The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 968: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (6)

  Chapter 968 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (6)

  Picking gold in summer is not a hard job, but it is more difficult in winter. In order to make a living, stowaways or homeless people from overseas will soak their feet in sea water all year round to pan for gold.

   Local young guys who want to earn extra money usually choose to work part-time in summer, work for two or three months, and come back in autumn.

   Anyway, the work in summer is relatively simple—

  The weather is fine and the pasture is abundant. In the morning, let the sheep go out to let them have fun and eat. In the evening, they go back to the sheepfold to sleep.

  Because they are outside during the day, the sheep pen doesn’t get dirty so quickly, just clean it every few days.

Unlike autumn and winter, because the fireplace needs to be built, it is necessary to store more charcoal and dry firewood than in summer, as well as as much hay as possible to strengthen the sheepfold; Crowded in the sheep pen, it is also difficult to clean; what's more, there is still the heavy task of shearing sheep in late winter and early spring.

  So the young man couldn't stay in the summer, and wanted to ask for leave to try his luck in the south. The kind-hearted Hunters have always been allowed to leave.

  At this time in previous years, it was Old George’s job to shepherd sheep. This year when Xu Yin came, he took a back seat and stayed in the village to dry and manage wool.

  The freshly sheared wool is damp and has a smell of mutton. It needs to be dried in the sun for a few days to eliminate the smell and sterilize the bacteria. Only such wool can be sold at a high price.

Old George likes drying wool. After drying, he can sit in the shade of a tree and smoke a pipe to rest for a while. Unlike grazing, he needs to keep walking with the sheep, but if there is a sheep that behaves badly, he has to chase after it. rush.

  Xu Yin enjoys the daily life of grazing—

Under the blue sky and white clouds, she wore a refreshing fishbone braid, wore a large straw hat with a wide brim, and carried a small satchel filled with water and dry food for her by the cook. She drove the flock of sheep slowly across the vast expanse of on the grass.

  Go out after breakfast, and come back in the evening.

  The sheep ate while walking, and she picked wild vegetables and flowers while walking. If she was lucky, she could even dig wild herbs.

  The forage grass in the pasture is wild, and some grass seeds are grown by the rancher in the spring.

  The grass seeds purchased are mainly ryegrass and alfalfa, but there are also some other types of grass seeds mixed in. You don’t know what it is until it grows, but it will not be poisonous or harmful weeds anyway.

  Xu Yin had a great time following the sheep.

  Dandelion and wild daisy are the most common herbs. They can be picked and dried to make tea.

   Occasionally, I was very lucky, and I was able to dig Adenophora along the strings of Ziying flowers that looked like upside down bells, and I even dug a clump of wild Atractylodes macrocephala.

  Since she lit up the "Illustrated Book of Chinese Herbal Medicine", digging this kind of herbal medicine can be said to be at her fingertips.

  She made up her mind that when her colleagues who went to the south to pan for gold came back to work, she would take a few days off and go to the Southern Alps across the front, where wild vegetables, fruits and medicinal materials must be more abundant.

   Right now, how much can be dug.

   There are also a lot of red clover flowers with a bit of natural sweetness. This mixed vegetable salad tastes very good.

   Wild onions are even a handful, and they are especially delicious when you take them home to fry fish and barbecue.

   There are also mustard, mint, and basil leaves. Pick them while they are fresh and tender. They are all good partners for seafood dishes.

Although Cook Town is far from the sea, the seafood sold in the town, except for shellfish, is relatively rare. Salmon and cod are frozen. Although shallow water fish and crabs are not frozen, they are also chilled. Shrimp is mostly dry. She doesn't like chilled and frozen seafood, and it's not that there is no seafood in the system warehouse. If you want to eat, you can eat freshly caught and top-of-the-line seafood. Fortunately, she will live here for several years, and she will always have the opportunity to visit coastal towns.

  Xu Yin also found a clump of wild peas. Young peas are a favorite supplementary food for sheep. Every year, some pea seeds are scattered in the pasture, but no one cares about them. Over time, they become wild peas.

   It was still seedlings at the moment, so she picked up a handful of the tenderest pea shoots and took them back to blanch them for cold salad.

  Since enjoying her massage technique, this flock of sheep has listened to her very much, and there is no need for her to wave the whip to remind them. When she said go, the flock would never stay; when she said stop, the flock dared not play.

  At noon, the sheep are used to drinking from a shallow stream, and Xu Yin has lunch on the backlit stone.

  The origin of this stream is on the top of the snow-capped mountains of the Southern Alps. It flows along the terrain, flows through this grassy slope, joins the river outside Christchurch, and finally flows to the sea.

  Xu Yin likes this place more and more, but unfortunately there is no vacant land nearby. This ranch belongs to Hunter's family, next door is to William's family, and another rancher near the foot of the mountain belongs to it.

  However, the strange thing is that the family neither raises sheep nor cattle. It is just so deserted, and the wild pastures are swaying in the wind.

  It is said that Cook Town has a small population, but the land area owned by each family is really not small. The per capita area is actually in hectares.

  Xu Yin is really envious.

  It's a pity that she doesn't save much money now, even if she has land for her to buy, she can't buy much.

   There is no shortage of gold bars and bricks on hand, but there is no shop for buying gold and silver in the town, so if you want to sell them, go to Christchurch.

  She is a single girl, and her hand is a thick piece of gold bars and bricks. If she is targeted by someone, her future life will be uneasy.

   Let’s save money slowly, anyway, I don’t see a suitable place now.

In this way, she drives the flocks out in the morning and returns in the evening. During the day, she takes the flocks for a stroll on dozens of hectares of pastures. In the morning, she digs wild vegetables and herbs and collects wild flowers. In the afternoon, she finds a shady place for the flocks to rest. Also take a rest, and ponder over the hair pusher by the way.

  She spent pen energy points, asked the system mall to buy a set of the most advanced electric hair clippers, studied the drawings that came with it, looked for parts later, and tried to improve the current electric clippers.

  In short, there are no small gains every day.

  Store half of the wild vegetables and medicinal materials collected, and take half back.

   On the dining table of Hunter’s house, there are gradually a few seasonal wild vegetables: cold pea sprouts, red clover flowers mixed with potato salad, stir-fried watercress.

  There are more and more dandelions and wild daisies drying on the window sill. Make tea with mint leaves, which is especially refreshing in summer.

  Although these things are worthless, no one usually picks them.

   Some of them didn’t know each other, and some didn’t know how to eat them after picking them. Xu Yin not only knew them, but also knew how to eat them, which made Mrs. Hunter very happy.

  Every night before going to bed, she would praise Xu Yin to Mr. Hunter:

   "Sean, this child, knows a lot! Since she came to our ranch, not only has everyone's work efficiency improved, but the dining table has also become more and more abundant. I really like her so much!"

"The wildflowers she dried in the sun taste very good when brewed in tea. It is said that her hometown still uses them to treat diseases. I had a urinary tract infection not long ago. I drank dandelion tea for a few days and felt much better. It seems really good. Works!"

   "Shouldn't you give Sean a raise? She saved our family a lot of money."

  Mr. Hunter: "…"

  (end of this chapter)

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