The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 846: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (32)

  Jiang Yun asked if she needed it, "Do you have enough? I'll give you what's not enough. It doesn't matter if I sell potted plants or not."

   "Enough is enough." Xu Yin said hurriedly, "I can plant another crop in the second half of the year. It is enough for the store, and I don't do dry material business."

   Seeing that she was not polite, Jiang Yunru readily potted the half of the spice plants allocated to her and took them to the flower shop.

  Her flower shop has now opened seven branches in the city, and the business is good every day, so I am really not worried that it will not be sold.

   But I didn't expect that this year, thanks to the blessing of these spice potted plants, the business of both the main store and the branch stores is better than the same period in previous years.

  Especially the main store, because the store is large, and the number of potted plants shipped in is also the largest. In just a short National Day Golden Week, it broke the record for the entire October of last year.

  Many tourists passed by her flower shop, and they were all attracted by the excellent growing spice potted plants and stopped to inquire:

   "Ah! What kind of flower is this? It's so special!"

   "Flower Shop still sells potted plants? Is this perilla? It's so well grown! How many pots?"

   "Wow! This small pepper pot is so cute! It really has five colors! Is this pepper edible? If I grow it on the balcony and I don’t have any peppers for cooking, I can pick one and use it?"

   "Is this rosemary? The color is so beautiful! How many pots?"

   "What kind of flower is this? Geranium? Geranium actually has golden flowers? It's so special! I want a pot!"

  After buying the potted plants, I remembered the purpose of the flower shop, and it was imperative to bring back a bunch of flowers.

  In the end, many customers were attracted by the spice potted plants on the flower stand at the door, which made Jiang Yunru dumbfounded.

Having said that, these spice plants not only have a unique fragrance, but also have their own mosquito repelling effect. This year's summer is long, and entering the capital in October, there are still mosquitoes. I heard that spice potted plants can repel mosquitoes, including geranium and rosemary. , Qilixiang has the best mosquito repellent effect, and the price is not too expensive when you ask. You pick one pot, I pick two pots. The entrance of the flower shop is quickly crowded with people, and everyone squats down to pick potted plants.

  Pedestrians passing by don’t know why, but seeing so many people queuing up, they thought the flower shop was doing some big sales. They didn’t plan to buy flowers, so they came to follow the trend to pick flowers and bring potted green plants back.

  Jiang Yunru witnessed the grand sales of the main store with his own eyes, and listened to the report from the person in charge of the branch store, which also exceeded the turnover of the same period last year. She couldn't help admiring Xu Yin's business acumen.

She called Xu Yin: "Sister Yinyin, thanks to you, the sales of the flower shop in the past few days have caught up with the usual one month. Putting the potted spices you planted at the door is better than anything I can do." The promotion works. My sister would like to thank you! You opened up a new model of flower shop management and rekindled my fighting spirit when I was young! When are you free? My sister invites you to dinner."

  Xu Yin frowned with a smile: "Sister Ru, you don't need to treat guests. This is a win-win result for both of us, isn't it?"

  Sister Ru's flower shop is doing well, and the dried spices she dried, didn't it make Dad Xu's small restaurant business more prosperous?

  Father Xu's signature dish, after all, is not about skills, but about recipes.

  Nowadays, are there few restaurants selling grilled fish, bullfrogs, and seafood in sauce? The chef in the Chinese restaurant, who doesn't know how to cook these dishes?

  The difference lies in what ingredients are put and how much to put, which is the legendary "recipe".

  Papa Xu's specialty dish, needless to say, is the recipe—it's relatively solid, otherwise it wouldn't be able to operate for so many years.

  A few years ago, the annual "Hutong Food Festival" hadn't been held yet. The popularity of this area is not as strong as it is now, and it depends on repeat customers.

  Nowadays, Xu Yin has replaced the spices used in the store with premium spices of better quality and more intense aroma, which has improved the dishes to a new level. Not to mention old customers, old customers often bring new customers.

  During the National Day Golden Week, tourists gathered in the streets and alleys. Because of the fresh and delicious dishes, Dad Xu’s small restaurant is far ahead of his peers no matter dine-in or take-out orders.

  The proprietress of the snack bar next door almost had the word jealousy written all over her face. She even suspected that Xu's restaurant secretly used some kind of illegal/prohibited condiments, otherwise the business would be so good?

  But she had no evidence, and she didn't dare to complain casually. Complaints and reports like this kind of content now require real names, and false accusations can be caused if there is no evidence, and she has to bear the responsibility in turn.

  I can only watch as the neighbors become more and more prosperous, and my restaurant becomes more and more deserted.

   It can be seen how good the business of Xu's restaurant has been recently.

Hearing what she said, Jiang Yunru's smile grew stronger: "Since it's a win-win situation, we should celebrate it. I'm the host, what do you want to eat? Western food, Chinese food, or Japanese food? How about Western food? Eat After the dishes made by your father, those Chinese restaurants are honestly not that special. For Japanese food, it may not be the freshest to eat this season.”

  Jiang Yunru finally chose a high-end western restaurant not far from University A.

   "Are you going back to school tomorrow afternoon? How about setting noon? I'll take you to school after lunch?"

  Xu Yin couldn't hold her back, so she agreed to the invitation.

   But the win-win result is not only due to her credit, there is no piece of land provided by sister Ruo, she has seeds but no place to plant them.

  So, I went through the system warehouse and picked out a gift that she thought was especially suitable for sister Ru. On the day of returning to school, I happily went to the appointment with a pack of books on my back.

  Receiving the quiet and elegant epiphyllum perfume, Jiang Yunru showed surprise: "Give it to me? How do you know that I like epiphyllum the most in perfume?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   I really don’t know!

   I just think this fragrance is inexplicably suitable for the beautiful and elegant sister Yunru.


  Jiang Yunru happily accepted the gift.

  At this time, she didn't know that this perfume was unique—because Xu Yin created it herself.

Until that night, after washing her face in the mirror, she saw the perfume she put on the dressing table after returning home, opened it and sniffed it, "Well... it is indeed my favorite fragrance of epiphyllum, it smells so good! Lao He! Lao He! Come and smell it for me, how about this perfume?"

  Professor He, who was leaning on the bed and watching the design homework sent to the mobile phone mailbox by the students: " you think I have a dog's nose?"

Jiang Yunru gave him an annoyed look: "Didn't you claim to have a good sense of smell? The last time Tingting gave me the perfume, you said in a daze that the industrial smell was too strong, and you might as well not spray it after spraying it. What about this bottle? I think it smells good, and The fragrance of the epiphyllum is almost exactly the same when it is in bloom."

  He Junru rubbed the center of his brows, and if he didn't help his wife put a dog's nose, it would be hard to get through this wave.

   "Here." He held out his hand.

  Jiang Yunru handed the perfume to her husband, continued to pat her face to absorb the essence, and after a while, asked, "Have you smelled it? How is it?"

   "It's okay, at least it doesn't smell industrial."

   Let a traditional old man evaluate perfume, what can you expect him to say?

   To get him to say "it's okay" is already the most face-saving comment.

Jiang Yunru took back the perfume in a strange way: "It seems that this perfume is not cheap, no wonder Yinyin sister changed the packaging, and she couldn't tell what brand it is... I will ask her next time I have a chance, and I will change my perfume to this brand in the future... Oops Lao He, let me tell you, although my girl is young, she really has a good conversation with me. When we sit and chat together, we often lose track of time... Lao He? Are you listening to me?"

   "Yes, yes, yes."

   No wonder!

  He is busy correcting his homework.

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