The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 852: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (38)

  Chapter 852 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (38)

  Just after hanging up the phone, Professor He sent a message asking her if she was free now. The friend who bought her design drawings last time is at his place at the moment. There is a public greening project in a high-end community, and he intends to ask her to design it.

  Xu Yin pondered for a while: Community greening? The area is not small, and instead of going through the selection process of Professor He's postgraduate students, I asked her to design it directly. Could it be that I want to plant all spices and green plants?

  She knows that the current level of design should not allow customers to directly name her design. The only bright spot is probably the unusual spices and green plants.

  Anyway, this is also an opportunity to improve her design level, Xu Yin immediately said that she would go there immediately.

  Professor He received acquaintances in the small conference room run by the department.

   "Old He, your student is really just an undergraduate student? Isn't it a graduate student you brought? Then the design level is okay!"

   "How to say?" Professor He poured him a cup of tea.

"Not only did my mother-in-law like the blueprint last time, but my brother-in-law also took a copy of it. The villa he bought last year hadn't been renovated yet, and the yard was bare, so the workers just let the workers decorate it according to the blueprint. No, it's out of gratitude , and introduced this project to me. Otherwise, I would never have had the opportunity to come into contact with such a high-end community."

  Professor He glanced at him: "Since you are also the first contact, you can ask my undergraduate student to design, are you afraid that she will screw it up?"

"What you said, if you are willing to accept, I need to find your student? Aren't you busy? Compared with the design studios outside, I am more optimistic about you as a student. At least the things she designs are innovative. "

  That's right.

  Professor He nodded in agreement. Xu Yin, a child, has a grasp of design concepts and new ideas, which even he is ashamed of.

Whether it is a water pavilion or a spice plant, you must first be proficient in this aspect. You don’t just open a pool and plant a few green plants to count as a landscape. After that season, it will be bleak and withered.

The graduate students he led have been able to avoid the same season of flowers and plants being planted in the same place without looking through books for common flowers and green plants, but their understanding of spice plants is still superficial, and some have not even heard of them. However, it cannot be freely applied to the design drawing.

   "Teacher He, are you looking for me?"

  Xu Yin knocked on the door and came in.

   "Here you come? Don't be restrained." Professor He greeted her to sit down, and after introducing the two parties, they started talking about business.

After some conversation, the other party was very satisfied with Xu Yin's design concept, and immediately signed a design contract with her, and sent her the specific drawings of the project. Probably not revised, so the first draft is scheduled to be delivered years ago.

   She was only given two months for such a large-scale design, and an exam week was interspersed during the period, but it was not too late.

  Xu Yin shook hands with the other party calmly: "Thank you for your trust, I will try my best to design a work that satisfies you."

  Send off the client with Professor He, she didn't leave in a hurry, took out a can of tea from the ancient small world, which was grown by herself, fried by herself, and watered by Lingquan from her schoolbag, and gave it to Professor He: "Teacher, thank you!"

   "This is an opportunity you won yourself, so you don't need to thank me."

   "Not just this time. Last time you specially helped me speak in front of the hospital leaders, I..."

  Professor He waved his hand: "Even if I don't say it, it's your honor, and I can't escape."

   Besides, I really have to thank him for that time. She has to thank his brat. If the brat didn't come to him, he wouldn't know that she almost affected the scholarship evaluation because of family disputes.

  But...Professor He looked at Xu Yin indiscriminately, and thought to himself, since childhood, when did the stinky boy pay so much attention to a girl? What is his friend's sister, huh! There are so many cousins ​​in the family, when did you see him caring? I'm afraid I didn't care about people.

  Xu Yin, a student, has unlimited potential in design, and she can go a long way in the future without accident, but she can't be led by a brat to love her children.

  After such hesitation, Professor He didn't say anything, and he accepted the tea.

   "Go back and think about the design plan carefully. You are still a student, and you should focus on your studies as much as possible. This project is of vital significance to your graduation project and application for postgraduate insurance. You must grasp it!"

   "Thank you, Teacher He!"

  Xu Yin bowed to him, and ran lightly to the library with her schoolbag on her back.

  Professor He was packing up the materials on the table when a student came to the door at some point.


   "Ah, it's Xiao Zhao." Professor He looked up, saw that it was his graduate student, and nodded at him, "I was just looking for you."

   "Is there a new project?"

   "No, it's the project you and Li Jiao collaborated on. The person in charge has changed, and a design draft needs to be submitted again. But there's no rush, just email me a year ago."

  Zhao Mingxuan pursed his lips: "Teacher, can I ask, who was appointed for the single-family courtyard landscape project last semester? Li Jiao or Gao Weiming?"

Professor He smiled: "It's not you guys, it's me, an undergraduate student. Although I haven't studied design for a long time, the other party has taken a fancy to her new ideas. This child is born to study design and eat the rice bowl of design. I will have a chance in the future." Introduce you to each other."

  Zhao Mingxuan lowered his head sadly.

  Professor He still has an important meeting to be chaired in the afternoon. He didn't pay attention to the changes in the students' expressions, and hurried back to the office with the materials.

  Zhao Mingxuan clenched his hands hanging by his side.

  The reason why he was admitted to He Junru's graduate school was because some people in the school forums kept saying that He Junru had many projects in his hands and gave students many opportunities, and he never skimped on money.

  He tried his best to get a job under him, but he didn't have a chance to win an independent project for a year, and he got less money for a cooperative project.

He spent several nights working on the design draft last time. He was very satisfied. He thought that the client would have an opportunity. He thought that this time he would finally be able to win an independent project, and he had already figured out how much he could get. The design fee and how to spend it, I didn't expect the draft to be rejected.

  He thought it was Li Jiao, Gao Weiming or Wang Xuewen, but after asking around, they all said that the manuscript was rejected, so who else?

  He couldn't bear it any longer, typed up several drafts, and decided to come to the department office to ask Professor He to find out who got the design project last time.

   Didn't expect him to hear the conversation between Professor He and the client, undergraduate student? Or a second major with a minor? After less than a year of studying with Professor He, he fell into the eyes of customers?

How can it be! No genius can do this!

  Zhao Mingxuan couldn't stop sneering in his heart, maybe He Junru helped her draw the artwork, right?

   Introducing a big project again, and helping to draw a sketch, what is the relationship between this girl and He Junru? Don't you be a shady dirty trick, right?

   His eyes were full of haze.

   I really want to post them on the campus forum to expose them, but now is not the time, I still have a year to graduate, and the graduation certificate needs to be signed by the tutor, he bears it!

  (end of this chapter)

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