The beautiful fairy goddess appeared in front of him.

"It's a step too late!"

The elf goddess Isabelle smiled and looked at Lin Yi who was sitting on the throne.

Lin Yi immediately understood the purpose of her trip.

Obviously, the elf goddess Isabelle sensed the aura of the aurora goddess Silvia, so she came in a hurry, wanting to see her sister.

Never thought.

Aurora Goddess Silvia has left.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Sylvia has just left, if Her Highness the Goddess has anything to do with her, I will let her return to the imperial capital and meet Her Highness!"

"That's not necessary!"

The elf goddess Isabelle said: "I will find her myself later. As for now, I want to talk to your majesty alone!"

"Your Highness the Goddess has something to discuss with me?"

Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

The elf goddess Isabelle said: "It's not a big deal, I just want to thank Your Majesty! If it weren't for His Majesty's help, Sylvia would probably have a hard time finding a chance to be resurrected!"

"It's not necessary to thank you!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "I resurrected Sylvia, and I have my own selfishness! Now, the reborn Sylvia is already my believer and belongs to the gods, and has joined the camp of my Holy Empire!"

"If you can get a god-level combat power for nothing, why not do it?"

"Anyway, I still have to thank you!"

The elf goddess Isabelle sighed with emotion.

Immediately, they told Lin Yi about their belief in the "Four Sisters" and the past of the goddess Sylvia, the goddess of aurora, developing and strengthening the goddess of nature with her.

From speech and tone~

Lin Yi could hear that the elf goddess Isabelle was really grateful to him.

He even bowed his head and bowed to Lin Yi.

"Your Majesty's kindness, I will always remember the goddess of nature!"

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Chapter 416 Thanks from the Elf Goddess! Goddess gaffe! The deterrent power of the abyss demon emperor! Evil does not oppress righteousness! (for automatic booking

Seeing the elf goddess Isabelle in such a low profile.

It's not good for Lin Yi to humbly refuse again.

Decisively accepted the thanks from this beautiful elf goddess.

After all, it is only a verbal thank you, there is no thank you, and it doesn't matter if you accept it.

Of course, Lin Yi never thought about asking the elf goddess Isabelle to give him a gift.

the reason is simple.

He knows that the goddess of nature is very poor!

Whether it is the goddess of moonlight, the goddess of hunting, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of war, etc., or the elf goddess who has been promoted to the realm of the pinnacle **** in front of him, all of them are extremely poor.

To know.

When Lin Yi and the goddess of fate, Anistora, borrowed the crystallization of divine power, this ancient goddess with the status of the main **** could not produce a mere 100,000 crystallization of divine power.

Just because, all her divine power crystals were given to the goddess of nature.

In the battle of gods in ancient times~

There are many goddesses in the natural goddess department who have been severely injured and forced to fall into a deep sleep.

In order to make these goddesses recover as soon as possible, the natural goddess department has consumed countless crystals of divine power, and has completely drained the inventory of the goddesses.

In the end, it was only with the help of the goddess of fate, Anistora, that the goddesses had to return.

It can be seen that the goddess of the goddess of nature is now very poor.

The same goes for the elf goddess Isabelle, the lord of the pantheon.

Therefore, Lin Yi basically had no idea of ​​being able to obtain the crystals of divine power from the elf goddess Isabelle. He was already thankful that the goddess of elves did not borrow divine crystals from him.

Thank you or something, don't even think about it.

Perhaps the elf goddess Isabelle also knew her predicament and didn't open her mouth to mention the thank you gift.

Her thank you was to lower her posture and bow to Lin Yi.

Of course, this is not pretence.

She is very sincere.

I am sincerely grateful to Lin Yi.

I am grateful to him for resurrecting the aurora female "May 10" **** Sylvia.

Back then, Aurora Goddess Sylvia evacuated the Endless Continent in order to cover the goddesses of the natural goddess department, and with her own power, stopped many demon masters.

In the end, he was defeated, and his body was blown up.

The soul also suffered heavy losses.

Sleeping in the consciousness of nothingness for a full 100,000 years.

In this regard, the goddesses of the natural goddess department are very grateful to the goddess of the aurora, Sylvia.

The elf goddess Isabelle, who is the ruler of the goddess of nature, is also grateful. Over the past 100,000 years, she, Anistora, the goddess of fate, and Pandora, the goddess of light, have thought of countless ways.

Hope to redeem the sleeping goddess Silvia.

But the power is not enough!

Unable to help Aurora Goddess Sylvia resurrect.

