
The other demon masters present agreed.

The opponent of the Holy Empire this time is just a small dark empire.

The suppressed dark gods are only 200,000, and even if you add those god-level alchemy puppets and god-level undead servants, there are only 700,000.

After suppressing the mere 700,000 gods, two people were promoted to the level of the main god.

In exchange for their abyss demon **** system, how many god-level demons are there?

Over a billion, and more!

As long as the Holy Empire participates in the battle of gods and kills a large number of demon gods in the future, then there will definitely be more gods in the Holy Empire who will be promoted to the realm of the main gods.

Once the gods of the Holy Empire grow up with the help of God Wars.

It is absolutely unstoppable!

Therefore, they must destroy the Holy Empire as soon as possible, and not give the Holy Empire the opportunity to participate in the battle of gods, in order to prevent the gods of the Holy Empire from killing a large number of demon gods on the battlefield, and thus have been promoted to the level of the main god.

"Other castle forces can be ignored!"

"Compared to the Holy Empire, their threat is almost negligible!"

"Our focus on destroying the target is the Holy Empire!"

"Intuition tells me that if this small empire-level force is not destroyed as soon as possible, the threat it will bring to us will far exceed the belief system and the truth system!"

"That's right!"

"I have to admit that I was a little scared to witness the promotion of the two gods of the Holy Empire to the realm of the main gods on the battlefield!"

"The key is……"

"It is said that there are still two top gods in the Holy Empire!"

"Their strength is no less than the most powerful Demon Lord among us!"


Suddenly, a sneer came.

Voice is the second devil of the abyss world.

Among the Twelve Demon Lords, his strength and status are second only to the first Demon Lord Fergussis.

The second Demon Lord sneered and said, "What about the Peak Lord God? When we attacked other plane worlds, it wasn't that we didn't encircle the Peak Lord God!"

"I don't think the two peak gods of the Holy Empire can compare to me!"

"Don't be careless!"

The first Demon Lord Fergussis said with a serious expression: "The ruler of the Holy Empire, human Lin Yi, is a master **** of time and space, and he also holds nearly two hundred different attributes of the source of the law of divine power!"

"The other eighteen-winged archangel named Anasta, after being promoted to the pinnacle of the main god, also strongly defeated the ancient Titan Lord Patrick!"

"The strength of the two of them should not be underestimated!"

"Of course I don't despise them!"

The Second Demon Lord said expressionlessly: "It's okay to face the opponent, but it doesn't mean that I will feel that my strength is not as good as the two of them!"

"I have practiced for millions of years!"

"Mastering countless powerful demonic secret techniques!"

"It's only one step away from being promoted to the realm of a half-step **** king!"

"How can I be weaker than the two main gods of the Holy Empire who have only practiced for two months? Compared to me, their divine power is too vain!"

"I want to beat them, it's not a problem at all!"

This is not megalomania.

It is the invincible self-confidence that belongs to the Second Demon Lord.

He has never been defeated, whether he was fighting the Endless Continent in the ancient times, or attacking other plane worlds and besieging and suppressing the main **** of other plane worlds.

In the abyss world where the strong are like clouds~

Apart from His Majesty the Abyss Demon Emperor, he also believes that he is no weaker than any other demon.

Even if it is the first Demon Lord Fergussis and the third Demon Lord, who are also the main gods of the peak, it is basically impossible to defeat him.

He is so confident!

The will and faith to fight is even more invincible!

"It's good to be careful!"

The third Demon Lord, who had been silent for a while, also spoke up.

Just because, for some unknown reason, when he mentioned Lin Yi, the ruler of the Holy Empire, and the eighteen-winged archangel Anasta, he would have a bad feeling.

"There's no point in arguing about it now!"

On the side, Constanya, the succubus master of the fifth demon master with a beautiful face, said: "When the war of gods starts, can't we be the first to destroy the Holy Empire?"


The other demon masters also nodded.

The Holy Empire did pose a great threat to them.

However, it is only a threat!

As long as the Holy Empire is destroyed, the threat will naturally be lifted (cddh).

"I've always been curious about..."

At this time, a Demon Lord overlooked the endless continent in the distance. His eyes traveled hundreds of millions of kilometers, ignoring the space and thick clouds, and fell on the imperial capital of the Holy Empire.

The imperial capital of the Holy Empire was covered by a dazzling light mask.

