"I rule the Holy Empire, and I also have a god-level race of angels under my command!"

"In the future, I will definitely become the king of gods!"

"Order the world of thousands of planes!"

"Being able to become the spirit of the laws of my kingdom, your future will be infinitely bright!"

After hearing what Lin Yi said.

The spirit of the law of the world froze for a moment.

In the distance, the forest goddess Christina in the space-time cage, and the [Eyes of the Abyss] who were also imprisoned and sealed, were all stunned.

They were all in disbelief!

In just over a month, Lin Yi was promoted to the middle stage of the main god?

This is totally impossible!

Even the spirit of the law of the world, which has been born for hundreds of thousands of years, has never seen any creature that can become the main **** in just over a month.

The key is.

Lin Yi is not an ordinary new goddess.

He has the status of the main **** in the middle stage, and his strength is comparable to the powerful main **** in the later realm.

This is even more terrifying!

Therefore, it is difficult for the Spirit of the Law of the World to believe that this is the case.

But like the goddess of fate Anistora said, she has super-spirituality and can easily distinguish whether what Lin Yi said is true or false.

She looked at Lin Yi with a calm expression.

It quickly came to a conclusion that what Lin Yi said was true!

At this moment, the spirit of the law of the world was a little shaken.

Being able to follow a 'pervert' like Lin Yi, her future is indeed bright.

As long as Lin Yi did not fall into the battle of the gods, the possibility of him being promoted to the **** king is very high, and it can even be said to surpass any other god.

Once Lin Yi was promoted to God King.

Control the supreme power.

Then, as the spirit of Lin Yi's laws of the kingdom of God, she will also rise.

In the future, there will never be anything like being almost swallowed and assimilated by [Eye of the Abyss] on her body again.

"It's a self-destructing body, a wandering universe interstellar..."

"Still become the spirit of the laws of my kingdom of God and receive the protection of the future king of gods."

"Is this choice difficult?"

Lin Yi spoke again, shaking the super-spirituality of the spirit of the law of the world.

However, the movements in his hands did not stop, and he increased the instillation of divine power, and continued to condense the original imprint of the divine spirit in the body of the spirit of the world law.

As long as his imprint of the origin of the gods is successfully shaped.

Then, the spirit of the law of the world cannot go against his will.

It will become the law of the world that belongs to him alone!

After a long silence, the Spirit of the Law of the World said: "Once I am attached to your command, then the Val'kyr continent will become a death star in a short time!"

"Even if new life can be bred in the future, it is difficult to have extraordinary power!"

The existence of the laws of the world means that this plane has the vitality of heaven and earth, natural magic, and various divine laws.

If the laws of the world disappear.

Then all these things will vanish.

Thus making this plane world enter the era of the end of the law!

Even if there is life to survive in this plane world, they can no longer continue to practice.

Not to mention igniting the divine fire and condensing the divine personality to become a god, it is basically impossible to become a professional at the mortal level.

The laws of the world represent extraordinary!

Without the laws of the world, extraordinary power will also end!

Lin Yi said: "The battle of the gods in this era is about to start, and the Burning Legion of the abyss world will sweep over again. The Val'kyr continent is doomed to perish. It doesn't matter whether you have or not!"

"not to mention……"

"The surface world of the Val'kyr Continent is annihilated."

"It's just that there are some native creatures in this inner world, it's almost equivalent to a death star."

"After all this is over, I believe that the forest goddess Christina will also take those native creatures and leave the Val'kyr!"

"This is a doomed death star, with no value!"


Hear Lin Yi's words.

The spirit of the world law suddenly sighed.

Just at this time.

Lin Yi suddenly discovered that the resistance of the spirit of the world law suddenly disappeared, and he allowed him to condense the imprint of the origin of the gods in her body. Even, the spirit of the law of the world is still helping him complete it.

feel this scene.

A smile appeared on Lin Yijun's beautiful cheeks.

It is not easy, the spirit of the world law of the Val'kyr has finally compromised.

Obediently bow your head to him!


With the help of the spirit of world law.

