The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 991: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (29)

  Chapter 991 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (29)

   Unexpectedly, Xiao En negotiated a big deal with the food factory - he won a three-year supply and marketing contract of 9,000 tons. And an additional clause was included in the contract: after three years, as long as the purchase price is not higher than the market price, and the quality and quantity are guaranteed, Cook Town Farm has the priority to supply.

what does that mean?

   There is a market without changing careers!

   Then does he want to change careers?

  The farms in other towns mainly know what the mayor is thinking at the moment, and probably want to collectively sack him.

  Others are entangled because the farm is in a downturn, whether to close the business and change careers, but he is entangled because both are selling well.

  Xu Yin asked the mayor to think about it. Anyway, it was still early, and there was still time to make a decision before the beginning of spring.

  She rushed back to the agricultural product warehouse on her farm. The moment she opened the warehouse, she released 300 kilograms of apples stored in the system warehouse, which could produce about 200 kilograms of apple cider vinegar. Let the workers move the apples to the truck, and she was taken to the mayor's house in one trip.

   After finishing all this work, several beef cattle purchasers who had previously made an appointment came to the door as scheduled.

  There are too many mutton sheep locally and cannot be sold at a high price, so Xu Yin has no plan to sell them.

  The roasted whole lamb of "Huaweiguan" attracts tourists even in autumn and winter, not to mention the peak tourist season in midsummer. Instead of selling it to buyers at a low price, it is better to leave it to Huaweiguan.

  But the purchase price of Angus beef cattle has always been high, and the export price is very gratifying.

There is no pasture on the North Island to raise this kind of beef cattle. In the past, I ordered them from the southern pastures. This year, I heard that there are people raising them in Cook Town. Come and have a look. They are very good. They are fat and strong. It is very nutritious and healthy, and immediately expressed how many heads there are.

  Xu Yin kept the breeding cattle and calves, and picked a few more to keep for herself to eat slowly, and sold the rest for a good price.

  Seeing that the book balance jumped up, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, she finally had some savings, otherwise she was always worried that such a large farm would fall into her hands.

  Hunter, the mayor, and old William together slaughtered a cow and shared it among several families. The rest of the beef cattle were sold to Xu Yin for a high price.

   Hunter and William Sr. decided to raise Angus beef cattle in a big way next year.

  After consideration and consideration, the mayor decided not to change careers.

  According to his understanding, the ranchers in the surrounding towns saw that Sean succeeded in raising Angus beef cattle in the first year, and wanted to raise Angus beef cattle in the coming year.

If there are more people to support, the purchase price in the coming year may not be able to maintain such a high level. It is better to continue with your old business. At any rate, the purchase price of grain has been written into the contract. Even if it fluctuates, it is also beneficial to me - only up and not down .

  Several other ranchers did decide to raise Angus beef cattle next year, so they took the initiative to come to the door to learn how to raise beef from Sean.

  Not raising them this year is enough to make them regret it.

  If they had believed in Xiao En and raised them with her, this year they would also be able to eat Angus beef cattle and sell a few for a profit.

   There are also some farmers who want to change their careers. They plan to allocate half of the field to plant pastures and raise cattle and sheep starting next year.

  The mayor pulled several farmers in the town and whispered to them.

  These people's eyes became brighter the more they listened, and Qi Qi looked at Xu Yin: "Is it true, Sean? The food factory has signed a contract with us again? Next year, for three consecutive years, we need to supply 9,000 tons of food?"

  Xu Yin nodded with a smile.

   "Then why change! Haha! No more! I still like to run a farm."

   "That's right, I'm used to it, but I'm really not sure about my sudden career change. Now it's great!"

  Everyone chatted in a hurry, and the spirits were high during the conversation, sweeping away the depression when they came.

  The farmers in other towns are envious, but Cook Town has meat to eat, can they also drink broth?

   "3000 tons a year, all the farms in your town can't pay so much grain, right? If it's not enough, we can provide it."

   "What's the rush! If it's not enough, I'll ask you to buy it." The mayor said with a smile.

   As a result, these people changed their minds. They originally planned to switch to raising beef cattle, but now they decided to keep half of the farm to continue planting crops, and half to pasture to raise Angus beef cattle.

  Everyone counted the number of calves, and originally wanted to select two representatives from them to go to the southern ranch to order calves, but Xu Yin took the initiative to take on this task.

  She also wanted to order herself. Although her family’s twenty cows were all pregnant with calves, the early pregnant ones had already given birth to calves and were pregnant again.

   Even so, there will only be about 30 calves by the beginning of spring, so she has to order another 180 calves.

  But before going to the south, she first ran to the dairy processing plant in Christchurch.

Since the cows entered the lactation period, she contacted a dairy factory with mediocre benefits, one of the production lines was not in operation, but the environmental sanitation management of the factory area was very good, and signed an OEM contract. She paid the processing fee and errand expenses. Send someone to pick up the milk and help her process it into milk powder and milk flakes.

  There is more than one dairy in Christchurch, but several, and there is fierce competition among them.

  This factory is not large in scale and is not favored by large customers, so the benefits are not very good. The factory manager is worried about not getting new business. Seeing that it can make some money for processing, why not do it.

  Xu Yin's approach opened up new ideas for the factory director: Yes! They can help ranchers process milk powder!

  Those large-scale dairy factories disdain to take on such a small business, but their factories don’t have much business in the first place, so it’s good to earn some processing fees!

  So when sending salesmen to various places to promote business, they launched a new business of processing milk powder for ranchers.

   Not to mention, I actually got a few orders.

   No, since the fall of this year, several production lines have not been idle.

  Xu Yin is here to pick up the goods this time. The milk powder and milk tablets processed before have been packed and boxed.

  She doesn't plan to sell these milk powders at present, so unlike other merchants, she has to customize the outer packaging.

   It’s not too late to consider selling if you stock up too much, anyway, it won’t deteriorate if you stock up in the system warehouse.

  The same goes for milk tablets, all packed in primary colors. The milk tablets she made are highly concentrated and purified, and eating one tablet is equivalent to drinking a glass of milk. Thirty pieces per board, exactly one month's supply.

   After receiving the goods, while closing the door of the large truck, put the milk powder and milk tablets packed in cartons into the system warehouse.

   After that, she went all the way south to Queenstown to order calves.

It's a pity that the two ranches that bought calves last year are unwilling to sell calves to her this year. I think I have heard from the purchaser that the central ranches can also raise Angus beef cattle, and I am worried that it will affect their southern ranches. Business.

  They were unwilling to sell, and Xu Yin was not reluctant, and these two ranches were not the only ones in the south.

  She drove a large truck and continued southward. The southern pastures basically have Angus beef cattle.

  Not too many, there are still a dozen calves on a large ranch, and three to five calves on a small and medium-sized ranch. Adding up all these calves, they finally made up the purchase amount given to her by the mayor.

  (end of this chapter)

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