"Although he is in the middle stage of the main god, the divine power he controls far exceeds that of the late main god!"


The Eye of the Abyss secretly said: "This human lord from the Endless Continent has a potential comparable to that of the Demon Emperor of my abyss world!"

"It might even be scarier!"

"After all, as a human, he can even swallow the source of my abyss camp's divine power law!"

"Looking at the entire universe and thousands of planes, this is the first time I have seen such a creature!"

"Extremely perverted!"


"Stop it!"

Lin Yi said to the sealed forest goddess Christina: "For the sake of us joining forces to imprison the Eye of the Abyss, I will consider letting you go after I suppress the spirit of the law of the world on your plane!"

"Of course, if you are willing to join my Holy Empire and become a **** under my command, I will be very welcome!"

"Your Majesty Lin Yi, why are you doing this?"

The forest goddess Christina didn't answer Lin Yi's topic, she was very angry now.

It was clearly still an ally.

In a blink of an eye, he became an enemy.

The most important thing is that 3.7 Lin Yi still wants to suppress the spirit of law in their world, which is too much.

Lin Yi said bluntly: "I want to build a kingdom of God that is comparable to, or even surpasses, the Titan God Realm and the Dragon God Realm, and I need the existence of the laws of the world!"

"My kingdom of God has just opened up, and it is a very long thing to want to give birth to the law of the world!"

"So we can only find ready-made ones!"

"The world law of the Val'kyr continent is extremely perfect, and it is very suitable for integration with my kingdom of God!"

Hear this.

The forest goddess Christina finally understood Lin Yi's intentions.

"From the very beginning, your purpose in coming to the Val'kyr continent was to capture the spirit of the law of the world that shelters us, right?!"

"Not all, just one of the goals!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "But now it seems that all my goals have to be achieved. This is perfect! Your Highness Goddess, wait for a moment, I will let you out later."

Waiting for the forest goddess Christina to speak.

Lin Yi flickered and descended directly to the distant battlefield.

Cooperate with the goddess of fate, Anistora, Anasta, and the three goddesses Angela, the goddess of punishment, to suppress the spirit of the law of the world in the Val'kyr continent.

If you put aside the natal artifact, it will not be said.

The divine power that Lin Yi possesses is no less than that of the goddess of fate, Anistora and Anasta.

His only shortcoming is that the power of the natal artifact is too weak.

Whether it is [King Scepter] or [King Armor], they are only high-ranking true artifacts.

His two natal artifact are not even the main artifact, let alone the best natal artifact of the goddess of fate, Anistra and Anasta.

But even so.

His strength is still very terrifying.

Far beyond the general late main god.

Like Destruction Lord Elliot and Killing Lord Agustin, they are not his opponents.

When Lin Yi joined the battlefield.

The resistance of the spirit of the world law is also getting weaker and weaker.

The four powerful main gods joined forces to suppress the spirit of the law of the world in a weak state. Of course, it is absolutely no problem.

Finally, there was a fierce battle for more than an hour.

The divine power of the Spirit of World Law suddenly collapsed, and the line of defense completely collapsed.

Immediately, they were forcibly suppressed by Lin Yi and the others!

Chapter 337 Follow me, you have an infinite bright future! Finally got soft! The Spirit of Law, Archie! (for automatic subscription

"let me go!"

Even if it is suppressed, the spirit of the law of the world is still struggling desperately.

The crisp cry kept ringing.

But soon, she fell into despair.

Because she couldn't break free from the confinement of the four powerful main gods including Lin Yi, and was forcibly sealed.

"Be obedient!"

Lin Yi looked at the figure in the nine-colored light ball and said, "Follow me, and I will make you the spirit of my kingdom of God! In the future, you will have power comparable to that of a **** king!"

The Spiritual Qi of the Law of the World said angrily: "Even without your help, I can step into the level of a god-king myself!"

The world law of the Endless Continent possesses the mighty power of the god-king level.

This is also the fundamental reason why the major gods dare not provoke or violate the will of the world law of the endless continent.

In front of the world law of the endless continent.

The gods of ancient beliefs, such as the Elf Goddess Isabelle, the Titan Lord Patrick, and the Dragon Lord God, have to bow their heads obediently.

There is no way.

The law of the world is so invincible!

