The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 814: Fifty Miserable Sister-in-Law (End of this article)

  Chapter 814 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (End of this article)

   A few days later, Wanxing Village was boiling.

   "What? Has the household registration of the third child of the Xu family been transferred to a state-owned unit? Will she be a worker on public grain in the future?"

"real or fake?"

   "The comrade who came to change his residence has just left, can he still have leave?"

   "Hey! The old Xu's family unexpectedly produced a worker, and it has prospered since then!"

"The third child of the Xu family? Is it Xu Yin? She brought a man back the year before last and said she got married outside. I think the old Xu and his wife are quite dissatisfied, thinking that the youngest son-in-law is a foreigner. It's not like they didn't come back last year. , I didn't expect to be transferred to a worker this year, I'm afraid the man's family has put in a lot of effort."

   "Old Xu and his wife are real, if this is my girl, I will confess her as my ancestor!"


   Mother Xu, who happened to pass by, covered her face in shame and ran home.

Like everyone else, she thought that her in-laws contributed to her younger daughter's transfer to a worker's establishment, and she couldn't help but regret that her son-in-law didn't entertain him well when he came to the house. When his son went to the city to work as a worker.

  Similarly, the elder Xu and his wife deeply believed that her husband's family must have helped the younger sister to become a worker.

"I just said that my brother-in-law is a good-looking talent. He is definitely not an ordinary person. I didn't expect that my family background is so strong that I can move my little sister's household registration out. From now on, my little sister will be a worker with an iron rice bowl to eat public meals. That's great. !” Boss Xu said enviously.

   Mrs. Xu was glad that she gave her little brother-in-law two eggs when he came to the door, but she was upset that she only gave two eggs?

  I have given away all of them, so I should give away a few more! What did you think? So picky search!

   Look, she guessed right? The younger brother-in-law is indeed from the city, and now he is helping the younger sister to move her household registration to the city, and even found a job in a state-owned unit.

   "I just don't know where the unit where the little girl works? I heard that the comrade who came to relocate vaguely said that it is in the north. Could it be a big factory in the capital?"

   "Wow! Isn't that little girl developed?"

   "No! When she comes back in the future, she must treat her and her little brother-in-law well. Our son may rely on his little aunt to be successful in the future."

   "It's up to you to say!"

  Every household in the village knows that Xu Yin will be a worker from now on, how could Xu Cui not know?

  In her heart, she felt as if she had knocked over a five-flavored bottle. She had all kinds of flavors, except for the sweetness.

   It shouldn't be like this!

   Her life shouldn't be like this!

  I always feel that my life has been reversed with my younger sister.

   She should be the one to marry into the city and become a worker!

   What went wrong?

  As soon as Mother Xu entered the door, she saw her eldest daughter sitting at the dinner table bitterly.

  It's getting dark, and the kitchen is still cold, a dead girl who eats but doesn't work! If this continues, the old couple will be **** off by her.

Immediately, he became angry: "I will go to a matchmaker tomorrow to settle your marriage. Last time you were looking for death and life and were unwilling to marry the butcher Rong. He made an appointment with the widow from the next village last month. In the second half of the year Get married after harvesting the rice, what about you? This one looks down on you, and that one doesn’t like it. If you knew this, why did you bother to get divorced! The house that was well run was torn apart, and three children were given away to three families. It’s a crime... "

  Xu Cui argued angrily: "Is the divorce my fault? It's your good son-in-law who cheated. You don't blame him, but me instead?"

"Didn't he admit his mistake at the time? He also promised that all the money in the family would be in your hands in the future. You had to get a divorce to get to this point. It's wrong for a man to cheat, but everything happened. For the sake of the rest of my life, I left him just to vent my anger, and it's not you who are suffering now?"

  Xu Cui couldn't listen anymore, and stood up suddenly: "Anyway, I won't marry those crooked melons in the village. My marriage is my own decision!"

  She went back to the house, packed some clothes, and rolled out the door with her bundle.

   This time, she decided to go to another county to try her luck, but she couldn't believe that she couldn't look like a dog!

Xu Yin received a letter from the family from the comrade who was asked to move the registered permanent residence by Xu Boss. Only then did she know that Xu Cui had run away from home. .

  So, she didn't marry the owner of the employer's house?

  The main plot completely deviates from the original text?

   It was hard to tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for a while.

   "Worried about the family? Do you want to go back and have a look?"

  Cheng Shaojin went to the kitchen to serve dishes and rice while she was reading the letter, and when she set the table, she was still reading the letter, thinking that she was worried about her natal family.

  Xu Yin shook her head: "I'm too busy right now, let's watch it after the autumn harvest."

  Everyone has their own way of life, try to do what you can do, leave the rest to time, and life will give the answer.

  In this life, she devoted herself to the construction of Beidacang. Together with Comrade Xiaojin, the husband and wife worked together to increase food production and optimize livestock breeding.

  The two not only settled down on the farm, but also regarded the whole farm as their own home, sticking to Beiguan all their lives, and fighting for the construction of the farm all their lives.

