"Abyss Demon Race!"

Anasta's expression was a little serious.

Seeing this, Lin Yi also turned serious.

Being able to make Anasta, who has been promoted to the level of a half-step **** king, take it seriously, which is enough to show that the 'things' that Anasta fears are extremely dangerous.

Lin Yi asked, "What did you find?"

Anasta said: "After being promoted to the Half-Step God King, I instinctively sensed that danger was approaching! And the source of the danger comes from the Blood Moon!"

Blood Moon, the stronghold of the demons!

Lin Yi frowned and said, "With your strength, you also feel threatened?"


Anasta nodded and said, "It is foreseeable that the abyss demons are not what we imagined. There is only one abyss demon emperor at the half-step **** king level and twelve demon masters at the main **** level!"

"If nothing else happens~"

"The abyss demons must be hiding some kind of particularly amazing means々"!"

"Enough to threaten me!"


Lin Yi was silent for a moment.

Then, he informed Anasta of the true identity of the Abyss Demon Sovereign.

After listening, Anasta was also very surprised.

"The demon emperor who rules the abyss demons turned out to be from the Pantheon and one of the ancient Titan gods who joined the Pantheon, not a demon?"


Lin Yi nodded.

This secret was told to him by the elf goddess Isabelle.

Certainly not fake!

After all, the elf goddess Isabelle is also his sister-in-law and an ally who has concluded a covenant. There is no need to fool him on this issue.

Anasta said: "It seems that the abyss demons must also hide the means from the Pantheon or the ancient Titan gods!"


"As the ancient Titan God who joined the Pantheon, the Demon Emperor of the Abyss must have more means and cards than the Titan gods!"

In the Titan **** system, there is a hidden inheritance of cards from the Pantheon.


One is a bloodline descendant.

One is the living ancient Titan God.

The means and cards at hand are definitely more of the latter.

With the relationship between the Abyss Demon Emperor and the [Pantheon], as well as the ancient Titan **** system, it is completely reasonable for him to collect some ancient trump cards.

Lin Yi nodded.

He said: "It seems that I still underestimated the strength of the Abyss Demon Race!"

He originally thought that after Anasta was promoted to the level of a half-step **** king, he would be able to sit back and relax.

But obviously, he underestimated the Abyss Demon Race.

In other words, underestimate the abyss demon emperor who dominates the abyss world and created a family of demons with one hand.

This 'ancient Titan God' who has lived from ancient times to the present belongs to the kind of unfathomable old monster.

Lots of cards!


"My strength should be stronger than the Abyss Demon Emperor!"


Anasta paused for a moment and continued: "If the Abyss Demon King still has a half-step god-king-level helper, it will be difficult for me to suppress him!"

With her current strength.

You can defeat the Abyss Demon King one-on-one.

If the Abyss Demon Sovereign has one or two helpers, she can only barely compete.

Facing the upcoming battle of gods, Anasta instinctively sensed a crisis. She could be sure that in the great abyss world, the half-step god-king level combat power was not only the abyss demon emperor, but there were others at the same level. powerful presence.

Because of this~

She will have a sense of crisis!

Otherwise, how could she have such a feeling out of thin air?

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, there will always be a solution!"

He now finally understands why the laws of the world of the Endless Continent cultivated the God of Truth in one hand, and then turned to cultivate their castle power.

Obviously, the world law of the endless continent also knows that the strength of the abyss demon is very terrifying.

Relying on the gods of faith and the gods of truth, they are not opponents of the abyss demons at all.

Therefore, the world law of Endless Continent places all the blessings, or hopes, on their castle forces.

I hope the castle power can rise~

Defeat the abyss demons in the battle of gods not long after.

Anasta looked at Lin Yi and said, "When the lord realizes the law of the **** king and is promoted to the level of the half-step **** king, we should not be afraid of the abyss demons!"

Alone, she can't resist many 'half-step **** kings'.

But if you add Lin Yi, it will be different.

Once Lin Yi is promoted to the level of a half-step **** king, then his strength is stronger than Anasta.

After all, he holds the source of the divine power law with more than a thousand different attributes.

In addition, Lin Yi is the lord of the empire and can mobilize the power of the people of the empire.