If it weren't for the fact that the laws of the world could not be far from the plane world to which they belonged, the real universe would have long been ruled by the laws of the world of various major planes.

Because the law of the world that has grown up is an alternative **** king!

Very perverted!

Like the spirit of the law of the world on the Val'kyr continent, it is still very young, only born for hundreds of thousands of years. Her strength at the peak of her power had only reached the level of a half-step **** king.

If the years of her birth are as old as the spirit of the law of the world in the endless continent.

Then, it is impossible for the four Lin Yi to suppress her.


Of course, although the laws of the world are invincible, they also have many limitations.

First, it cannot leave the plane world to which it belongs.

Second, it cannot actively suppress native creatures.

Third, it cannot interfere with the plane battle.

Etc., etc.

The third limitation is why the Burning Legion in the Great Abyss of the Abyss dares to invade the worlds of the major planes. The demons are not afraid of being attacked by the laws of the world.

In addition, the power of the laws of the world is also directly related to the native creatures in the plane.

The greater the number of native creatures, the stronger the strength.

The power of the law of the world is also more and more vast.

If the native creatures are extinct, the power of the world law will also be reduced to the weakest state.

The Burning Legion from the abyss world, the process of conquering the worlds of the various planes, is to first slaughter the native creatures in the plane, forcibly weaken the power of the law of the world.

Then pass through a magic weapon like [Eye of the Abyss].

Devour and assimilate the spirit of the law of the world.

Then, the plane world captured by them will be transformed into a breeding place belonging to the abyss demons.

If the 'game official' did not organize this [Alien World Demon Extermination Contest], the Val'kyr Continent would also end like this.


The 23 Spirits of the Law of the World should be grateful.

At least Lin Yi thinks so.

He saved the Val'kyr and the Spirit of the Law of the World.

As a result, the spirit of the law of the world regards him as an enemy.

Although his purpose is not simple in itself, for the spirit of the law of the world, he is also a life-saving grace. Shouldn't this be a blessing in disguise?


"It's useless to say anything!"

Lin Yi looked at the spirit of the law of the world and said directly: "You either listen to me obediently and become the law of the world in my kingdom of God, or I directly destroy you, which one do you choose?"

The Spirit of the Law of the World said: "Let me go, I promise not to trouble you in the future! I will destroy the Val'kyr continent, stay away from this star field, and go to the depths of the universe..."

The Val'kyr is her body.

By self-destructing her body, her power will become weaker.

When she was introduced, maybe she couldn't even beat the average new master god.

However, in this way, she can also have a brand new future.

As long as she finds a life planet suitable for her existence in the universe, she can integrate into it and reproduce the world again as the law of the world.

"wrong selection!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Yi directly released his own main divine power, forcibly instilling it into the body of the Spirit of World Law.

In order to let his kingdom of God have the laws of the world, in the future, it will be able to match or even surpass the Titan God Realm and the Dragon God Realm, and have the ability to produce divine power crystals by itself...

It is impossible for him to let the spirit of the law of the world leave.

The four main gods joined forces to suppress the spirit of the law of the world.

Unless his brain is broken, it is absolutely impossible for him to let go of the fat rou that is on his lips.

"What do you want to do?!"

The spirit of the law of the world screamed in horror.

Her voice was quite clear and pleasant, but at this time it seemed like she had seen a ghost.

Because Lin Yi's main divine power has poured into her body, this is to forcibly leave the imprint of the origin of the gods in her body, and then control her life and death.

If it was before, she would definitely be able to resist.

After all, when she was at her peak, she possessed the terrifying power of a half-step god-king level.

but now……

She was quite powerless.

Not only was her strength almost exhausted, but she was also suppressed by the main **** power of the four Lin Yi people.

Facing Lin Yi's divine power invasion, she couldn't resist at all.

"don't want!!"

The Spirit of the Law of the World was frightened and began to beg for mercy.

She didn't want her life and death to be controlled by Lin Yi.

She also wants to travel to the boundless universe and starry sky.

However, Lin Yi was indifferent.

While shaping the imprint of the origin of the gods, he said.

"Follow me and don't treat you badly!"

"As the castle lord with the most powerful castle power, it took me just over a month to enter the current state, and I have a powerful divine power that surpasses the late stage of the main god!"

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