Well, Lin Yi is now in this state.

Second to the half-step **** king, stronger than the peak god.

With Lin Yi's current strength, it is no longer that a peak **** can compete.

Take the twelve demon masters of the abyss as an example, Lin Yi can rely on his own strength to compete with the first demon master, the second demon master and the third demon master who have the status of the pinnacle god.

It could even be said that he was able to suppress the three demon masters together.

Even with the remaining nine demon masters, he can also be swept away by him.

This is the terrifying divine power brought to Lin Yi by more than 1,400 different sources of divine power laws.


Lin Yi said with a smile: "Your Highness should not compare with me! Our opponent is the abyss demon emperor who holds the half-step god-king status!"

Hearing the title 'Abyss Demon King'.

The expression of the elf goddess Isabelle also suddenly became serious.

No one can ignore the terrifying existence of the 'Abyss Demon Emperor'!

After all, in terms of the years of cultivation, as the first batch of ancient gods who believed in the endless continent, she was only a junior in front of the Abyss Demon Emperor.

"The arrival of the Abyss Demon Sovereign is definitely a catastrophe for my Endless Continent!"

"I can already predict that countless creatures, even gods, will fall into this disaster!"

"What should come will come!"

Lin Yi said: "Excessive worry will only destroy one's prestige! In ancient times, the abyss demons were the losers! In today's era, our castle power, your belief in the gods, and the truth gods that rule the endless continent, three Together, the camp will be able to defeat the Abyss Demon Race!"

The elf goddess Isabelle looked up at Lin Yi and said with a smile, "Your Majesty seems to be full of confidence in this battle of gods!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "In the original world of our castle power, there is a saying that evil is invincible!"

"The demon family in the abyss world is known as the most evil creature in the real universe. Naturally, they can't beat us who are chasing the holiness and light!"

"Your Majesty is right!"

The Elf Goddess Isabelle responded with a smile.

She is also full of confidence in this battle of gods.

After all, she has now been promoted to the realm of the pinnacle Lord God.

The strength is far stronger than the ancient war of gods!

She believed that in this battle of gods, even if the Abyss Demon Emperor came in person, he would still be unable to conquer the Endless Continent.

The elf goddess Isabelle said: "The Pantheon is about to fall on the endless continent, and all races in the world will start a life and death battle with the Burning Legion on this vast land!"

"And our god's battlefield is located in a different time and space!"

"Jie Shi, the Pantheon will also open the door!"

"If Your Majesty wishes, we can join hands to enter the Pantheon!"

Isabelle told Lin Yi that there are countless treasures and crises in the Pantheon...

Form a team for greater security.

After all, their opponents are not only the dangers in the Pantheon, but also the threats from the Abyss Demon King and the Twelve Demon Lords from the abyss world.

Cooperation can win-win!

Lin Yi thought about it and said, "If there is a chance, we can join forces!"

He didn't talk too much.

After all, who knows what will happen then?

According to Lin Yi's speculation, before entering the Pantheon, the gods of the Endless Continent and the demon gods of the abyss may start a massive battle of gods in different time and space.

Once the outbreak of plane war.

There are so many uncertainties!

"According to His Majesty's will!"

The elf goddess Isabelle nodded.

Then she asked: "Does Your Majesty have the order of the gods to enter the Pantheon? If not, I can give Your Majesty a few!"

She told Lin Yi~

After the Pantheon is opened, only the gods who carry the [Order of the Gods] can be received by the Pantheon and then enter the Pantheon.

"The gods made me have, and there are many!"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile.

As early as before, when he killed the first god, the Beast God Balk, he received a **** order.

Afterwards, the angels of the Holy Empire successively suppressed a large number of beliefs in beast gods and millions of beliefs in evil gods.

Most of these gods are gods who have participated in the ancient battles.

Therefore, Lin Yi also obtained a large number of orders from the gods.

According to incomplete statistics, he should now have several thousand orders of the gods.

That is to say.

When the Pantheon opens, there will be thousands of gods from the Holy Empire's camp who are qualified to enter the Pantheon.

Of course, Lin Yi would not do such a thing.