   This struggle continued until the end of the 1970s—the state-owned farm ushered in a system reform that changed the world.

  The government no longer manages the operation, but makes the farm bear its own profits and losses.

   After discussing with his wife, Cheng Shaojin decided to apply for the job as the general manager of the farm.

  The higher authorities couldn't ask for more.

  Since the introduction of the restructuring policy, many cadres on the farm have used the public grain and meat pigs that the farm has handed in over the years as a pedal, and the promotion and transfer of departments have almost gone fast.

  Cheng Shaojin was willing to stand up and take the lead, and the leader was too happy.

  At that time, Xu Yin was over forty years old, but she still had charm; Cheng Shaojin was less than fifty, with a few strands of hair dyed silver at the temples, but her charm was still the same as before.

  Cheng's father and Cheng's mother moved to Beiguan as soon as they retired to help them take care of their children and take care of the family, so that the young couple can work with peace of mind. Under Xu Yin's secret treatment, the two elders have always been in good health, and recently they proposed to return to their hometown to take care of themselves.

On the contrary, the second elder of the Xu family, who often goes to the ground and has always been in good health, did not survive his 70th birthday, let alone his 60th birthday. I can't afford it.

  At that time, it was a period of severe crackdown, and both Xu Cui and the man were sentenced to reform through labor.

  The news spread back to Wanxing Village, making the two elders of the Xu family so angry that they became seriously ill, and passed away one after another before they survived that winter.

On the other hand, Tian Shoufu, as written in the original text, was shocked when he learned that the child born to the little widow was not his own. After being decadent for a while, he remembered that his ex-wife had given him three children. Into the factory as an apprentice. So I went back to Wanxing Village and wanted to take the triplets to the city so that I could take care of myself in the future.

  However, are the three families who adopted the triplets vegetarian? They are not as easy to talk as the original body. Not to mention the emotions involved, what about the expenses for food and clothing for the children in the past ten years? You, Tian Shoufu, want to take people away just by saying "they are my own sons and I am their own father"? Who gave your face?

  The three families and the Laotian family dragged on for a long time like a separatist war.

Perhaps the "worker's establishment" that Tian Shoufu talked about and the big pie of urban people were too tempting. In the end, the triplets still followed their father into the city, promised to support their parents, entered a large factory, and earned wages Be sure to come back and watch them... This is probably the magic of the plot.

  After that, Xu Yin never went back to Wanxing Village.

  However, at the end of the new year, I will post some farm products to Mr. Xu.

   In a blink of an eye, the children are all grown up.

Just as the college entrance examination resumed, the oldest one with the best grades was admitted to the Capital University; the smartest second among the three brothers only studied in junior high school for one year, and he was desperately unwilling to go any further. The truck and maintenance are determined to transport the farm's products to all parts of the country; the docile third child has always followed the couple, either following Xu Yin to research wheat and rice and increasing the yield of rice and wheat per mu, or helping Cheng Shaojin manage the farm.

   After a few more years, the state-owned farms that are responsible for their own profits and losses ushered in reform again—state-owned farms allowed private contracting.

  The couple contracted the entire farm without any hesitation.

   However, after that, except for some decision-making decisions, the daily management of the farm was handed over to the third child, and they returned to their hometown county to accompany their parents and mothers to support them and see them to death.

  After the country allowed the sale of commercial housing, the couple bought a small courtyard in the county seat adjacent to the park in the heart of the city, enjoying a comfortable retirement life.

  “I’ve been busy all my life, and this is the time when I’m free.”

  In the sunny and warm spring, Cheng Shaojin prepared hot water mixed with cold water, a comb, and towels, and squatted in front of the steps to wash Xu Yin's hair.

  Xu Yin closed her eyes and leaned on the recliner, enjoying his hair washing service that was comparable to five-star treatment.

  The sun shines on the body, making people warm all over, making people want to doze off.

In a daze, I heard him muttering: "I haven't taken you out for a walk all these years. The city where the eldest brother goes to school and the place where the second brother runs transportation are all said to be beautiful. It's a pity that we were both busy in the past. Now Finally, I have time, where do you want to go? I will accompany you."


   Also, in this life, the farthest place she has been to is Beiguan; the only other province and city she has been to is also Beiguan.

  But in her eyes, the most beautiful place is Beiguan.

  Because, it is the place where my heart is at ease when she has nowhere to go, the place where I have worked hard for half my life, and the place where I met and fell in love with him.

  The fertile black land is now like a bright pearl, inlaid in the northern border of the motherland.

  The Great Northern Wilderness in the past, and the Beida Cang today, it has allowed Chinese people to secure their jobs and inherit the hope of life.

  Scenes of the past played back in her mind like a movie.

   After a long while, she blinked her wet eyes, slowly opened them, and met the man's concerned gaze.

   "Where do you want to go?" she asked him.

  Which of those cities has she never been to?

  He smiled warmly: "I can do it."

   "Then let's visit one by one until the gray hair is too old to walk?"


  {End of this article}

  (end of this chapter)

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