The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 804: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (37)

  Chapter 804 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (37)

  As soon as I entered the door, I was attracted by the big meat dish on the table.

   "Hey! What dish is so delicious?"

   "Whoa! Is this chicken?"

   "Yes." Xu's mother smiled when she saw her son, "Yin'er brought it back from the wasteland reclamation team, and she raised the pickled ones herself."

   "Little sister raised it?" Xu Yong expressed disbelief, "Do you have a yard there? Do you have bran and broken rice to feed the chickens?"

   These days, not every household can afford chickens, ducks and geese.

  Firstly, the yards are surrounded by bamboo fences, some of them don’t even have fences, and if chickens and ducks are raised, it will be a loss if they fly out to find them and can’t come back; secondly, there is nothing to feed them.

  Especially in the last spring, when the crops are not harvested, the old grain has bottomed out, and the new grain has not yet arrived. Poor families even use bran and broken rice to make porridge. People can't get enough to eat, what to feed chickens and ducks?

   Only families with a particularly rich labor force can afford to raise chickens.

  Xu Yin briefly talked about the situation of the reclamation team.

  But it didn't say the yield per mu harvested by the reclamation team in the past two years and the rations distributed to the team members. If she knew that she had so much rations on hand, Xu's mother would complain about why she didn't bring more.

   Didn’t say that I raised four chickens this year—

   One of them was given to Cheng Shaojin's comrade-in-arms. The dormitory of the two of them in the station was painted with the help of his comrades;

   One steamed chicken, half was given to the captain, and the remaining half was made by Xu Yin, which was not meaty in spring, and two pieces of drunk chicken were also delicious to serve with rice;

  There are two marinated chickens left, one will be brought back to her natal family, and the other will be taken to her in-law’s house in a few days.

  In short, based on her little understanding of the Xu family's piss, it is definitely better to say that she is poorer than rich, otherwise she would think that she had a very good life in Beiguan. I don't even think about it, how did these food and chickens come from, if someone else tried it, not only could they not eat the meat, but they were also taken away by wolves.

  Of course, you can’t say that you are too poor, otherwise, your family will think that she came back this time to cause famine.

  She didn't care if her family gave her a good look, but Comrade Xiao Jin was the new son-in-law's first visit, so she couldn't embarrass him too much.

   Sure enough, after hearing what she said, the smiles on the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Xu were somewhat real.

Especially Mrs. Xu, who graciously brought Cheng Shaojin a few chopsticks dishes: "Xiao Cheng, don't just listen to me, eat more! Our mother's cooking skills are pretty good, but it's a pity that there is nothing to eat at home. It’s hard to cook without rice. Today, thanks to you and my little sister, we can eat such delicious dishes.”

   "Stop saying a few words, all the saliva splashed into the dish." Boss Xu complained, raised his glass and said, "Come on, brother-in-law, I'll toast you."

  While drinking, he inquired about Cheng Shaojin's family background.

   Knowing that his parents are dual employees of Haicheng Power Plant, the joy is not enough to express his mood at the moment.

  Xin said that the little girl's luck is really good! Just find anyone, that is, the children of dual-career workers in the city.

  Dual-career families, the conditions can be poor! What's more, he is a dual-employee in a power plant.

  Electricity is a rarity that only urbanites can afford.

  In the countryside, not to mention electric lights, kerosene lamps are reluctant to use. As soon as it got dark, I quickly ate dinner and went to bed early.

   "Hey!" Boss Xu patted his thigh and said with great emotion, "Little sister is very lucky! Married to a good family."

  Maybe in the future, the old Xu’s family will have to rely on the younger sister to pull them out.

  The Xu family's old couple learned that the young son-in-law's family conditions are so good, and their attitudes are many times better than when they first came here.

  They drank wine and ate vegetables happily in the main room, and they talked about Xu Yin. Xu Cui was angry and aggrieved in the back room. Is it true that she is not asked to go out for dinner?

   I don't even think about Xu's mother coming to call her a few times, but she yelled away with tears every time.

  Mother Xu always puts her son first, and when her son’s family comes over, she must have dinner. The eldest daughter refuses to come out to eat, and it’s the same for her to leave a few mouthfuls of food for her to eat in the room later.

