The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 976: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (14)

  Chapter 976 The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (14)

  It turns out that Mrs. Haiqiong's husband is a gambler. Over the years, no matter how many sheep Mrs. Haiqiong has raised or how much money she has earned, he has used it to pay off her gambling debts.

  The most serious count was the spring three years ago, Mrs. Haiqiong had just hired two shearers to shear the 600 sheep at home, when a group of strangers broke into her house aggressively.

  These people held sheep-killing knives in their hands, and rushed towards her sheepfold ferociously, and grabbed the big sheep with thick wool and put them on the truck. Those young lambs were slaughtered on the spot and taken away as meat sheep.

  Ms. Haiqiong was shocked at the time, but when she came back to her senses, the sheepfold was in a mess, but there was no sheep left.

  She wanted to call the police, but was stopped by her late husband.

  Seeing his flickering eyes and faltering words, he finally understood the truth after questioning painfully: those people are all husband’s creditors, and because the husband didn’t pay the money, they used sheep to pay off the debt.

  Ms. Haiqiong was heartbroken and had been ill for two years. It was only this year that she recovered a little.

  But after that, she never raised sheep again. The ranch was the only idea left to her by her parents. No matter how her husband lobbied, she insisted not to sell it.

   "According to me, why do you keep such a man! Divorced and living alone is better than now."

  While helping Xu Yin steam milk-flavored steamed buns, the cook was filled with righteous indignation. She was not worth it for Mrs. Haiqiong.

  She herself couldn't stand her alcoholic husband who liked to beat others, so she took the initiative to divorce, and then resolutely left Beidao, which made her sad.

  Because I like to cook, I have been working as a cook in Hunter Ranch since I came to South Island.

  She felt that the life after divorce was much better than a bad marriage.

  If a bad marriage is a grave, divorce is a new life.

"When you meet Mrs. Haiqiong, remember to enlighten her." The cook said while she was busy, "Women, you can't deny the meaning of your life just because you meet one or two bad men. Leave those stinky men, the sky is still the same It’s blue, the clouds are still white, and life can be more colorful and enjoyable.”

  Xu Yin gave her a thumbs up.

  The next day, she got up earlier than usual, served with hot goat milk tea, ate oatmeal bread and set off.

  Because I’m going to collect scenery at the foot of the mountain today, I told Wei Lai when he came to practice Yequan last night, telling him not to come today, and giving him a vacation.

  Wile originally wanted to go with her, but Xu Yin wanted to stock up a bunch of wild goods for the system warehouse, so why would he follow her.

   Fortunately, the mayor's house only has a small pickup truck, no motorcycle, and he has no car to ride if he wants to follow.

   If he doesn’t go home, he’ll be courteous to his parents, asking them to support him with some money. He wants to buy a motorcycle.

   "Why do you buy a motorcycle?" The mayor didn't let go.

   A small pickup truck is enough for home transportation, and motorcycles can’t load goods. Can’t bicycles be used for transportation?

   "I want to learn drifting from Master, it's super cool!"


  Your master also improved the electric wool pusher, why don’t you learn this from her?

  Leaving aside how much headaches the mayor and his wife suffered from being tortured by their youngest son, Xu Yin carried a schoolbag, a basket, and a motorcycle, and marched towards the foot of the mountain.

  There must be a lot of harvest in Dashan in early autumn, she is happy just thinking about it.

Before going to bed last night, she carefully planned today's itinerary, thinking that she could pick a lot of herbs, mushrooms, spices, and wild fruits, she also tidied up the system warehouse, vacated a space, and put several empty The baskets will be opened by category at that time, and the various plants in the province will be mixed together, and it will take another time to sort them out, which will save trouble.

  The bamboo basket in my hand is mainly used as a cover, and of course I will pack a basket and take it home for everyone to eat.

  How well she planned, but at the foot of the mountain, she was stunned...

  The mountains here are quite different from what she imagined!

The greenery seen from the Hunter Ranch is basically wild and wild pastures, at most some dwarf shrubs half the height of a person. The withered and withered pastures are mixed together, like a carpet of yellow and green intertwined.

  What about the towering trees that block out the sky?

   What about species-rich forests?

   What about the spices, herbs, and mushrooms all over the floor?

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Careless! !

   It really is "Life is full of accidents"!

   Of course, if you can’t find a useful plant, it’s not entirely true. There are a lot of wild vegetables, wild flowers, and wild herbs on the pasture. The area here is not smaller than the pasture, and there are some shrubs with scattered berries.

  But it was too different from what I imagined, resulting in a big gap, and I was not in the mood to get out of the car to pick it.

   But riding on such a mountain is no problem at all.

  Riding a motorcycle on the mountain has the feeling of off-road.

  Forget it, if you don’t have anything to stock up, just go out for a drive, at least the scenery is pretty good.

  Xu Yin was depressed for a while and then thought about it.

   Facing the coolness of the autumn wind, I rode along the gentle **** for more than an hour, and suddenly saw a clear blue lake in front of me.

  It is surrounded by mountains, so quiet and charming.

  The deep blue water of the lake reflects the greenery of the surrounding mountains, as if covering the lake with a mysterious veil.

  Worthwhile trip!

  Xu Yin smiled with satisfaction.

  Isn’t life like this sometimes? I thought there was nothing to gain, but in fact, there is a different kind of splendor and beauty hidden in front of me.

  The lake is not big, with a diameter of only a hundred meters. Standing in her position, you can have a panoramic view of the lake.

  The lake is surrounded by undulating grass slopes, and the grass slopes on the other side are gentler than her side. There is also a small stone house with a pointed roof beside the house. There are a few trees planted next to the house. Under the tree...Huh? A woman is standing facing the lake, look at that pose...

  Her heart sank, she quickly twisted the accelerator, and rode around most of the lake to the opposite bank.

  The other party didn't seem to hear any movement, and was still walking slowly towards the center of the lake.

  The lake water gradually submerged her knees, but she seemed to be unconscious, and she was still walking forward.

  Let the cold lake water spread over her thighs, waist, and chest bit by bit...

Xu Yin jumped off the scooter, threw the schoolbag on her chest casually, she couldn't care less, she used her lightness kung fu to swipe to the woman's side, and before the other party could react, she put her hands under her armpit, and carried her away from the cool room. lake water...

  Xu Yin really didn't expect that going out for a drive could save someone.

   Not to mention, the person who was rescued was Mrs. Haiqiong, who had been chattered by the cook for a long time before going out.

  After being rescued, I wanted to find a sheltered place to keep out the wind, build a bonfire, and help her dry her wet clothes, but the other party said that the small stone house with a pointed roof belonged to her.

  Xu Yin brought her to this house.

  After entering the door, I found that there was a fireplace inside, which was warm and dry.

  Ms. Haiqiong went to the bedroom and changed out of her wet clothes. She wore a nightgown and came out with a bottle of white wine and two goblets in her hand.

  She poured Xu Yin a cup.

  Xu Yin took the wine passively: "..."

   Is it because you think she is bad and want to get her drunk?

   Or do you suddenly wake up after dying once and want to drink a glass of wine to celebrate?

  (end of this chapter)

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