The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 992: The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (30)

  Chapter 992 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (30)

  Everyone came, she didn't plan to go back empty-handed.

   Bought seafood along the coastline.

  This time she bought a lot of prawns and crayfish, and even picked up buckets of crayfish for nothing on the beach.

  No one eats crayfish in New Zealand, they are all fed to fish or birds.

  Xu Yin picked it up not to eat it herself, but to make fish food.

  The cold-water fish she raises in Lake Ghana needs to be fed from time to time.

   There is not much bait in the system warehouse, it is time to replenish it.

  High-protein crayfish, pureed and mixed with bean flour, cornmeal, seaweed powder or shrimp powder, is definitely the fish's favorite food, take it for fishing and catch one.

  Anyway, she doesn't plan to go out in the coldest month, and she is idle at home. Last year, she knitted a lot of cashmere underwear, and she doesn't plan to weave any more this year. Why don't she make more fish food and store it up, so that she can use it whenever she needs it.

  Thinking about it, she simply stayed in the southern bay for a few more days.

  Go to the surrounding farms and pastures in the morning to investigate and study, and go to the beach to pick up crayfish after low tide in the afternoon. Occasionally, if you are lucky, you can stock up on the freshest seafood when a fishing boat returns.

   I almost stocked up before going home.

  After that, she nestled in Zhuangzi Shangmaodong, and made fish food by the way.

  Go out for a walk the next day, and secretly feed the cattle and sheep some fresh pasture stockpiled in summer, especially the cows that are pregnant with cubs, they should add some vitamins.

  When the weather is good, I will also go to the holiday cottage on the mountain to live in the snow for a few days.

   Roasting on the fire, eating strawberries harvested in late autumn, listening to music and reading books, and cooking delicious meals for yourself when you are hungry.

   When I am alone, I can cook rice for myself.

  The main reason is that rice is not produced here, and rice is not usually seen.

   You may be able to buy imported rice in Christchurch, but there is no guarantee that it is the new rice of the year.

  So I miss rice, so I can only hide and eat it secretly.

Fortunately, the system warehouse has a fresh-keeping function. There are still several copies of the stone pot rice and claypot rice that I stocked up earlier. Grandma and aunt in the small world often made bamboo rice for themselves, and kept them in the system warehouse if they couldn’t finish them. Take it out and eat it, it has a special flavor.

When I’m really bored, I put on a cloak and go fishing by the lake, then put a shrimp pot, catch a few cold water fish, catch a cage of wild small freshwater shrimp, stew river fresh food, make pickled fish, eat it with rice, and live a happy life taste...

  Time flies like an arrow, time flies.

   In a flash, two years passed.

  Xu Yin has been in Cooktown for four years.

  With the food factory, the crops in Cook Town have been selling well in recent years.

   Not only Cook Town, but also farmers in several surrounding towns have also made a lot of money.

  It is really rare to be able to run a farm and still make money in a depressed environment, and still be as leisurely as before.

  Everyone cherishes the opportunity Sean won for them. The farm management is getting better and better, and sometimes they send some agricultural products to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin has not stopped busy in the past two years. She has acquired another farm and two medium-sized pastures. These two pastures are both located on the outskirts of Queenstown. They include two rolling hills, with a total area of ​​128 hectares.

   This is also due to the fact that in the early 1990s, not many foreigners came to New Zealand to invest in farming and ranching.

  If it is left to future generations, it is impossible for her, a non-immigrant, to acquire so many farms and pastures. It would be nice to allow her to buy a small farm.

It can only be said that the current policy is quite loose. In addition, she has lived here for four years and has also developed two types of electric shears. so smooth.

   However, she does not plan to directly manage the pasture in Queenstown. After replanting a batch of systematically produced alfalfa seeds, she hired several experienced workers from the local area to manage 600 Angus beef cattle for her.

  In this way, the scale of the farm and ranch has reached the mission requirements issued by the system, and the extra missions in this world have been successfully completed, and the random skill [Supernatural Makeup] and a small world vacation have been obtained.

   Leaving aside the small world's vacation, this new random skill suits her very well!

After clicking to use, you can dress up as any person you want—a wrinkled old woman, a middle-aged woman with chloasma, or even a man with a beard. It’s a real beard. Match it with [Universal] Voice actor], impersonating a man is too easy.

   This made her rub her chin and rejoice that her three views are still good. If she has bad intentions, puts on a manly face and goes out to do bad things, and then removes the make-up after the end, the police uncle will probably cry. After all, who can recognize it.

   Of course, it is impossible for her to do bad things, at most it is for safety reasons.

  With this skill, it is not too convenient for her to go to the North Island to sell agricultural products, or go to the South to inspect her ranch.

   Dressing up as a strong woman like before, sometimes encounters some troubles such as harassment, but disguised as a man, still a bearded man, there are no such troubles.

So in the past two years, she has driven a large truck and almost traveled all over the entire New Zealand island, while selling Cook Town’s agricultural and pastoral products (in addition to grain, there are also fruits, beef and mutton); native products.

  Or take the clothes produced in the North Island to the southern towns for sale, or take a cart of seafood and fruits from the south to the North Island for sale, and the business is actually very good.

   Even if you secretly go to the black market to exchange a box of gold bars for funds, you are not afraid of being targeted. Drilling into a crowded place, and coming out again seemed to be a different person, who would recognize her?

   Now that her visa expires, although it has been extended for another three months, it can only be extended for three months. The mayor of the town has been lobbying her to immigrate recently.

   "Sean, you have a resume of two patents for electric wool shears, and you also have a farm and ranch under your name. These contributions are enough to apply for immigration."

  Xu Yin did not intend to immigrate. No matter how much the mayor Ren lobbied, she could not shake her desire to return to China.

  She took advantage of the postponement to arrange the farm, pasture and orchard on the mountain:

  All cold-water fish from Lake Ghana were caught and stored in the system warehouse;

  The orchard on the east bank of the lake began to bear fruit last year, and the annual output is not bad. The mayor entrusts the management on his behalf, and the management fee is deducted from the money earned from selling the fruit;

  The pasture at the foot of the mountain is handed over to Wei Lai for management.

  Wei Lai is now the hottest leader in the Angus beef cattle breeding industry in Cook Town. How many people want to hire him as a consultant and manage him, Xu Yintie can rest assured;

   All three farms are rented out, and rents are collected in proportion to the annual harvest season.

  If she fails to come back when the time comes, Mrs. Hunter will help her sell the food in lieu of rent.

   Having arranged everything, she is ready to return home.

   Unexpectedly, at this time, a catastrophic flood occurred in the country.

  When Xu Yin saw this international news at the airport, many days had passed since the flood. The affected area spread to more than half of the motherland. The relief supplies were in short supply and she was requesting international assistance.

  She rebooked the ticket immediately, and collected the supplies that were in short supply in the country—food, water, medicine, nutrition, clothing, inflatable boats, inflatable life jackets, flashlights, ponchos, rain boots, tents, etc.

  (end of this chapter)

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