The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 764: Abusive female supporting role farming in the last days (49)

  Chapter 764 Abusive Female Supporting Farming in the End Times (49)

  As they cleared obstacles along the way, people heard good news from all over the radio one after another.

Either the road outside the base was cleared by some mysterious team and reopened to traffic; or the city that had been drought for a long time suddenly received rain, so that the local residents who had been thirsty for a long time finally drank water; In the north, the long-lost sun came out...

   "The latest news is that a two-way lane has been opened for the expressway and the entire section of the national highway in City F, and the traffic between the four major domestic bases has basically resumed..."

"... It is reported that the entire Yunhai Bridge has resumed traffic, and all the highways in G City have been cleared. Vehicles with obstacles on the road are currently parked on both sides of the road, giving way to traffic. If there were vehicles abandoned on the above-mentioned Citizens and friends on the road section can go to pick it up on their own. But I want to remind everyone that all the mutated animals and plants along the road have not been cleaned up. According to reliable news, if you don’t take the initiative to provoke them, you will generally not attack people at will..."

   "Today's news, the long-drought northwest cities finally ushered in abundant rainfall!"

   "The latest report shows that the rainfall in many places in the northwest has not only alleviated the local drought, but also allowed the people to drink water. The mutated animals and plants in the territory seem to be less manic. Scientists are studying the connection between the two..."

   "Daily News, after a year, Sun Snow reappeared. This year's Sun Snow appeared in City B..."

   "...It is reported that geothermal springs appeared in the Northern Alliance base. In the extremely cold weather without power and gas, the citizens used the precious hot water. We firmly believe that if we overcome this difficulty, we will finally usher in the dawn of victory!"

  One piece of good news spread to every corner of the mainland of China through the broadcast of the radio.

  Listening to the good news from all over the world, people are much more confident in resisting mutated animals and plants and defeating the disasters of the last days.

  Everyone has reason to believe that the mysterious team, except for the silent devotion and good deeds that remain anonymous, is man-made, and good weather is a window that God opened for them in the difficult last days.

   "It's not only City H that has received God's love, the sun and snow are also falling on our base!"

   "We have rainbow rain here!"

   "Geothermal springs have been discovered in our base! Haha! I can't freeze to death!"

   "It's the same! So why move it! Isn't it good to stay at home and live in peace?"

   "Exactly! The year before last, so many people went to City H and lost so many supernatural beings and civilians. God couldn't bear to see it. This year, it also brought warmth to our base."

   "Let's go together! We have hands and feet, why should we sit at home and listen to other people's contribution in obscurity? We can also help clean up the vehicles and garbage on the road!"

   "Yes! Let's go together! As long as the mutated animals and plants don't attack us anymore, it's nothing to suffer!"

   "Clean up the vehicles stuck on the road early, and we can go back to our hometown to visit our parents!"

  More and more people have the courage to go out of the house to help clean up the roads, squares, streets and alleys... no longer stay out of it.

  Xu Yin, who did good deeds without leaving a name, drove the RV with Feng Shujin, took Guaibao, Niuniu, and the little wild dog with her, and spent nearly three years traveling all the highways and national highways in the country.

   This is due to the fact that more and more supernatural beings and ordinary people have joined the cleaning team, and the speed of cleaning is accelerating day by day, otherwise three years may not be enough.

  Now the faulty vehicles on each road section have been pulled back by the clearing vehicles sent by each base, and can be put into use again after repair and maintenance, and the traffic is gradually returning to normal.

   Mutated animals and plants from all over the world have been comforted by the sun and rain in recent years, and they no longer attack people at will.

  Scientists have found a balance between humans and mutated animals and plants that do not interfere with each other and coexist harmoniously, that is-humans do not offend it, and it does not offend humans.

   "Let's set off too!"

   After admiring the beautiful sunset in the northwest, it's time to go back to the south to see the sunrise in my hometown.


  The little wild dog raised his head to the sky and howled, as if saying goodbye to this land and water.

   Actually, it shouldn’t be called a little wild dog anymore. In the past three years, eating and drinking with Xu Yin has changed almost every day, and it has already grown into a large wolf dog.

  She misread it at the beginning, this is not a thin pastoral dog, it is clearly a little wolf dog.

   Now he has grown up and has become a majestic big wolfhound.

   When galloping, it is like the wind and lightning; when swinging its claws, it is like lightning and thunder.

  The big dog, Niuniu, has long since confessed to being cowardly and is willing to bow her head and be the second child.

  However, with Ono around, Xu Yin also got a lot of unexpected gains.

  Everywhere she goes, she stops to collect some local seeds.

  In the past few years, the seeds have been consumed a bit fast, so we need to replenish some stocks.

   Ono can help her bring back some wild fruits and nuts that are not easy to find in dense forests, cliffs and highlands.

   Just like that, I cleared obstacles and collected all the way, and finally replenished some stocks for the system warehouse.

   Returning to City H again, I feel a little strange.

  What are you doing with a big tent at the intersection around the city?

   When I got closer, I saw that they were driven out widowed elderly people and children whose parents had died and no relatives were willing to adopt.

  Xu Yin and Feng Shujin glanced at each other, but they didn't understand what was going on.

   "Young Master Feng!"

  Today it happened to be Yao Tezhu's turn to lead a volunteer team to maintain order. When he saw Xu Yin's distinctive RV from a distance, he greeted him happily: "I hope you two are back!"

  Xu Yin was also very happy to meet him here, and asked, "Taizhu Yao, what happened? Why are these people..."

   "Well, it's a long story..."

  Feng Shujin: "Let's make a long story short."


  Tezhu Yao followed them into the RV, talking about the changes in City H in the past three years, it was really earth-shaking.

   And the cause of the incident turned out to be related to Xu Yin.

  Didn't she save five supernatural beings not long after she left the city? Those five people also accompanied her to clear the obstacles overnight.

  Perhaps it was delayed for some time, they lost contact with the convoy, and they encountered wolves, and were sent back to the city by the survivors. When the Abyss Association sent people to check, they found some fresh blood at the scene of the incident, thinking that they had really suffered misfortune.

  The association hastily notified the situation, and then moved the family members of the five people out of the assigned family courtyard to make room for the family members of the leadership.

   As a result, these family members were angered.

   The high-level cadres who had long been displeased with the Association of Supernatural Persons and were worried that they would endanger the top positions under their buttocks when they grew stronger, took advantage of this incident to take the opportunity to pull down the president of the association and replace it with a new president.

  H city base management reshuffle.

"...After the new president came to power, he promulgated ten new regulations. One of them is to strictly prohibit the greening and planting of the community. Uniformly assigned to work on each farm..."


  Hearing what Yao Tezhu said, Xu Yin and Feng Shujin exchanged surprised looks.

  (end of this chapter)

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