the illusory realm of angels and gods~"

"My angel family doesn't have such a fetish!"

Anasta was overwhelmed with emotion.

In the angel family, there are indeed things that can baptize the souls of enemies and heretics, but such god-defying gods like the Holy Grail do not exist at all.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether Elliott's soul can be transformed, the most important thing is that the Holy Grail can transform the soul of the Demon Lord!"

Anasta looked at Lin Yi in surprise and said, "Are you planning to convert the souls of the twelve demon masters of the abyss into your believers as gods?"

at this time~

She sensed the existence of the Demon Lord Quint and the tens of thousands of holy demons.

She suddenly understood~

Her Lord is not 'planning'.

But it's already on this path!

"Isn't this a very wonderful thing?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Using the twelve demon masters of the abyss to help us conquer the abyss demons! If I can capture the abyss demon again, then I can directly rule the abyss world!"

If the abyss demon emperor can be transformed into a believer belonging to God~

Lin Yi can completely sweep the real universe.

When conquering the alien world, he can use the [Burning Legion] to consume the strength of the alien world, and then use the army of angels to finish.

Or you can say~

Let the Burning Legion and the Fallen Angel Legion cooperate with the angel army to sweep the plane world of the enemy camp.

540 Think about it, this is a very wonderful thing!

Hear Lin Yi's words.

Anasta immediately said: "Lord, I will definitely suppress the Abyss Demon Emperor for you, bring his demon soul to you with my own hands, and make her your believer and god!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile.

Anasta thought for a moment, and then said, "My lord, now I'm back at the peak, and I'm back in charge of the Law of the God King! If I was surprised, I found something!"

"what have you found?"

Lin Yi looked puzzled.

Anasta said: "The illusory Angel God Realm doesn't actually exist. Our angel family is completely a race virtualized by the 'game official' of the castle power."

"And the "official game" is not just the world law of the endless continent! "

"A single world law does not possess such a powerful force!"

"Behind the laws of the Endless Continent world, there is a more powerful and vast force hidden!"

"It's my guess!"

Lin Yi nodded.

As early as a long time ago, he speculated that the "official game" is not only the world law of Endless Continent, but there are other people behind the scenes.

Now I hear Anasta say that.

He is even more certain!

Lin Yi asked, "Anasta, who do you think is standing behind the 'official game', besides the world law of the Endless Continent, or which force?"

Anasta said: "If nothing else, it should be the Pantheon!"


Lin Yi was stunned.

"Isn't the ancient gods of the Pantheon destroyed?"

[Pantheon] is a supreme temple built by the ancient Titan gods.

Millions of years ago, the Pantheon swept across the worlds of thousands of planes, coercing the heavens and the world.

But with the destruction of the ancient Titan gods~

[Pantheon] also declined.

The heavens and the world have forgotten the glory of the [Pantheon] and the ancient Titan gods.

It is only known that the [Supreme God Realm] governed by the ancient Titan God system has become a lost relic.

The [Pantheon] has also become a battlefield where the gods of various gods 'regularly' compete for treasures.

Countless plane races believe that the ancient Titan **** system has disappeared in the long river of history and will not appear again.

But now~

Anasta mentioned [Pantheon] to Lin Yi.

It is said that the Pantheon is also one of the dominant players behind the castle power.

This made Lin Yi feel extremely surprised.

Anasta said: "My lord, the legend is indeed so! All races of life believe that the Pantheon and the ancient Titan gods have been destroyed (cddh) and disappeared in the years!"

"Even the corpse of the king of the gods who ruled the ancient Titan gods, the supreme **** king, was buried in the pantheon!"


"It's just a legend after all!"

"No one has seen the corpse of the King of the Gods with their own eyes!"

"The feeling in the dark tells me that one of the leaders behind the castle power is the Pantheon! Of course, this is just my intuition!"

Hear this.

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