The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 803: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (36)

  Chapter 803 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (36)

  Xu Yin frowned and said: "Find out, you are their mother! If you don't want to raise them, why did you give birth to them?"

"You put it lightly! I am their mother, but I have to make money! How can I support them without money!" Xu Cui shouted hysterically, "You are their mother-in-law, shouldn't you help take care of them? You are fine, As soon as you left, you left so simply, your parents wrote letters and sent telegrams to ask you to come back, but you didn’t reply. Did you do it on purpose? You wanted me to have no son! I’m not going to be old if I don’t have a son in the future!”


   This woman still feels that she is right, and the wrong is someone else.

  Xu Yin was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and turned to look at the elder: "Father, mother, do you think so too?"

  Old man Xu bowed his head and smoked a pipe, silent.

  Mother Xu muttered: "Yin'er, you are considerate of your sister, she is not easy, she is divorced and has three children..."

"She definitely won't bring it back." Xu Yin said in a flat tone, "Leave the children at Tian's house. Tian Shoufu is their father, how can they sell them? I know, my sister wanted Tian's family to pay more child support. , just brought the three children back. But after taking the money, he didn’t want to raise the children, and when it was over, he kicked this and that like a football…”

   "You fart!"

  Xu Cui was poked in the center of her mind, she jumped up angrily and wanted to grab Xu Yin's ear, but Cheng Shaojin raised her hand to block it.

   "Sister, if you have something to say, speak up."

   "Don't call me big sister!" Xu Cui turned her head away angrily, "I don't have a sister or brother-in-law like you! I only care about being happy outside, and don't care about the fire at home."

   "People have to be responsible for their own lives." Xu Yin sent her a sentence.

I don’t know where these words hit the tears, which made Xu Cui completely break her defenses and burst into tears: "Yes! It’s all my fault! It’s all my fault! I didn’t lead my own life well! It’s nothing to do with you, okay? ?”


  Xu Cui ran back to the back room, lying on the quilt and crying endlessly.

  She cried that she was ill-fated. She didn't open her eyes at the beginning, and married a **** who couldn't control her lower body.

Crying again, it was hard to meet a man who saw each other well and was in good condition in all aspects. He happened to be a married man. Although his wife died of illness not long ago, it seems that the two want to be together. It is also difficult.

  This reminded her of a libretto she once heard in an opera: You were born before I was born, but I am old when I was born.

   My heart is extremely sad.

   Crying again for her three children.

  Although it was annoying to see them during the confinement period, I always felt that if Tian Shoufu hadn't been pregnant, Tian Shoufu would definitely not have a relationship with that vixen. This is why she couldn't wait to escape from home and go to work in the city. She really couldn't love the triplets.

  But when the parents really put them up for adoption, I feel sad again. After all, it was the child she conceived in October, the flesh and blood that fell from her body. It is said to raise children to guard against old age, and her three sons have just become the children of other people's family. Can a mother be willing to do so?

Xu Cui kept crying in the room, and Xu's mother was worried that her eyes would be broken from crying, so she knocked on the door and said, "Cui'er, Yin'er brought back a lot of things, and there is also a cured chicken, isn't it your favorite food?" Is it cured meat? Mother cut a plate and steamed it, so I have to eat it.”

  Xu Cui yelled with tears in her voice: "I won't eat! I won't eat a bite of what they brought! I don't come home when I need her. Why are you pretending to be a sister at this time!"

  Xu Yin answered unhurriedly outside the door: "You think too much, this is not for you."


"Okay, okay! Stop arguing!" Xu's mother was caught in the middle, so she grabbed Xu Yin and winked at her, "You two sisters used to have such a good relationship! Why did you go out for two years? It's like being alone, and we quarrel endlessly when we meet, can't we make it through this year?"

   "It's over!" Xu Cui cried in the room.

  Xu Yin shrugged: "I don't care."

  Mother Xu: "..."

   Am I asking for your opinion? I'm just complaining!

   Years still have to pass.

  Especially the youngest son-in-law came to the door for the first time. If he came, he would leave, and he didn’t eat the New Year’s Eve dinner. It was spread by the neighbors. Can the old Xu’s family go out? His face would be torn apart by the strange eyes of the villagers.

   Poor to poor, face is still important.

   Therefore, although she didn't like the younger son-in-law, Xu's mother still took the old man to make arrangements for the New Year's Eve dinner.

   Fortunately, Xu Yin brought rations and vegetables over.

Reluctant to put the new rice into the pot, Xu's mother scooped up a shallow bowl and mixed more than half of the coarse grains; she only cut half of the cured chicken and made a steamed dish with dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms. For the old Xu's family, this is already A good dish.

   "Yong! Yong!"

   Xu's mother stood under the eaves, and deliberately raised her voice to her son's house across the wall: "Your little sister and her husband have returned home, come to the old house for dinner later!"

   In this way, the neighbors in the front, back, left, and left all know that the old Xu family is going to invite the young son-in-law who came to the door for the first time today, regardless of whether there is food at home, at least they can save face.

  Xu Yong and his wife next door heard that the younger sister who got married in another place returned home with her brother-in-law.

  The new son-in-law came to the door. As the eldest brother-in-law, he must have a drink with him, so he rummaged through the box to find the wine at home.

   "Chunfang, didn't your mother bring a small can of rice wine over a few days ago? Where did you put it?"

   "Don't look for it, I hid it. The wine was given to us by our mother to honor our ancestors, so don't try to drink it!"

   "I didn't drink it by myself, so my sister brought my brother-in-law to the door for the first time. Mother called us over to eat, and said that my sister brought a lot of food. We can't go there empty-handed, right?"

   Mrs. Xu reluctantly took out the rice wine jar hidden under the bed, found a shallow foreign bowl and poured a bowl: "Here, that's all."


   "By the way, who is the girl looking for? Is it really a bachelor who can't find a wife in the Great Northern Wilderness?"

   "I don't know, even if it is, you have nothing to do, you are married."


Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Xu were worried that the younger sister would find a husband’s family that would cause famine every year, and they would turn to them to borrow money and food. Along the way, Mrs. Xu wondered what might happen later, and twisted the man’s arm :

   "I'm going to put my ugly words up front. If my little sister doesn't marry well and asks you to borrow money, you can't agree. If you dare to promise, take your bedding and get out!"

   "Where am I going? That's my home too!"

  This woman is too hot!

  Xu Yong wiped his face, and said helplessly: "Besides, even if I want to borrow money from my younger sister, I have no money! The financial power of the family has always been in your hands."

  Sister-in-law Xu snorted: "It's good that you know! Anyway, you are not allowed to secretly help your two younger sisters behind my back."

"I know, I know!"

  The couple came to the old house noisily.

  (end of this chapter)

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