The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 967: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (5)

  Chapter 967 The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (5)

  Xu Yin still doesn't know that she won't have a chance to collect wool next year.

  She was very happy. She took a leave of absence during work to participate in an amateur competition, and earned more than 10,000 New Zealand dollars and a pair of pure gold wool shears. This is a good harvest!

  The Hunters who came to pick her up in a pickup truck were also smiling.

"Sean, I knew you would be the champion of the regional competition. No one has ever sheared more than 90 sheep in five hours of the regional competition. Not only did you break the old record, you also set a record of 100 sheep." This new record is the pride of our Cook Township!"

   Mrs. Hunter was really happy for her.

   "Sean, what does the Pure Gold Fleece Shear look like? Can I see it?"

  Mr. Hunter is even more curious about the regional competition prizes.


  Xu Yin reached out her hand and took out the pair of pure gold wool shears from her canvas bag.

  Because it is made of gold, it is much smaller than ordinary traditional wool shears. She estimates it is at most 200 grams.

  According to the current gold price, the value of this pure gold wool shears is about the same as the 8,000 NZD bonus in Christchurch.

  Mr. Hunter took it and stroked it carefully, then gave it back to Xu Yin: "You have to keep it, this is the championship prize of the Canterbury Regional Competition, it is meaningful!"

  Xu Yin smiled and put it away.

   "Sean, with this bonus, will you go back to your hometown immediately?" Mrs. Hunter felt a little bit reluctant when she thought of her identity.

  Xu Yin shook her head: "I won't return. Although I regret being cheated by the agency, I have learned a lot here, and I want to learn more. Do you not want to keep me?"

   "Haha! Mrs. Hunter smiled heartily, "How is it possible! I'm still worried that you're going back to your hometown, and I can't bear you either. "

  Back to the ranch, Xu Yin was surrounded by colleagues like a group favorite:

   "Oh my **** Sean! You're my idol from now on!"

"Sean, how did you do it? I used electric clippers, and it took me more than half an hour to cut a sheep, and it was full of bumps. You can cut 20 sheep with manual shears? It's unbelievable! "

   "Sean has been practicing and never rested before the game. What about you? You can lie on the haystack when you have free time, and you have the nerve to say it!"

   "Hey! I'm in charge of sheep herding, not a shearer. But Sean, you are more manly than a man!"

  Xu Yin has black lines all over her head: What does it mean that she is more manly than a man? She is just her, need to compare with men?

   "Do you still want presents?"

   "Yes, yes!"

Xu Yin stayed in Christchurch for several days for this competition, and bought a lot of snacks that people in the city admired, such as tartare pancakes, hummus, dried green lipped mussels, dried whitebait, Roquefort muffins, raisins, dried apples and other assorted dried fruits.

  People in Christchurch also like to eat roast leg of lamb.

   There are stalls selling roasted leg of lamb everywhere on the street. They are roasted and cut right away. Xu Yin tasted it once and thought it was not as delicious as the roasted one herself, so she simply didn't buy it.

  She asked the cook to buy a meat goat for her, and planned to roast the whole goat for everyone to eat.

   After winning the bonus, I still have to celebrate.

"Why do you buy a goat?" Mrs. Hunter said angrily, "Old William heard that you won the regional championship, so he asked Little William to send a two-year-old lamb over early in the morning, and brought it here A bucket of goat's milk."

  Old William is the nearest neighbor to Hunter's house. He has raised more than 300 milk goats and more than 100 meat goats. He slaughters a meat goat every once in a while for the residents of this town to buy.

  The goat meat and goat milk of his family are of good quality and the price is very reasonable. Mrs. Hunter often patronizes his business.

  However, it is really rare for old William to give away a whole mutton sheep and a large bucket of goat milk.

Mrs. Hunt held Xu Yin's hand with a smile and said, "Now you have become a star shearer in our town of Cooke. Everyone wants to celebrate you. The mayor proposed to hold a bonfire party, and the time is set for tonight. , Rita and I are in charge of making nut cheese and sheep’s milk cakes, since you know how to roast a whole lamb, I’ll leave the goat to you. The mayor and the others will also bring some vegetables, which must be enough to eat.”

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Inexplicably, there is a sense of sight that in ancient times, a scholar in the imperial examination has become the pride of the whole village.

  That night, Xu Yin roasted a whole lamb for everyone on the bonfire.

In fact, people here often eat roasted lamb. Roasted whole lamb is not an amazing dish for them, but Xu Yin marinated it deliciously and sprinkled the spices just right. If it is too much, it will be too strong, and if it is less, it will be bland. Everyone had a great time eating.

   "Sean, I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking!"

   "The next time there is a food party in town, Sean can be the chef."

   "Food Fair?" Xu Yin asked Mrs. Hunter curiously, "Is it held every year like the sheep shearing competition?"

  If there is a bonus, she would be more than happy to sign up.

   Mrs. Hunter saw her thoughts at a glance and couldn't help laughing: "No wonder Hunter said you are a little money fan."

  Xu Yin囧.

  If she hadn’t traveled to this unaccompanied sheep country, would she be a money addict?

  People in the world are in a panic, but only a few taels of broken silver; but a few taels of broken silver can relieve the melancholy of the world.

   A meal of roasted whole lamb brought Xu Yin closer to other residents of Cook Town.

  After getting in touch, I found that everyone is very friendly.

  The mayor doesn’t have any official airs. On the contrary, he speaks humorously and has been to more places than others. Everyone likes to hear him talk about the mountains.

  Xu Yin gradually integrated into the big family of Cooktown.

  Blink, spring goes to summer solstice.

  Of course, this is summer in New Zealand, and in the northern hemisphere, it's winter now.

  Xu Yin gradually adapted to the local weather.

  There is little rain in summer here, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and there are mostly sunny days, which are suitable for grazing.

  But even in midsummer, the temperature hovers around twenty-five or six degrees, and rarely reaches thirty degrees.

  Besides, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and you have to sleep with a woolen blanket at night, otherwise you will catch a cold easily.

  The three-piece heatstroke prevention suit that Xu Yin prepared for herself—ice cubes, a fan, and a small medicine bag containing Huoxiang Zhengqi and Fengyoujing were useless.

   It is not necessary to go outside during the day, and it is not necessary to cover the blankets at night, and finally take them back to the system warehouse.

   But sunscreen has to be applied every day, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the air is pure, and the ultraviolet rays will drive straight in?

  Not only do you need to apply sunscreen when you go out, but you also don’t forget to apply a nourishing mask before going to bed.

   She still prefers whitening to darkening her complexion.

  After summer, the sheep’s wool sheds due to excessive secretion of sweat glands on the sheep’s body. The quality of the wool is too poor, and it is difficult to sell after shearing. Therefore, sheep are generally not sheared. Xu Yin was also transferred from shearer to shepherd.

  The two strong guys who used to herd sheep asked for leave to play in Xihai Bay in the south.

   It is said to be for fun, but it is actually to pan for gold.

   I heard from Mrs. Hunter that a placer gold deposit was discovered there a few years ago, and the gold mine owner was reluctant to lose the gold sand. In recent years, he has been hiring workers to pan for gold downstream.

  (end of this chapter)

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