The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 975: The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (13)

  Chapter 975 The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (13)

   To her delight, after day after day of dismantling, assembling, and debugging, when Ila ended her summer vacation and returned to Christchurch to go to school, her 2.0 version of the electric wool pusher was finally successfully produced!

  If the drive shaft and thrust seat can find more advanced alternative materials, 3.0 can also come out immediately.

  However, the 2.0 version has improved a lot compared to the original electric faders, among other things, it’s safe to cut thirty or forty sheep in an hour.


  Hearing what she said, the Hunters almost dropped their jaws in shock. They looked at each other, thinking that there was something wrong with their ears.

   Shearing the wool of thirty or forty large sheep in one hour? One per minute on average? real or fake?

  Xu Yin nodded: "Really! Because there is no need to stop to cool and lubricate, the speed will naturally be faster. It's a pity that the materials are limited, otherwise it can be faster."


   The Hunters couldn't believe their ears.

   No cooling required?

   No lubrication?

   More than a minute is not the fastest, can it be faster with another material?

   The couple felt like they were in a dream.

  Come back to your senses, Mrs. Hunter embraced Xu Yin excitedly: "Sean, you are really amazing! Like an inventor!"

  Mr. Hunter nodded in agreement, wondering if he should give Sean a raise?

   Shearing thirty or forty sheep in one hour is equivalent to hiring two shearers.

  Xu Yin didn't know that she was about to get a salary increase again, and she was asking what materials needed to be submitted to apply for a patent.

  If it is in China, it will be fine, find a factory to cooperate with, and she will get a share of the technology, which is easy and rich.

  It's a pity that she is now a native of Taiwan. Even if she goes back, she will at most return to the mainland as a Taiwanese compatriot to invest.

  For investment, the little money she has on hand is not enough.

  Then it’s better to transfer it here and realize it, let yourself get rich first, and then return to China to develop when you have the opportunity.

  Hunter and his wife learned that she wanted to find a factory to cooperate with, and enthusiastically took up the task:

   "I'll ask the mayor for you."

   "I can also ask my uncle for help and find out the manufacturer of wool clippers."

  The mayor heard that Xiao En had improved the electric wool clippers that were always hot and needed to be lubricated. After an hour of continuous use, they didn’t heat up and didn’t need to be lubricated. This greatly improved the shearing efficiency, so he made a special trip to learn about the situation.

  He hasn't come to Hunter's house for a long time since he had a small oolong, mainly because he didn't have the nerve to face Xu Yin, and this time he really couldn't help it.

  Xu Yin caught a shedding sheep and demonstrated it to him on the spot.

   "Oh! It's really not hot at all. You said it can be used continuously for an hour without cooling or lubrication? Can it last longer with another material? That's great!"

  The mayor immediately made a decision:

   "Sean, if you really want to find a partner, I have someone to recommend! I have an old friend who is a partner of the Auckland Electric Wool Pushing Factory. He must be interested in this new product."

  The mayor's friend Valf is really interested, and even wants to poach Xu Yin to work as a technician in the wool push factory.

  I learned that I was a foreign student and would return to China at any time when the visa expired, so I gave up this idea.

"I can help you apply for a patent award." Walf flew over from Auckland specially for this matter, and came to negotiate with Xu Yin, "But can the product technology be transferred to me at one time? The cooperation proposal of technology shareholding may be a bit difficult to operate. Difficulty."

   "Because of my identity?"

  Xu Yin is somewhat prepared for this. To the locals, she is a foreigner. How can the local factory allow the sale of shares to foreigners?

  Think about it differently, she can understand it very well.

   No more embarrassing Valf: "Then transfer it all at once."

   "Don't worry, I will try my best to satisfy you in terms of price." Walf smiled and held out his hand, "I am impressed by Miss Xiao En's talent, and I hope to have another chance to cooperate next time."

  Xu Yin shook hands with him, thinking of the 3.0 that can be upgraded at any time, she agreed with a smile.

  I don't know how many patent awards can be applied for, but from Valf's tone, there must be one. He discussed the technology transfer fee with his partner when he returned home, and within a few days, he came to Xu Yin with the contract and a check for 300,000 New Zealand dollars.

  Walf heard a lot about Xu Yin's deeds from the mayor. She is bold, careful, powerful, and also knows Chinese kung fu.

Such a capable person, even if he has other ideas, he doesn't dare to calculate, not to mention Xu Yin said to give her some time, she can develop an electric wool pusher that is more advanced than 2.0, how can Valf have other ideas, I just want to win over Xu Yin so that we can cooperate for the second or third time in the future.

  No, she applied for a transfer fee of 300,000 New Zealand dollars.

  With this income, Xu Yin felt that she was truly well-off.

   Encountering a suitable opportunity, it is more than enough to set up a farm and ranch similar in size to the Hunter family.

  She looked at the Henglian Mountains stretching hundreds of kilometers in the distance, and sighed again: It would be great if there was an open space nearby.

  After autumn, the area covered by snow on the mountain is getting bigger and bigger, spreading from the top of the mountain all the way down, leaving only some greenery at the foot of the mountain.

  Xu Yin's heart moved, and she wanted to go to the foot of the mountain for a walk.

  Some time ago, all the wool sheared in spring was dried, rolled up and sold to purchasers in bundles, and the warehouse was also cleaned up, waiting for winter to spring to store the next wave of sheared wool.

   She only has sweeping work left.

  Actually, a temporary shearer like her originally only worked for one spring and ended.

   Mrs. Hunter liked her enough to keep her season after season.

  Xu Yin is not short of money now, and she can leave whenever she wants, but she has not yet figured out the next step. She likes working at Hunter Ranch, so she plans to continue working.

  Small pastures are the same as small workshops. They don’t have serious weekly holidays. They ask for leave if they have something to do, and they go to work when they have nothing to do.

  As soon as Xu Yin said that she wanted to ask for a day off, she would ride a motorcycle to the foot of the mountain to see the scenery over there. Mrs. Hunter immediately agreed, and even said:

"If it's getting dark, don't rush back. The area at the foot of the mountain belongs to Mrs. Haiqiong. She is a very kind person. If you need to stay overnight or encounter other troubles, you can go to her for help. She will help you."

  Xu Yin nodded, and when she went to the kitchen to prepare dry food and water for tomorrow's trip, she heard the cook sigh a few words: "Mrs. Haiqiong is a good person, but it's a pity that she married a wrong person. Her husband, alas... can't be described in words."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Why can't you say it in one word?

  The cook cleared her throat: "Look at your bright eyes, since you want to hear it so much, I'll tell you."


  After listening to the cook, Xu Yin understood why there was no cow or sheep in such a large pasture at the foot of the mountain.

   During the few days when she was grazing, she was wondering: It is such a large pasture, but it is empty, and there is not a single cow or sheep. If it is not grazing, is it still called a pasture?

   It should be said that no one lives there. The row of houses near the foot of the mountain can sometimes see smoke from the chimney, which means that there are people living there.

  (end of this chapter)

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