Now, Aurora Goddess Sylvia has been reborn in Lin Yi's Holy Empire, and she is naturally very grateful to Lin Yi.

And it's not just her~

After the news that Aurora Goddess Silvia was resurrected by the Holy Empire spread out.

I believe that the entire nature goddess system and all goddesses will be very grateful to Lin Yi.

Although the elf goddess Isabelle could not give a high thank you, I have to say that the gratitude from her and the entire nature goddess system is also very important to the Holy Empire.

This kind of gratitude cannot be exchanged even with the main artifact.

Take a simple example.

If one day, the Holy Empire encounters a great disaster, even if there is no covenant restriction, the fairy goddess Isabelle and the goddesses of the nature goddess will do their best to help the Holy Empire.


Look at the elf goddess Isabelle standing on the main hall.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "There is good news! After the resurrection of the goddess of the aurora, Sylvia, she has been promoted to the late stage of the main god, and it is not far from breaking through again and being promoted to the peak main god!"

Hear this.

The elf goddess Isabelle was both happy and surprised.

"Isn't Sylvia sleeping all the time? She can even break through the **** position!"

"I was surprised before too."

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said, "Later I asked Sylvia, only to know that she has been dormant for the past 100,000 years, but her consciousness is very awake!"

"That is to say~"

"She has practiced for 100,000 years before she can achieve something!"


The elf goddess Isabelle gasped.

The face has also changed.

In her eyes, there was endless distress and apology for Aurora Goddess Sylvia.

Because that was a full 100,000 years!

Consciousness is immersed in a world of nothingness, and spending so many years alone is enough to drive the gods crazy.

Even her, the thought of this made her scalp tingle!

At this time, she also lost the excitement in her heart because of the breakthrough of Aurora Goddess Sylvia, and some of them were just pity for Sylvia.

"Back then, I should have stayed to stop those abyss demon masters!"

"Sylvia stopped me!"

"She said that the goddess of nature can be without the goddess of aurora, but it cannot be without the goddess of elves..."

Speaking of which.

The eyes of the elf goddess Isabelle were a little red.

As the pinnacle of the main god, she can be happy and worry without showing any signs of it.

He will not show his soft side in front of outsiders.

However, she couldn't control the apology to the Aurora Goddess Silvia from the bottom of her heart.

The thought of Sylvia spending a full 100,000 years alone in the empty world of consciousness made her heart hurt like a needle.

Lin Yi said: "His Royal Highness, the past is over! Aurora goddess Sylvia has also ushered in a new life, Your Highness need not be sad!"

"It's me who lost my temper!"

The elf goddess Isabelle gave a wry smile.

After a long time, she finally calmed down her fluctuating heart and showed a smile towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Congratulations to His Highness for being promoted to the realm of the pinnacle Lord God! With His Highness here, our faction will have a greater chance of winning in this battle of Gods in the Great Abyss of Endless Continent!"

The elf goddess Isabelle said: "Compared to Your Majesty, I am still inferior!"

She is very clear about this.

Although she has practiced for millions of years, she is the first group of ancient gods to believe in the endless continent, and she is as famous as the goddess of fate Anistora, the Titan Lord Patrick, the Lord of the Dragon Race and others.

And Lin Yi only practiced for two short months.

However, in terms of **** status, Lin Yi and her are on an equal footing, both of them are the top gods.

In terms of the law of divine power, she is far inferior to Lin Yi.

After all, Lin Yi is not only the main **** of time and space, but also holds nearly two different sources of divine power laws.

At this point, Lin Yi completely outperformed her.

What's more, Lin Yi also owns two natal artifact that belong to the supreme master artifact, and she only has one natal and supreme master artifact.

In terms of equipment, Lin Yi is better than her again.

As for combat experience, she can definitely beat Lin Yi.

But you must know that at the level of the peak of the main god, the difference in combat experience can be said to be negligible.

Magic is not important, let alone combat experience.

In the battle between the main **** and the main god, whoever has a vast ocean of law origin and whose divine power is stronger will be able to become the final winner.

Winning with combat experience is very, very low.

Therefore, after combining various factors, the elf goddess Isabelle believes that she is not Lin Yi's opponent.

Of course, if she knew that the number of sources of divine power law mastered by Lin Yi was not nearly 200, but more than 1,400...

Then she will have a clearer understanding of the gap between herself and Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, who has more than 1,400 different sources of different divine power laws, has far surpassed any peak master **** in strength.

Second only to the Half-Step God King!

If it is said that there is still a realm between the Half-Step God King and the Peak Lord God.

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