The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 853: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (39)

  Chapter 853 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (39)

  Jiang Yunru came home and saw a can of tea on the coffee table, and asked casually, "Old He, is this the tea you bought?"

   "No, it's a gift from a student." He Junru came down from the second floor wiping his hair, "It smells pretty good through the packaging, so I brought it here for you."

"Old He understands me! But I also got a can of good tea. My little sister gave me authentic jasmine slices, fried with jasmine buds and green tea. I drank it in the store. The fragrance is refreshing. I will brew it later. you drink."

  Jiang Yunru said, happily taking out a jar of jasmine fragrance tablets from Xu Yin from her bag.

  He Junru took a look: "These two tea pots are somewhat similar."

   "Really?" Jiang Yunru took a closer look, "No way, my little sister made this tea from the jasmine flowers she planted herself. She won't lie to me."

   "But the packaging is indeed the same." Professor He took a few glances, and looked at his wife with dark eyes, "Your little sister, isn't she lying to you?"

  Jiang Yunru frowned and thought for a while: "It's possible, this is the first time I drink such a good tea, it may be very expensive, she is worried that I won't accept it, so she said she fried it herself?"

  He Junru: "..."

  My wife's understanding of the word "cheat" runs counter to his.

"No, I have to find out how much it is. I'm still a student! I usually don't even want to take a taxi. It's either a bus or a subway. The money I save from living expenses can be used to buy me gifts. If it's expensive, I can accept it. Uneasy..."

   While muttering, she picked up her phone and scanned the tea pot.

   If it's really expensive, she'll have to return a gift of equal value or more...not good either! Sister Yinyin must have saved from living expenses, so what's the point of asking for gifts? Still find a way to give her the tea money.


   "Huh? Can't find the product? Why can't it be found? This package doesn't look like the kind of loose tea sold at the foot of the tea mountain."

  Jiang Yunru was in a daze at the words "The product you want was not found" on the page.

  Taomai couldn’t find any matching tea leaves on Taomaimai, and she logged into several other online shopping platforms, but found that none of them had the goods. She wondered, “Are there any physical brands that don’t operate online stores these days?”

   "There is another possibility." He Junru took the tea bag and looked at it for a long time, "Could it be that she really made it herself?"

   "That's not right, isn't your can said to be given by your student?"

   After a pause, Jiang Yunru suddenly thought of a possibility—

   "Is your student a graduate student or..."

   "The third year of undergraduate."

   "What a coincidence! My little sister is also an undergraduate."

   "A big one?"

   "Yes! I told you this, right?"

"her name?"

   "Xu Yin."


   "Well, Lao He, why are you looking at me like that? Could it be... Your student is also called Xu Yin?"


   "...what a coincidence!"

   The couple looked at each other in blank dismay.

  The next second, Jiang Yunru laughed out loud: "What kind of fate is this!"

   There is no agreement, but the gift received comes from the same person.

"Let me tell you, this child is very smart. She has planted three and a half acres of spice plants in my planting base, and the harvest must be divided in half with me. Her half is dried and used as dry food in her father's restaurant." , My half was taken to a flower shop to sell, and it sold well! There are still customers who come to ask."

"A few days ago, I met her at the Azure Western Restaurant... By the way! Speaking of this, I forgot to tell you that I saw our son that day. He was friends with my little sister's brother. They The three of you are having dinner together. Brat! Ever since I stepped into the entertainment industry, the number of times I have eaten out with me over the years has been very limited."

"Speaking of this," Professor He said with a smile flashing in his eyes, "I also forgot to tell you something. Your little sister almost missed the scholarship last month due to family disputes. It's my son. Ask me to come forward as a guarantee for her. Fortunately, after the police report came out, the truth came out, and even if I didn't show up, she would be fine."


  What police report?

  Jiang Yun was at a loss.

   "Don't you know?" He Junru was slightly taken aback, "She didn't tell you about such a big matter?"

  After listening to her husband's ins and outs, Jiang Yunru was angry and distressed, so she picked up her mobile phone and called Xu Yin.


  After several long beeps, the call was answered.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing that happened at home? We went to the plantation base together last weekend. After so long on the way back and forth, you didn't think of talking to me? Do you think I'm a sister? "

   Xu Yin understood the nonsensical complaints, and felt warm in her heart.

   "Sister Ru, you treat me as well as your own sister, but you are also very busy with work, I don't want you to worry about this kind of thing."

"It's said to be a real sister, shouldn't it be right to worry about your sister?" Jiang Yunru pretended to be angry, "Forget it this time, the matter is settled, and I don't want you to dig the wound to show me flesh and blood, but Next time this kind of thing happens again, you must tell me, do you know that as soon as possible? Even if I can't figure out a way, I know more people than you, and I will definitely find help to solve it. "

   "Okay okay."

   "Don't be perfunctory."

   "Understood, Rujie! Next time I will not hide it from you."

   "That's more or less."

  Hung up the phone, Jiang Yunru looked up and found her husband looking at her with a half-smile.

   "What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

"No, it's good." Professor He cleared his throat, with a smile in his tone, "Just one thing, you and her are sisters, and if our son has that kind of thought about her in the future, what should we call him? Is she aunt, or is she calling you sister?"


  Jiang Yunru suddenly felt like being struck by lightning.

  She opened her mouth, remembering the scene in the western restaurant:

   "Our son treats her?... It doesn't seem impossible. That day he went to the restaurant with his brother and sister to eat. Although he is a friend's sister, but... when did you see him get so close to a girl in the past?"

  As she spoke, her eyes lit up: "Speaking of which, if Yinyin were to be my daughter-in-law, then we would definitely have no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It's just a pity to match our son."

   "What a pity?"

"Look at your son. His job is so unstable, his personality is so unpredictable, and he has to wear a mask and hat when he goes out. He looks like a spy. Any girl who marries him will suffer. Not to mention my little sister. , You need to have a degree, you need to have a good appearance, you are smart and capable, and you have a very calm temper. I am really reluctant to match our son."


Professor He swears in his heart: Your son also has a degree in A University. He looks good and can’t be said to be smart, but he is a bit smart, otherwise he wouldn’t be admitted to A University in two or three months after his third year of high school. As for the job instability …

  He agrees with this.

  So, that night, I sent a message to my son:

  [Your mother said that your current job is not stable enough, and you may find it difficult to find a partner in the future, so you quit early and come back to take a graduate exam. ]


   What is the old man going crazy about?

  (end of this chapter)

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