In the Holy Empire, Shirley, Olivia, Kadis, Dale, and Fengqing are all Lin Yi's companions.

All five are very close.

Naturally, Shirley would choose to help Olivia.

instead of helping her.

Of course, she wasn't jealous, and she didn't hold any grudge against Shirley because of it.

At most it's just envy.

"¨々 There are no higher-ranking dark gods on the battlefield!"

"A dozen high-ranking dark gods have all been killed!"

"But it doesn't matter. Among the remaining tens of thousands of dark gods, there are still many middle gods! Kill a few more, and I can still be promoted to the realm of the main **** in this war!"

Is thinking.

A dozen figures were captured.

These figures are all middle-ranked dark gods, and several of them are at the peak of the middle-ranking gods.

And the person who caught them was the sixteen-winged Archangel Shirley.

"Xue Li Er, you are..."

Goddess Medusa Christine was suddenly stunned.

Xue Lier said with a smile: "Christine, you also have the potential to be promoted to the level of the Lord God. Now that Olivia is already being promoted, it will naturally be your turn!"

"Thank you!"

Goddess Medusa, Christine, sincerely thank you.

The sixteen-winged Archangel Shirley was the first multi-winged angel to follow Lin Yi.

When she was conceived by Lin Yi, Shirley was just a four-winged archangel.

It was Lin Yi, who consumed countless [arms evolution blueprints] to cultivate Xue Lier step by step into the current 16-winged Archangel.

The **** position has also entered the level of the peak of the upper god!

Moreover, Shirley is also Lin Yi's first partner!

It can be said that although in the Holy Empire, Xue Li'er's strength is not the strongest, not even in the top ten, but her status is very detached.

Even the eighteen-winged Seraph Kadis, who commanded the Holy Empire's army of angels and the empire's army, could not surpass Shirley's status in Lin Yi's heart.

For this~

Goddess Medusa, Christine, who has been in the Holy Empire for so long, can naturally see it.

Seeing that Xue Lier personally went to suppress a dark **** and brought it over to kill her, a deep feeling of gratitude suddenly emerged from the depths of her heart.

Obviously, Shirley sees her as her own.

Otherwise, how could he take the initiative to help her?

"you are welcome!"

A soft smile appeared on Xue Li'er's delicate and flawless cheeks, and she said, "You are the **** of the Lord. After you have been promoted to the realm of the Lord God, you will be of great help to the Lord and the Holy Empire!"

"I leave these heresies to you!" (Li Lehao)

"it is good!"

Goddess Medusa Christine nodded.

After Xue Lier turned around and left, Christine completely ignored the dark gods who were begging for mercy in front of her, and killed them all directly.

She has no mercy for the gods of the dark and evil camp.

Because she knows very well what the gods of these factions have done.

After collecting the items that exploded after the death of the dark gods, as well as their godheads, the goddess of Medusa, Christine, joined other battlefields and frantically harvested the lives of the dark gods.

When this battle of gods comes to an end~

When it's about to end...

A bright smile finally appeared on the beautiful cheeks of the Goddess of Medusa Christine.

She feels it!

The door of the Lord God has been completely opened for her!

Sure enough, just between this thought, a dazzling golden light descended from the sky, shrouding the goddess of Medusa Christine inside.

Thanks to the Dark Empire, she also succeeded!

"After practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, I was finally able to be promoted to the realm of the Lord God!"

At this moment, the goddess of Medusa Christine only felt relieved.

The soul seems to be sublimated!

Soon, she came back to her senses, her figure flickered, and she moved away from the battlefield to break through.

She was still very nervous, worried that she would fail the promotion.

Although she knows that after becoming a castle creature, as long as the 'experience' reaches a certain level and there is an upgrade golden light, it is absolutely impossible to break through and fail.

But she still couldn't calm down.

After all, this is the realm of being promoted to the Lord God!

"Praise Your Majesty!"

After leaving the battlefield, the Goddess of Medusa, Christine, whispered, and immediately began to break through.

Since then, the Holy Empire has added another Lord God!

And this scene~

It also directly shocked countless gods who were watching the battle.

Even the twelve Demon Lords above the Blood Moon have all lost their color.