Lin Yi quickly shaped the imprint of the origin of the gods and merged with the spirit of the law of the world.

At this point, the spirit of the world law of the Val'kyr is completely his.

at the same time.

The nine-colored light ball representing the spirit of the law of the world also shattered suddenly.

And, walking out of it was a beautiful girl wearing a long white dress. She looked like she was only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

She is the spirit of the law of the world!

At this time, it has transformed into a human form!

"His Majesty!"

The Spirit of the Law of the World came and saluted Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded slightly and asked, "What's your name?"

The Spirit of the Law of the World shook his head and said, "As the Spirit of the Law, I don't have a real name."

Lin Yi thought about it and said, "From now on, you will be called Ai Qi'er!"

"Praise you, Your Majesty!"

The Spirit of the Law of the World, Aqier nodded happily.

at the same time.

A very huge divine power poured out from the body of the spirit of the world law, Aqier, and then poured into Lin Yi's body and gathered in his godhead.

Then, something unexpected happened to Lin Yi.

He has stepped into the **** position of the middle stage of the main god, and with the help of this source of divine power, he has directly broken through into the realm of the late stage of the main god, comparable to the goddess of fate, Anistora, and Anasta.

What a surprise!

Even Lin Yi himself did not expect that after conquering the spirit of the law of the world, Aqier, he would be able to get a huge source of divine power feedback to help him advance to the divine position.

"Now, I am promoted to the late stage of the Lord God..."

"Even if the Lord God of Destruction, Elliot, and the Lord God of Slaughter, Agustin join forces, I'm afraid they are not my opponent!"

"Just me alone is enough to suppress the three main gods of the evil **** camp!"

The promotion of the divine position and the skyrocketing strength also made Lin Yi in a good mood.

When he looked at Aqier, the spirit of the law of the world, his smile became more and more bright.

However, he soon found out.

Akiel's source of divine power is rapidly disappearing.

But not all feedback was given to him, but a large part was 'sucked' by the Val'kyr continent.

Wait for Aqier's state to stabilize.

The fluctuations of divine power radiating from her body can also reach the level of the main god.

It seems to be weaker than the new goddess of the evil pantheon camp, the goddess of death, Gryffindor.

The Spirit of the Law of the World, Aqier said: "Your Majesty, my strength is less than one thousandth of what it was before! This is the price of dividing the Spirit of the Law of the World from the body!"

Lin Yi asked, "Can it be recovered?"


Archie was calm.

There was even a smile on his cheek.

When she chose to be attached to Lin Yi, she was already mentally prepared for it.

She said, "When I become the spirit of His Majesty's Divine Law and merge with His Majesty's Divine Kingdom, my divine power will be able to recover quickly!"

"That's good!"

Lin Yi waved his right hand, and the space-time in front of him suddenly collapsed.

Then a space-time channel was revealed.

Behind the passage is the kingdom of God that he entrusts to the void world.

Lin Yi said, "Go, go to my kingdom of God and become one with it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The spirit of the law of the world, Aqier, did not hesitate.

She drilled directly into the space-time passage and entered Lin Yi's kingdom of God.

As the spirit of the law of the world, after being separated from the body, her power will continue to weaken.

Only after merging with Lin Yi's kingdom of God, will her power increase.

And, wait for her to become one with Lin Yi's kingdom of God.

Lin Yi can summon her anytime.

As for the other side, the forest goddess Christina, who was still imprisoned in the cage of time and space, and Angel, the spirit of the law of the world, were selectively forgotten.

The goddess of the forest had previously claimed that she would leave the Val'kyr with the native creatures of the inner world.

Her anger hasn't subsided yet.

However, she also believed that, for her face, His Majesty Lin Yi would not embarrass the forest goddess Christina and those native creatures in the inner world.

So she went quite simply!


"Congratulations to the Almighty Lord, who has obtained the law of the world!"

"The distance from your kingdom of God has evolved into the angelic kingdom of God, which is one step further!"

Anasta and Angela Angela on the side were also very excited.

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