The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 845: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (31)

Jiang Yunru's planting base covers a large area. In addition to the boutique flower cultivation area, there is also a large lavender field, sunflower field, lily field, tulip field, rose garden... The best flowers sold in the flower shop are all grown by herself. of.

  Xu Yin looked all the way over, feeling itchy: "Sister Ru, is it expensive to rent a piece of land here?"


  Jiang Yunru said "not bad", not "not expensive", so it must not be cheap.

   Yes, no matter how you say it, this is a suburb of the big capital, not a piece of land in the countryside of a remote county.

  Xu Yin took a break from this thought for the time being.

   "Do you want to rent a piece of land to grow flowers?" Jiang Yunru turned to look at her.

   "No, I want to grow some spices." Xu Yin said truthfully.

  She was inspired by Professor He's instructions.

  Professor He said that the biggest reason why her design draft was favored by his friends was that her design concept was very innovative.

  Different from the flower area interspersed in the design drawings by other students, the green plants marked by her are all spices, and follow the rhythm of the four seasons and follow the planting rules, which makes the other party's eyes shine...

  The other party also asked Professor He: "Are there any good varieties of spice plants to recommend?"

  Professor He has no research on spices, but Xu Yin has.

  She suddenly came up with an idea: If she had a piece of land dedicated to cultivating spice plants suitable for garden settings, and arranged the spice planting area in a pattern similar to her yard, it would be nothing more than expanding the planting area.

For example, the number of trees and spices can be expanded to more than a dozen or even dozens; for example, the home waterscape can be designed as a water pavilion surrounded by spice plants, and the bonsai spice can be replaced with a bonsai pot the size of a water tank... In short, it is convenient for her to cultivate more Allspice.

   Wouldn’t this make it public for netizens to appreciate, and have a chance to get millions of likes and complete system tasks?

  After all, the system didn't say that it had to be the yard where her family lives and lived, it only said it was the courtyard landscape. Can't she rent a piece of land and arrange a courtyard landscape for people all over the world to enjoy?

   System: ... As for exploiting loopholes, you will.

  【Ding—Yuan Hening and Jia Hexing! Create the most beautiful garden and enjoy a better life! The courtyard landscape has been appreciated by tens of thousands of people, and 2,000 energy points will be rewarded; the appreciation of 100,000 people will be rewarded with 20,000 energy points; the progress bar will increase by 1-3% if it is appreciated by a million people. 】

  The system seemed to have detected her cheating behavior, and slapped her again.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  This means that it must be a living courtyard?

   OK! Anyway, she couldn't afford the land in the suburbs of Beijing.

  System: If you can afford it, are you going to take advantage of it?

   "If you want to plant, I can evenly give it to you!" Jiang Yunru pointed to the past land in the Rose Garden, "This year there is not enough manpower, and there is no planting there yet, so you should go ahead and plant it."

  Xu Yin囧: If the system hadn’t reminded her, she would probably be happy to rent it, but now...

She suggested: "Sister Ru, why don't you plant some gypsophila? This flower is a versatile flower, and it should be in great demand, and it is also very convenient to take care of. After planting, it is better to leave it alone than to waste it. "

"I asked a long-term customer of Mantianxing. She used to be an employee in my store. Her husband died of illness a few years ago. She had to raise two children by herself. She couldn't come to work here, so she went back to her hometown to plant. I bought some flowers and plants that are easy to take care of, and sold them to me when they mature."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yunru looked at Xu Yin with a smile: "The land is also deserted. Do you have any recommendations for spices that are easy to take care of? Plant them here, and when they mature, if you have no other use, you can put them in pots and put them in the garden. I sell them in my store. I think the few spices you keep at the entrance of the restaurant are good. They are both practical and ornamental. My sister-in-law wants to buy a few pots and grow them at home."

   "That's fine." Xu Yin replied straight away, "I will produce the seeds, and you will produce the land. When the time comes, you will get seven and three."

   "Haha! If there is a profit, we can split it half and half, don't go out with sister."

  The two happily reached this agreement.

  After going back, Xu Yin sorted out a few packets of spice seeds that can grow well without careful care.

   According to Sister Ru, the open space is about three and a half acres. Because it is open-air, there is not enough manpower this spring, so there is no planting for the time being.

  The flower field of three and a half acres can grow a lot of spices.

Fortunately, Xu Yin also has a lot of spice seeds on hand, such as perilla, mint, basil, stevia, ageratum, rosemary, thyme, colorful capsicum... It is easy to take care of and beautify the environment, and they are all on the dining table Use available natural seasonings.

  In order to improve the survival rate, Xu Yin specially soaked these seeds with spiritual mist for a few days before sending them to Jiang Yunru's flower shop. She has a car to and from the planting base every day, just take them there and let the master sow them.

  These spices grow in the wild like weeds and wild vegetables. They are extremely vigorous, and they have been soaked in Xu Yin's spiritual mist beforehand.

   Unlike delicate flowers, high temperatures, low temperatures, strong winds and heavy rains, or no rain all the time are not acceptable, and pests must be prevented from time to time.

  Spice crops don’t have these troubles. They have a natural smell, which is different from the smell of flowers. They are not liked by insects and are not easy to attract insects.

  Of course, if there are insect eggs in the ground, the spices will be easily infected, so Xu Yin will take Jiang Yunru's car to check it out regularly.

  Every time I go there, I spray them with the natural insect repellent that is available in the system mall, which is non-polluting to the ecology and has a very good insect repellent effect.

   There are insects to control insects, no insects to prevent diseases and keep healthy. After the end, spray some nutrient solution mixed with Lingwu, so that the three and a half mu of spice land is still full of vitality and vigorous growth even if there is no master to take care of it.

The masters at the planting base saw that every time she came, she carried a watering can that was wider than her shoulders, sprayed the spices with water, and did nothing else. She only thought that these spices grew well because of their own strong vitality. It is indeed incomparable to the delicate flowers in the greenhouse.

  Xu Yin also wanted to spray some "nutrient solution" on the flowers, but the masters refused, saying that this was their job, and there was no reason to ask customers to do such things.

   Then she was too embarrassed to force her way into the greenhouse to water the flowers.

  After the new semester started, she came less frequently.

  The schoolwork in the junior year is still very tight, not to mention that she still has to take two professional courses, and has to complete two homework on weekends, so there is really not much time to spare.

   I have been busy until the National Day before I have time to go to the suburbs of Beijing to see spices.

   Several kinds of spices have reached maturity.

  Jiang Yunru asked her what plan she had. If she really didn't think about it, she would put it in a pot and bring it to her shop. The business of the flower shop is good during the holidays, and there are more and more customers who like spices, so it can still be sold.

  Xu Yin saw that the spices were in good condition, so she saved some for seeds, and the rest were as good as Jiang Yun.

  Jiang Yunru's part is potted and taken to a flower shop to sell potted plants, and her part is going to be dried to restock for Dad Xu.

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