The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 813: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (46)

  Chapter 813 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (46)

   "Pig raising?" Xu Yin was very surprised, "Are we here? When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It was only when everyone talked about pork a few years ago that the leader came up with this idea. Our farm has a total of 30,000 mu of land, and there will be no shortage of rice bran. Next year, we will try to raise two pigs first. If the benefits are good, we will raise more in the next year. If we want to eat meat in the future, we don’t have to find ways to exchange it with others.”

  Xu Yin is happy, she is really sleepy, and someone sent a pillow.

  The farm has raised pigs, so it will definitely be easier to eat some meat in the future than it is now.

  She couldn't help sharpening her knife... Cough, it's still early! The piggies are gone now.

   However, in this way, will she continue to stay in the farming area to shine, or apply to contribute her skills to the pig farm?

  How can I say that I have been the head of a breeding farm for more than ten years, and the accumulated breeding experience is now a valuable asset.

   After thinking about it, what is most lacking right now is food, not meat, otherwise the country would not organize young people to come to northern Xinjiang to reclaim wasteland.

   Pigs and chickens are currently raised to improve food, and it is not yet time for large-scale farming.

   It is better to realize the goal of Beidacang first, put the food first, and then consider the improvement of the quality of the dinner table food!

  After making up her mind, she stopped thinking about these things.

  The spring planting started, and she and other farm workers devoted themselves to the busy spring plowing.

  Cheng Shaojin was called to a meeting by the leader and asked if he had any intention to be in charge of the work of the pig farm.

   "Xiao Cheng, I know that you still have some unresolved problems in your heart about this change of job. In the mission three years ago, you had the opportunity to be transferred to the south and be incorporated into the elite army, but due to the limited number of places at that time..."

  The leader sighed. There are some things that cannot be achieved unless he is willing to be promoted.

"I know you have been waiting for an opportunity, but our entire division has been relocated. But this is actually the country's trust in us. Since ancient times, soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass. The importance of food and grass, I don't need to say, you understand .”

  Cheng Shaojin nodded.

  Three years ago, he might have had unresolved knots in his heart, but now he has already figured it out.

  My daughter-in-law is right, as long as you have ambition, no matter what line of work or position you are in, you can still shine and contribute to the motherland.

   Besides, if he had been transferred from Beiguan to the elite troops in the south, he would not have had the chance to meet the woman who saved his life and marry her.

"It's great if you can figure it out!" The leader patted him on the shoulder with a gratified smile, "In the future, our farm will not be bad, not only growing grain, but also raising pigs and sheep. I recommend it to the organization For you, the organization has passed the assessment of the past few months and confirmed that you are the first farm manager of our state-owned pig farm. Cough, that’s right, the pig farm has just been established, and I will try it in the first year, and I don’t plan to raise more, so the farm manager It's you, and the employees are also you...but there is good news, starting this year, your salary allowance will be raised by two levels, and you have entered the cadre level, are you happy?"


   "Happy! Why not happy?"

  Xu Yin came home from work, and when he told the news with a complicated expression, she didn't laugh out loud.

  Letting a former scout who has never raised pigs, at best raised a few pullets, to manage the pig farm, this...

   After thinking about it, besides family members, who are working on the farm now are not the gun-bearing soldiers who fought on the front line in the past?

There is a first time for everything. Back then... oh, now it was a long, long time ago. She was just a graduate student who couldn’t lift her hands or shoulders. Let alone growing vegetables and raising chickens, even leeks and garlic leaves were stupid. Can't tell, isn't it still flourishing in the vast fields? Last year, at the celebration meeting of the wasteland team, he took home a model worker award!

   "Since the leader appreciates you, why don't you go ahead and do it boldly. Didn't you say to raise two heads this year? Only two ends, no pressure. If you don't know anything, I will teach you."

  Cheng Shaojin: "..."

  Did the daughter-in-law think raising pigs too simply?

   "Have you ever raised pigs in your family?"


   Almost revealed my secrets. Her family is so poor, how could she afford to raise pigs.

"I heard from Mrs. Ma in the east of the village. He and his father used to be swineherds of the landlord's family, and they have accumulated a lot of experience in raising pigs. Although it is a bit of a theory, it is all groping anyway. Why don't you borrow it and use it? Maybe it will work?"

  So, Cheng Shaojin took a set of pig raising skills manuals that his wife had dictated overnight and went to work on the pig farm.

  There are three fires for the new official to take office, one of which is the ideal fire that Xu Yin lit for him—Xiong Wang Xiong Wang, although some are not applicable, but overall it is smooth.

  After a few days, he became familiar with the work of the pig farm.

   Under his meticulous care, the two piglets have grown from being thin when they first arrived to getting fatter day by day. This sense of accomplishment gave him enough confidence.

  If Xu Yin finished work early, she would go to the pig farm to see him, and help him cook pig food and cut pig grass.

   Hogweed is planted around the pig farm in spring.

  There are no mountains near here, so it is not easy to get some pigweed, but it is wasteful to eat bran and wheat bran, so the couple took time to go to the mountains and moved a few clumps of pigweed.

  Wild grass, the spring breeze blows and grows again, not to mention the spiritual spring water that Xu Yin secretly waters, with super reproductive ability.

  If there is enough food for pigs, pigs will live happily.

  When the pig is happy, the fat will grow, and the pig raiser will have a unique sense of accomplishment—there will be meat until the end of the year!

  The young couple are tired and happy.

  When the leader came to inspect and saw that the two pigs were raised so well, he couldn't help but praise Cheng Shaojin: "I knew Xiao Cheng that you would never let me down!"

   After finishing, I wondered again: "Have you ever raised pigs before? You have experience!"


  Why are these words so familiar?

  Cheng Shaojin reported truthfully: "Report! These experiences were taught to me by my wife."

  The leader knew that the reason why the two pigs were raised so well was due to the careful guidance of Comrade Xiao Xu in the rear.

  Although she has never raised pigs before, she often listened to the elders in the village tell the landlords their experience in raising pigs in the old society. The key is that these experiences are really useful.

  The leader rubbed his chin, wondering how to reward the two couples?

   Got it!

  His eyes lit up, and he asked Cheng Shaojin with a smile: "Where is Comrade Xiao Xu's hometown?"

  The farm incorporated Xu Yin into the worker establishment.

  As a member of the family, Xu Yin came to the farm for only a few days before she was established, which more or less dissatisfied the other family members.

  She married Cheng Shaojin for only two years, and they came here just after the war.

  At that time, their husbands were injured or sick and needed someone to take care of them, so the organization sent people to pick them up from their hometown, and they stayed at the station and never went back.

  In order to supplement the family, I often help out with some chores in the logistics. If we really want to expand the workforce, we should start with their family members. Why should Xu Yin be the first one?

   "That's all!"

  The leader knew that they were dissatisfied, and when they held a staff and family meeting, they highlighted Xu Yin's contributions over the past three years.

  The audience was instantly silent.

  (end of this chapter)

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