Even if he is as powerful as a Demon Lord, his eyes cannot penetrate the mask and see the scene in the Sacred Imperial Capital.

"What is hidden in the imperial capital of the Holy Empire!"

"Why is the protection so tight?"

"Intuition tells me that there are countless things hidden in it that will make us Demon Lords very interested!"

"I'm curious too, but I'm not going to guess!"

The Fourth Demon Lord, the Ancestor of the Rock Demon said with a smile: "When we break through the Holy Empire, no matter what secrets are hidden in the imperial capital, they will all be presented to us!"


The Fifth Demon Lord Constantia said, "I don't know why, but I don't have the slightest affection for this Holy Empire, especially the human majesty who rules the Holy Empire!"

"It seems that he was born to be my enemy!"

"Is there such a feeling?"

The first Demon Lord Fergussis looked surprised.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Could it be that your natal master artifact, the Sorrow of Time, is in the hands of that human being?"


The Fifth Demon Lord Constanya was stunned.

It seems that she has never thought about this issue.

Is it really like what the First Demon Lord Fergussis said?

After thinking for a moment, the fifth Demon Lord Constanya shook his head again and said, "It shouldn't be possible! It was a Demon Lord who took the sorrow of my time, not a human being!"

"How can humans have this ability?"

"And if the ruler of the Holy Empire is a hidden alien demon master, it is even more impossible! After all, the world law of the Endless Continent is not stupid enough to cultivate a demon!"

"Since the ruler of the Holy Empire is not the Alien Demon Lord, then it is naturally impossible for him to have the ability to **** my natal master artifact!"

"You're right!"

The first Demon Lord Fergussis nodded.

How could a human being **** and subdue the main artifact of their abyss demon race?

Only the devil can do it!

"Don't worry about the alien demon master!"

"Sooner or later, he will expose himself to us!"

The Fourth Demon Lord, the Ancestor of the Rock Demon, overlooked the Endless Continent in the distance and said, "I can't wait to enter the Endless Continent and destroy the Holy Empire!"

"Just like you, I don't like the angels of the Holy Empire!"

"The angel family of the Holy Empire is obviously a god-level race created by the world law of the endless continent to target our abyss demons!"

"In this battle of gods, we must destroy the angel family!"

"Give some color to the world law of the Endless Continent!"

"By the way, let it know how terrifying the strength of our abyss demons is! And let it understand that its only choice is to obey obediently and be swallowed and assimilated by the power of my abyss world!"


"When the battle of gods comes, let the Holy Empire strike!"

The other demon masters agreed.

They have made up their minds to destroy the Holy Empire.

Even if you pay some price for it, there is no problem at all.


Holy Empire, Imperial Capital~

Lin Yi, who was sitting on the throne of the imperial palace, seemed to feel something.

Eyes opened.

In his black and white pupils, there are dense starlights.

Those starlights represent the source of the divine power law that he has mastered.

The strength of the starlight also represents the strength of his own source of divine power.

Among all the stars~

The three stars are the brightest and the largest.

Their corresponding origins of divine power laws are the origin of the divine power law of destruction, the origin of the slaughter divine force law, and the origin of the abyss divine force law.

Lin Yi has mastered more than 1,400 sources of divine power laws with different attributes.

Among them, the origin of these three divine power laws is the most vast and pure.

Even the origin of the law of time and space divine power is not as good.

This is because Lin Yi previously absorbed a large number of the Law of Destruction Divine Power and the Law of Slaughter Divine Power, which greatly increased the power of the source of these two laws.

As for the origin of the abyss divine power law~

It's because in Lin Yi's body, there are three full of evil master artifacts from the abyss world that are cultivating it alone.

They are [Eyes of the Abyss], [Mourning of Time], and [Blood Magic Wings of the Abyss].

The three abyss master artifacts together support Lin Yi's source of the abyss divine power law, and its power is naturally increased very fast.

"It's still a little off!"

"Sure enough, it is not an easy thing to master the laws of the God King!"

Lin Yi is now one step away from being promoted to a **** king.

But it is not easy to realize and master a law of the king of gods.

At least he wants to rely on self-cultivation in a short period of time, and it is impossible to promote the source of a certain divine power law to [God King Law].

So, you have to find another way!

"Those guys above the blood moon are restless again!"

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