After all, the Pantheon is also full of crises.

The more people go in, the more people die.

Lin Yi will only bring a group of powerful imperial gods into the Pantheon to hunt for treasure.

"Then there's no problem!"

Elf Goddess Isabelle nodded.

She recalled the previous battle of the gods in the starry sky. The Holy Empire had suppressed nearly 1.5 million believers in the evil gods, and naturally had a large number of orders of the gods in their hands.

After chatting for a while.

The elf goddess Isabelle said goodbye to Lin Yi.

She can't wait to find the goddess of the aurora, Silvina, to catch up.

Before leaving, though.

The elf goddess Isabelle suddenly noticed something unusual in the holy imperial capital.

She actually 'saw' many demons hidden in the imperial capital of the Holy Empire.

At that moment, she was stunned.

But what makes her feel strange is that the hidden demons are not only without the power of the abyss of evil, but full of the power of holiness and light.

This is very weird!

The scariest thing is...

All the tens of thousands of demons were actually demon gods.

Among them, there is even a main god!

This shocked the elf goddess Isabelle.

She couldn't hold back her curiosity, looked at Lin Yi who was sitting on the throne, and asked, "There are demons in your majesty's imperial capital?"

"They are a new species!"

3.7 Lin Yi said: "I call them holy demons!"

"They were killed by me before they were alive, and now they are resurrected by me!"

"They are my followers, like Aurora Goddess Sylvia!"

Lin Yi did not evade this question.

He led the elf goddess Isabelle into the imperial capital, and he never thought that the traces of the Demon Lord Quint and others could avoid Isabelle's perception.

After all, Isabelle is the top god.

With a sweep of divine sense, it can radiate the entire endless continent.

Demon Lord Quint and others are so close at hand, how could she not sense it?

Hear this.

The elf goddess Isabelle suddenly sighed: "The resurrection magic mastered by Your Majesty is really against the sky, even if I am the top god, I can't imagine it!"

Even the Abyss Demon God can be resurrected.

And after resurrection, he will become a believer of Lin Yi and belong to God.

Isn't this kind of resurrection magic?

Lin Yi said with a smile, "There are some restrictions on the bottom line!"

As for what the limit is, the elf goddess Isabelle didn't ask much.

After all, this is the secret of the Holy Empire!

The elf goddess Isabelle does not think that the relationship between her and Lin Yi has developed to the point where they can share their secrets.

Afterwards, Isabelle bowed to Lin Yi and left.

Its beautiful figure turned into a nine-colored light and disappeared in place.

As for Lin Yi, she calmed down and realized the origin of the law of divine power in the godhead in her body.

The source of the law of killing power, the source of the law of destruction, and the source of the law of abyss, which he has mastered, have reached the critical point of promotion to the law of the **** king.

He desperately hopes that the origin of these three laws of divine power can break through and be promoted to the laws of the king of gods.

In that way, he will step into the level of a half-step **** king!

Comparing shoulder to shoulder, or even surpassing the abyss demon emperor!

Chapter 417 The gods are amazed! The arrogance of the Holy Empire? Kill the red eyes! Falling back!

Battle of the Nasitino River.

The war became more and more intense.

There are more than ten trillion troops fighting on the battlefield between the two camps.

Among them, the size of the army of the Radiant Empire has reached two trillion.

The size of the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces is as high as eight trillion.

Adding up, the number of arms and professionals participating in the war has completely exceeded ten trillion, which can be called a vast scale.

At a glance.

All that came into view were figures that were fighting each other.

Just like the ocean of Wang Yang!

Such a large-scale war, even the gods of the major forces were attracted.

After all, the attacker is the most dazzling force in the Endless Continent today, and has the largest number of main gods compared to any god-level force.

Many gods are speculating~

The current strength of the Holy Empire is stronger than that of the oldest **** system, the Titan **** system.

The well-informed gods learned that there are two main gods in the Titan God Realm.

One is the ruler of the Titan pantheon, the Titan Lord Patrick.

The other is the great prophet of the Titan pantheon.

As for the Holy Empire, the number of main gods displayed has reached a full six, and two of them are the most powerful main gods at the peak level.

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