A combination of factors

Lin Yi's strength is very terrifying.

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said, "I will comprehend the law of the **** king as soon as possible, and strive to be promoted to the half-step **** king before the battle of gods comes!"

"The Lord will surely succeed!"

Anasta has unreserved trust in Lin Yi.

Even Lin Yi himself did not have enough confidence.

Anasta said: "The Radiance Empire is a force of the light camp. There are a lot of gods in its camp, and they hold the origin of the divine power law!"

"In this war, the army of angels can kill all those gods!"

"The source of the divine divine power law obtained is handed over to the Lord for fusion!"

"In addition, with the help of the Eternal Monument..."

"I believe that the Lord will soon be able to break through and be promoted to the half-step **** king!"

As Lin Yi's imperial butler~

Anasta was very thoughtful.

After all, even Lin Yi himself didn't put his mind on those gods of truth who dazzled the empire.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that he didn't think about it.

I have to say~

With Anasta, Lin Yi has a lot less worries and troubles.

"In this way, my promotion speed will be faster!"

Lin Yi had a smile on his face.

Immediately he asked: "How is your incarnation in the Titan God Realm? Have you solved the secret of that super-giant mothership?"

The [Super-Giant Mothership] located in the forbidden area of ​​the Titan God Realm is the inheritance of the Thunder Titans to the [Pantheon].

This [super-giant mothership] has the terrifying power of a half-step god-king level.

Back in the Void World, Anasta was about to suppress and kill the Titan Lord Patrick. It was this [super-giant mothership] that released a beam of light that forcibly teleported the Titan Lord Patrick out of the battlefield.

Without the help of this [super-giant mothership]~

The Titan Lord Patrick will surely fall under Anasta's Angel Excalibur.

After all, Anasta's natal sword contains the power of the law of time and space, she can reverse the time like Lin Yi, and the Titan Lord Patrick can't escape even if she wants to.

Even if she escaped, she would be forcibly pulled back to the battlefield by Anasta.

It was the [Super-Giant Mothership] that limited Anasta's divine power and rescued the Titan Lord Patrick.

Hear Lin Yi's words.

Anasta closed her eyes slightly.

Connect with the incarnation of the gods hidden in the Titans.

Soon, she received some information and said to Lin Yi: "Report to my lord, my avatar has entered the main control room of the super-giant mothership, and is analyzing the hidden mysteries."

"very good!"

Lin Yi was instantly overjoyed and said, "If we can get the main control authority of this super-giant mothership, then this weapon of war with half-step god-king level power will belong to us!"

Compared to [Sky City].

Undoubtedly, the power of this [super-giant mothership] is even more terrifying.

After all, it is a weapon of war created by the ancient Titans of the [Pantheon] who gathered technology and extraordinary power.

It is the crystallization of scientific and technological civilization and extraordinary civilization!

And [Sky City] is just an ordinary war weapon of the angel family.

In the angel family, there are more powerful weapons of war than [Sky City] and [Glory: Angel City], which is enough to easily kill the main **** and severely damage the half-step **** king.

In addition, legend has the most powerful [Supreme God City].

[Supreme God City] is the exclusive ship of the creation gods of the angel family, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Even the Supreme God King will be shocked by the weapons loaded by [Supreme God City].

Because according to the records of the angel family [Seven Days of Creation God Record], a terrifying weapon called [Cosmic Destruction Cannon] is loaded in [Supreme God City].

[Cosmic Destruction Cannon], one shot can blast through the entire universe.

You can imagine how terrifying it is!

In front of it, the dimensional world, the plane world, and the celestial bodies in the universe are all pediatrics.

Of course~

These are what Anasta told Lin Yi.

Lin Yike has never seen the [Seven Days of Creation God Record].


"¨々 Lord~"

Anasta said: "When I was in the illusory universe, I also conquered a large number of technological civilizations, including many advanced technological civilizations of the ninth level!"

"I also have a lot of knowledge in the field of science and technology!"

"Now, my **** position has been elevated to the level of a half-step **** king."

"God is more powerful!"

"Combined with my achievements in the field of technology, I believe that as long as you give me a certain amount of time, I can solve the mystery of that super-giant mothership!"

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