The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 765: Abusive female supporting role farming in the last days (50)

  They traveled along the expressway and national highway for nearly three years, and saw that many bases followed the management model of City H three years ago - building community farms and community farms, so as to provide sufficient vegetables and fruits for local residents. How come the place of origin - City H issued a ban instead?

   "What about Dongfang Yuyuan? What about the other districts that Dongfang Real Estate has taken over? So many vegetables were about to mature when I left..." Thinking of those vegetables, Xu Yin's tone was a little anxious.

   She was really wronged by this blame.

"Mr. He was negotiating with the authorities at the time, but the other party's tone was very strong, meaning that we must listen to them, otherwise they would send people with supernatural powers to clear the venue. Many owners, under the leadership of ... cough, Ms. Xu's father, jointly signed The letter stated that the community farm was created by our Dongfang property and had nothing to do with them. I hope that the supernatural beings will not hurt innocent people.

  President He decided to collect all the cooked dishes in a fit of anger, and then withdrew from the community with the property staff. I was worried that you would not find us when you came back, so we set up a tent here.

   Unexpectedly, old people and children were driven out of the city one after another. Seeing how pitiful they were, I lent them some tents. Later, we were so angry that we went back again in the dark and took back all the tents in the tent area. No one is cheaper than those people..."

  Xu Yin couldn't believe that she would come to this point: "Did the Association of Supernatural Beings make things difficult for you?"

"They want to, but we also have supernatural beings. Besides Secretary Zhu, there are five supernatural beings who went through life and death with a truckload of goods and came back, only to find that their parents, wives, and children were kicked out of the family home, and the association There was a big fuss, and Mr. He stayed with us that day with generous treatment. Besides, even if there were no them, wouldn’t there still be Lao Zhu, who sealed up the supernatural beings who came to find fault with earth walls, and waited We let them go when we withdrew."


  Xu Yin and Feng Shujin looked at each other in dismay: I really never expected that in the past three years, there have been so many changes?

   "Then you will stay here all the time?"

"That's not true. President He, Vice President Song, and Secretary Zhu took a batch of property personnel who were willing to accompany them, and brought a batch of supplies to N City, where Young Master Feng left the address. Old Zhou and I stayed here. Waiting for you to come back."

  Feng Shujin heard this, and immediately made a decision: "Go and inform our people, pack up the tent, and set off!"

   "Yes!" Special Assistant Yao jumped up happily, "I'll tell them to go!"

  The lonely old people and children who borrowed the tent heard the movement and surrounded them and asked, "Are you leaving? Where are you going? Can you take us with you? Let us do whatever!"

  "Beautiful sister!" At this time, a group of half-grown children squeezed forward, a little embarrassed in joy, "Do you remember us?"

Of course Xu Yin recognized them. Out of pity, she donated a few hot spring blazing stones to upgrade the water in the fountains in the community to hot springs, so that these children who have lost their families can have hot water. By the way, they have also provided them with a job .

   "Why are you here too?"

  The headed child boldly asked: "Sister, we are homeless, can we follow you?"

   "We promise to be good!"

   "We can do anything!"

   "We sure listen to you!"

  Seeing their pleading eyes, Xu Yin felt uncomfortable.

  If it is not the end of the world, which of these children is not the baby of the family? There is no need to wander around in order to survive.

  Resisting the moisture in her eyes, she turned her head to discuss with Feng Shujin: "Whether it's farming or building a home, you need manpower, you see..."

   "Let them decide for themselves. Those who want to go to N City with us get on the truck, and those who don't want to leave a tent for them."

   Just like that, Xu Yin didn't even enter City H, so she left, and turned around to City N with the elderly and children who were willing to follow them.

  That night, N City ushered in a mild wind and light rain, which moistened the land.

  The next day, the rain rested and the clouds closed, and the sun rose in the east.

  The alternating sunshine and rain appease the mutated animals and plants, not the mutated crops, and the growth is gratifying.

   On the other hand, in City H, the weather has not been very stable in the past few years. Not to mention the wonderful sights such as sun rain, rainbow rain, and sun snow, ordinary thunderstorms and showers have not come.

  Common people are discussing in private: In the past, it often rained and sunny, drinking water was constant, the land was not very dry, and the harvest was good no matter what was planted. What happened to these years? Couldn't it be that the president of the association of supernatural beings has been replaced, and the good feng shui has also been replaced?

  The owners of Dongfang Yuyuan are still in chaos without property management.

  They regretted that they jointly wrote a letter and let the property go away.

  It’s all right now, without dedicated property security guards, the gate of the community is useless, and the whole community is like entering a deserted land. Their homes are always missed by thieves, and it's okay to be stolen, and some of them just come to the door to rob them. Some were even robbed several times.

  The Xu family was also patronized by Mr. Liang Shang.

   Originally, the few little food that Xu’s father earned from working during the day and working overtime at night, was robbed of everything.

  My brother-in-law still complained: "Who told you not to keep it? Food is the most important thing now, and it should be put in the bedroom and under the bed. How can it be put in the kitchen? Isn't it obvious that people will steal it?"

  Father Xu was furious and kicked him out.

   This time the pot exploded, and both the mother-in-law and wife attacked him.

  He held his head in pain, and he was about to burst into tears: "Get out! Get out of me! This is my house! Whoever wants to live in it, you all get out of me!"

  Zhou Rong was so angry that her face turned blue and red: "Old Xu, what did you say? Say it again!"

"Didn't you hear me? It's all your fault! You insisted on bringing your mother and brother back together, but drove my son and daughter out of the house, and let me take the lead in exposing the property. Is it okay now? Are you satisfied?" ?”

  Zhou Rong covered her face and wept bitterly, saying that she wanted to divorce him.

"Leaving! It's the end of the world, and there is no Civil Affairs Bureau. If you step out of this door today, we will be leaving! It's okay if you don't leave, let your mother and brother go to work, I can support you, why should I support them? ah!"

  Zhou Rong wanted to be tough, but she couldn't. As Xu's father said, it's the end of the world. She is a woman, where else can she go if she leaves this house?

  Finally, she persuaded her mother and brother to go to work, and tried her best to find a job that included accommodation, and only then did she appease Xu's father.

  Zhou Rong thought that she had to get pregnant quickly, otherwise Mr. Xu was thinking about his ex-wife's children, what should he do if he had to bring them back tomorrow?

  She tried every means to get a child to help her conceive, but the result was counterproductive.

  Father Xu was tortured so much by her that he didn't want to go home. I heard that he found a little girl outside, who was a few years younger than Zhou Rong, and followed him wholeheartedly after a few packets of instant noodles...

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