A war, the birth of two main gods!

Is this the horror of the Holy Empire?

Chapter 439 Terrified Demon Lords! Take the Holy Empire first! Lin Yi's regret! Double happiness!

In particular, the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss were so shocked that they could not extricate themselves.

After a lapse of 100,000 years, they came to the Blood Moon again, overlooking the Endless Continent.

To them.

The changes in the endless continent are too great!

And relative to the local forces of the endless continent, and the belief in the gods~

These demon masters from the abyss world do not know very much about the castle power. At most, they only know that the castle power is the world law of the Endless Continent. "Do your best" to train them to deal with them.

Originally, the twelve demon masters of the abyss did not take the castle power in their eyes.

Even if the castle forces have a growth potential and speed that is enough to make them stunned, but after all, the development time is too short, how can they threaten their powerful abyss demons?

Not even the Holy Empire, known as the strongest castle power!

"I know that there are many main gods in the Holy Empire!"

"There are as many as six, even seven!"

"But what I didn't expect is that the main **** of the Holy Empire has increased by two in a short period of time! It has reached a full nine!"

"Such an increase in speed..."

"It's terrifying!"

The fourth demon master, the ancestor of the rock demon, widened his eyes, his eyes filled with horror.

It was just a small-scale battle of gods for him, and two gods in the Holy Empire were promoted to the level of the main god.

How terrible is this?

Not to mention the local gods who are watching the battle~

Even the Demon Lords who have swept through countless planes and worlds feel incredible.

100,000 years have passed~

The abyss world has spawned countless demons, and a large number of demons have been promoted to the realm of demon gods.

And their famous twelve demon masters have also improved more or less.

Many demon masters have been promoted from the middle stage of the main **** of the year to the late stage of the main **** today.

But it doesn't matter~

The important thing is that for a full 100,000 years, there was no new devil born in their abyss world, that is, no new born Lord God appeared.

Those demon gods at the peak of the upper gods have all stopped!

It is difficult to achieve a breakthrough to a higher divine position!

Here you can see~

How difficult it is to be promoted to the realm of the Lord God.

However, the gods of the Holy Empire were in a small-scale battle of gods, and two gods from the peak of the upper gods were promoted to the realm of the main god.

It really makes them unbelievable!

It also made them feel frightened and uneasy.

Just because the number of the main gods of the Holy Empire has increased too fast.

well known~

The castle forces came to the Endless Continent under the call of the Spirit of World Law, and it only took two short months.

Two months~523

The Holy Empire started from nothing.

Not only has hundreds of thousands of gods and gods been cultivated, but also nine main gods have been born.

How shocking is this?

Even the Twelve Demon Lords of the Abyss were frightened.

However, what they didn't know was that there were not nine main gods of the Holy Empire.

So far, there have been ten.

They are Lin Yi, Anasta, God's Punishment Angel Angela, Eighteen-Winged Seraph Kadis, Eighteen-Winged Fallen Archangel Dale, Aurora Goddess Silvina, and Creation Angel Ti Xia, the Demon Lord Quint, and the newly promoted Elf Mother Tree Spirit Olivia and Medusa Goddess Christine.

A whole ten main gods!

Among them, Demon Lord Quint and his army of holy demon gods have been hidden in Lin Yi's holy imperial capital, and are shrouded in super god-level magical defenses.

Except for Lin Yi, almost no one knew of their existence.

The twelve demon masters of the abyss do not know that Lin Yi has mastered the ability to subdue these abyss demon masters.

Believe it, no surprises~

Once the Demon Lord Quint and his army of holy demon gods appear on the battlefield of the battle of gods, they will definitely give a big surprise to the Twelve Abyss Demon Lords and other demon gods.


A demon master said with a solemn expression: "You are right, the Holy Empire is the great enemy of our abyss demons! Aside from the fact that this empire has our mortal enemy angels, the growth rate of the Holy Empire alone is enough to threaten to us!"

"The speed of its growth is indeed terrifying!"

"Holy Empire, it must be eliminated!"

"After the war of gods starts and our demon army enters the endless continent, we should destroy the Holy Empire as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, this empire ruled by humans will surely become a big problem for our confidants!"

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