The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 469: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (51)

  Xu Yin looked down at the food box in the bamboo basket. The ready-to-eat food seemed to be a box of shredded pepper chicken and two bags of hand-peeled bamboo shoots... Oh, and two cans of crispy beef strips.

  So he said, "I brought two dishes and some snacks."

   "Food? Do you know Brother Han's taste? Brother Han never seems to reveal what kind of food he likes in public... By the way, sisters, which one are you in the group? I'm 'I want to save face and get drunk', which one are you?"

  Xu Yin was stopped by the question: "..."

  Which group? Could it be Fu Hanjin's fan group?

  Damn it!

  Xu Yin bit the bullet and said slowly: "My name is..."

   "Drunk drunk! We are back! Thank you for checking your luggage! Do you want to go to the toilet? Go quickly!"

   Fortunately, at this time, the girl's companion came back after using the toilet.

  Seeing Xu Yin, she had the same reaction as a girl: "Hey, another little sister? You came alone? Why don't you come with us?"

  But the other party just asked casually, and after asking, he saw the cake of the children's shoes of "Desperate to save face and get drunk" and exclaimed:

   "Wow! Drunk drunk! Is this the cake you made yourself? It's so beautiful! I can't even get my little snacks out."

   In this way, they all chattered about the gifts they brought.

   "Mine are artisanal chocolates."

   "My handmade **** lollipop."

   "You all send food? I made the mobile phone chain by myself."

   "How about we all take it out and have a look?"

   "Okay, okay! I will show you the mobile phone chain I made. If you like it, I will give it to you next time."

  Seven girls squatted in a row in the leeward corner, took out their carefully prepared gifts, and commented on each other with great interest.

   "Desperate to save face and get drunk" waved to Xu Yin: "Sisters, you come too! It's neither wind nor cold here. Look at what dishes you brought."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I just want to be a quail, can’t I?

   Forget it, let’s treat it as breaking into the enemy’s interior.

  She also squatted down next to the wall.


  Fu Hanjin got off the show, saw the message from his girlfriend, and hurried out to pick her up without changing her costume.

   As a result, I went to the door to see, what about the promised girlfriend?

   On the other hand, under the opposite wall, there are eight girls squatting in a row...

   "Ahh! Brother Han! Brother Han is out!"

   "Wow! Brother Han, does he know that we are here specially to see us? Woooooo...I'm so touched..."

  Fu Hanjin: "..."

  At this time, his slender eyebrows narrowed, and he recognized his girlfriend in the crowd... Those bright eyes, and the couple brand cashmere scarf and hat he picked online and sent in person...

   couldn't help laughing, and waved in Xu Yin's direction: "How long are you going to squat? Isn't it cold?"

  Xu Yinteng got up, and before the gang of newly acquainted sisters turned around and found out that she was a traitor, she quickly pushed the suitcase and bamboo basket, and ran to Fu Hanjin's side.

  Fu Hanjin hugged her, took the things in her hands, hugged her shoulders, greeted the fans, and told them: "It's cold, go home early."


  The fans were dumbfounded: What's going on?

   "This, this, this..."

   "She, she, she..."

   "Ah! Xu Zhiyin! You are Xu Zhiyin, right? Oh my God! Brother Han is really with Xu Zhiyin..."

  Fu Hanjin raised her eyebrows, and turned her head to look at Xu Yin: "I see that you chatted with them very speculatively, and almost didn't recognize you, and they didn't recognize you after a long time?"

  This camouflage is fine!

  Xu Yin gave him a look of "self-experience", and bowed to the fans: "Sorry, sorry!"

As compensation, she brought out a pack of hand-peeled bamboo shoots and a can of beef jerky, and gave them to eat: "The hand-peeled bamboo shoots made from the first crop of spring bamboo shoots dug by my family are delicious. The beef jerky is the beef bought by your brother Han. Roasted, non-spicy, five-spice. I won’t give you the pepper chicken, there’s only one box in total, so it’s hard to divide.”

  Seven fans: "..."

  Do they mind eating? What they mind is...

   "Brother Han, so you are really in love?"

  Fu Hanjin laughed: "I thought the interview was clear enough."

   "Where, you don't know that during this time, everyone is guessing whether you are unrequited love."

Unrequited love?

  Fu Hanjin raised his eyebrows: "How?"

   "Brother Han, don't you know? Because you just said you like Xu Zhiyin, but..."

  The girl who spoke quietly glanced at Xu Yin, "Sister-in-law Han didn't come forward to respond, so everyone thought you were in a one-sided lover's house..."

   So that was the case, Fu Hanjin waved his hand indifferently: "She quit the circle, so she didn't come forward to respond. It's okay, you go back quickly! It's too cold outside."

  He also has to bring his girlfriend in quickly.

   Seeing her dressed like this, she must be afraid of the cold.

   "Brother Han, we came here specially to see you. This is a snack we made ourselves."

   "Brother Han, this is the mobile phone chain I made. Cough, I made an extra one and gave it to Mrs. Han. You can be a couple's mobile phone chain."

  The girl who gave the mobile phone chain reluctantly took out another one, which was originally kept for her own use.

   Fearing that he would not accept it, the little girl put down her things and ran, turning around and shouting:

   "Brother Han, you and sister-in-law Han must be happy!"

   "As long as you are happy, we support you to be together!"

  Other girls also ran and shouted.

   "Did you hear that? They blessed us both." Fu Hanjin tilted her head, eyes full of smiles, staring at the person in front of her, "How do you feel? Mrs. Han."

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Call me old."

  This provocative and unknowingly sweet smile moved his heart, and he couldn't help but lowered his head, first gently pecked at the corner of her lips twice, and then pressed against her forehead.

  The girl who hadn't run far turned around to see this scene, quickly picked up her phone and took a picture, and sent it to the fan group:

  [Aww! ! So excited! ! ]

  [To see Brother Han, I happened to meet Mrs. Han who came to visit the class. The interaction between the two was so sweet! It's so sweet to us single dogs! ]

   Soon, the sweet photo of Fu Yingdi and the fake daughter smiling at each other with their foreheads pressed against each other became a hot search.

   Now everyone has to believe: these two people are really in love.

  The seven fan sisters also posted the hand-peeled bamboo shoots and beef jerky that Xu Yin gave them to the group, showing off:

  [Sister-in-law Han invited us to eat. ]

  Other fans immediately regretted not visiting the set.

  The collective picked up lemons and replied sourly:

  [I bought you off with a little food? It's too unprincipled! ]

[that is! Isn't it just beef jerky and hand-peeled bamboo shoots? Where can I not buy this thing? There is nothing to show off. snort! ]

  Seven fans happily retorted:

  [Just beef jerky and hand-peeled bamboo shoots are not uncommon, but these bamboo shoots are made by Mrs. Han’s family who went to the mountains to plan fresh spring bamboo shoots, and they are the first fresh spring bamboo shoots in the new year! The beef jerky is beef bought by brother Han, and sister-in-law Han made it herself. Not to mention the taste, the key is the meaning! significance! whee…]


   How angry!

  So jealous!

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