In this way, until it was completely dark and it was time to light an oil lamp, Mother Xu suddenly remembered the eldest daughter in the back room, and slapped her thigh: "Oh, look at my memory! I forgot to bring food to Tweety, she might have to Hungry!"

   Mrs. Xu said in surprise: "My sister is at home? Then why doesn't she come out to eat?"


  Xu's mother looked embarrassed, pretending not to hear, turned and went to the kitchen.

   Mrs. Xu turned her head and asked Xu Yin: "What's the situation? My sister is at home, why didn't she come out to greet you? Did you two quarrel?"

  Xu Yin shrugged: "She blamed me for not going home, and my three nephews had to be adopted."

"She's crazy! It's none of your business to put the child up for adoption! It's really to blame. She should be the first one to blame. After the turn, there will be Lao Tian's family. Who will get you! Really!" Aunt Xu whispered in the direction of the back room He spat, "I didn't say it. It's better than the older sister to take care of the child. One day when I went back to my mother's house, I passed by the family that adopted the eldest nephew. The relationship between the couple has always been very good. The only regret is that they didn't My child, now I have a big nephew, laughing and laughing every day, the child is doing well in their house, he used to be stiff and thin, but now he is quite fat."

  Xu Yin asked in surprise: "Sister-in-law, are the triplets sent to families near us?"

   "Yes, the farthest is the next town. I will pass by their door when I go back to my mother's house."

  Xu Yin was even more surprised. That being the case, since Xu Cui was reluctant and didn't want to raise them by herself, she could visit them secretly, as if she was parting for life.

  Mrs. Xu talked about the situation of the three families.

  Except for the one she just mentioned is a loving couple who have been married for many years and have not had children, the other two households are extinct.

  Xu Yin saw Xu's mother coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of rice, as if she wanted to put a few chopsticks on the rice and send it to Xu Cui.

  She took a piece of chicken for each of the men who hadn't finished their meal, and gave the last piece of leg meat to Boss Xu, thanking him for not listening to Xu Cui's words and going out of the village to find her kindness.

   Mother Xu saw that there was only one chicken **** left, and the chicken leg was in her son's bowl, so she didn't say anything. She picked up the chicken butt, added two chopsticks of mushrooms, and brought it in for Xu Cui to eat.

   Sure enough, after a while, Xu Cui complained disgustedly from the back room: "Why only one piece? Or chicken butt?"

  Xu's mother: "The chicken's buttocks are fat, no worse than leg meat."


  Cheng Shaojin glanced at his wife with a smile, and gave her the chicken wings in the bowl: "You haven't eaten much yourself, eat it quickly."

That night, because Xu Cui occupied the room shared by the two sisters, and Cheng Shaojin didn't want to separate from her to spend the night with Mrs. Xu, the two of them had no place to sleep, so Xu Yin built an old door panel in the main room and squeezed with him Make do with one night.

   "How about we go to your house tomorrow?" Before falling asleep, Xu Yin asked for his opinion.

"I can do it." Cheng Shaojin tightened his arms and hugged her tightly, and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "Did you go to the wasteland reclamation team because you were unhappy in this house? I will have me in the future and don't want to come back. Just spend the New Year at home."


   This guy has been silent all night, what has he imagined?

   "You think too much! I joined the wasteland reclamation team simply because I wanted to contribute to the granary of the motherland. After all, you have also seen that I am not weak."

   While speaking, he pinched the flesh around his waist, yo, the abs are pretty good.

   "That's a modest statement, Comrade Xu Yin." His voice sounded like a subwoofer, and he chuckled dumbly, "Your strength is currently unmatched by anyone."

  The waist and abdomen were a little itchy from her touch, so in order to prevent the gun from going off, I hurriedly held her troublesome little hand.

   "Don't mess with the little ancestor again, I'm worried that the bed board will collapse if you move again."


  Xu Yin buried herself in his arms and laughed silently.

"That's it." His fiery breath hit her ears, making her shiver, "I'm leaving tomorrow! Mom and Dad helped us arrange the new house, with separate rooms, thick curtains, and strong curtains. Canopy bed, you can do whatever you want then."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   What kind of yellow waste is full of brains!

  (end of this chapter)

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