The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 468: Fake daughter withdraws from the ring to farm (50)

  Chapter 468 The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (50)

  With her cousin helping her to deliver the goods, Xu Yin felt a lot easier during this period of time.

But she was still not idle, and took her cousin to dig the soil and fertilize the overwintering Huang Jing and Sanye Qingsong, and then distributed five catties of fresh winter bamboo shoots to Lu You and Ding Tao, several big customers of the online store Thank you.

  After finishing all this work, she began to pack her luggage and prepare to fly to Hengshi.

   The one who promised to visit her boyfriend a year ago must do what she said.

  Feng Cuiqin heard her daughter say that she was going to visit a friend in Hengshi, so she guessed it right away:

   "Is it the friend who sent you that big box of gifts before?"


  Feng Cuiqin thought it was the little sister her daughter had met before.

  Fried a pot of frozen rice in advance to make frozen rice candy, and asked Xu Yin to bring it to her friends to taste.

   There is also the first crop of spring bamboo shoots that have just been planed, and I am not willing to eat them, so I let Xu Yin take them away.

   "You pick a few fresh ones, and when the time comes, make chicken soup for your friends, and the rest of the mother will make hand-peeled bamboo shoots for you. You can eat them directly after peeling the shells, and you can eat them as snacks."

  Xu Yin thought that her family wanted to eat bamboo shoots, and she could eat them anytime later, so she didn't refuse Xu Ma's kindness.

She went to pick two bamboo forest chickens that could fly freely on the bamboo branches. One was vacuum-frozen after evisceration, and then brought to Hengshi for soup; .

  In addition, he made some beef jerky and beef crisps with the ecological beef he bought last time.

  As for the most indispensable dried chicken fir fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and dried bamboo shoots in the Xu family, Xu Ma stuffed them with a lot.

   "Come back early after watching friends, this year your cousin and aunt will come to our house to celebrate the New Year."



  #Fuyingdi恋情# has been trending for many days.

   Helpless two parties involved, one responded a few words on the talk show, and then joined the group to film, and the Weibo status has not been updated.

   There is another party who is even worse. After retiring from the circle, she has never logged in to the bib account, and she has not come out to respond.

  Besides being photographed by the paparazzi for two photos of riding a motorcycle, there is no news about her. She is really a windy woman.

   Various media tried to catch this topic and continue to create heat, but they couldn't find a chance.

  The enthusiasm for the actor's love affair gradually dropped.

   It has been a long time since the woman came out to respond, and netizens couldn't help guessing: Could it be the film king who has a hot head and a one-sided lover with the burden of shaving his head?

  Fu Yingdi's girlfriend fans and wife fans certainly don't follow.

Although Cooking suddenly announced that they have someone they like, they were caught off guard, and the other party was still a fake daughter who retired from the circle half a year ago, which made those fans who cared more about his career and cherished his own feathers than Fu Hanjin himself. Even more dissatisfied.

   If you want to find, you should also find a queen, Xiao Hua, who is quite capable in the industry!

  Finding a fake daughter who has retired from the industry always feels like degrading her status.

  So during this period of time, Chaohua and the fan group have comments against fake daughters popping up at any time, and they are still eagerly waiting for the fake daughter to show up, and flock to her neck to scold.

   In the end, I waited and waited, and after waiting for two months, I didn't see her show up, let alone respond to the actor's confession, and she didn't even catch the heat.

  Seeing other fans or passers-by fans gleefully laughing at the actor's unrequited love, everyone Xu Zhiyin didn't care about him, which made the actor's true fans angry and anxious.

  It’s like your own child, you can scold yourself, but others can’t.

  [Who said my husband is unrequited love? Everyone is sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, what else do you want? Do you have to hug each other in front of you? It is unrequited love to co-author male and female friends without cuddling or making out in public, right? ]

[that is! Those who say that my brother Han is hot are even more ridiculous! With my brother Han's current status as a coffee maker, do we need to stir it up? He just debuted eight years ago and didn't get hyped, and these years he has acted innocently and acted as a person. When did he need to use CP to stir up the popularity? ]

  [Although I am not satisfied with the person Brother Han likes, I will bless him! ]

  [I also wish! ]

  [Actually, it seems that Xu Zhiyin is not bad at all! She became famous as a teenager and had no scandals with anyone before. After retiring from the circle, she kept a low profile so that even the paparazzi couldn't figure out where she lived. ]

  [It’s true to say so, and Xu Zhiyin’s appearance is the type I like. Just looking at the appearance, she is a good match with Brother Han. ]

  [Sister Yin and Brother Han are a match made in heaven! ]

  In an instant, half of the fan group turned against each other.

  The remaining half still feel that Xu Yin is not good enough for Fu Hanjin.

  [Brother Han deserves better! ]

  [Even if you find an outsider, at least find someone with a successful career and a high social status. The fake daughter is now plainly a countryman, besides a face that can be punched, what else can she do? ]

  There are various comments on the Internet.

  Lu Chao was very upset about this.

  If I had known earlier, I would not have let Old Fu go to Qingzhu Village to recuperate.

   In less than three months, I fell in love with the owner of the homestay. I am afraid no one will believe me if I tell it.

  Since his debut, he has never been rumored to have **** with a female celebrity. Where is the calm, self-sufficient, cold and abstinent actor Fu?

  He worried and thought about it.

   As a result, the guy replied to him:

   "Let's just think that my previous self-cleaning was to meet her."

  Lu Chao: "..."

Yo! It's great! Shall I apply for Fu's Quotations for you?

   Tucao belongs to Tucao, Lu Chao has nothing in common with his own artists, so he had to ask Ding Tao to always pay attention to the trends in the group and Chaohua, and comment when necessary.

   "Don't let the two parties fight together and fall apart, then it will be a joke to the outside world. The great actor can't even manage his own fan base well, alas..."

  Ding Tao obediently entered the group to comment, and suddenly he whispered: "Damn! Sister-in-law came to visit Brother Fu?"

   "Where is where?" Lu Chao, who was about to hang up the phone, asked anxiously.

   "Where else can it be, Hengshi! Sister Yin came to visit the class and was photographed by fans."

   "I didn't know he was in Hengshi? I asked where you saw it?"


  In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Xu Yin followed the trend and wore a slightly bloated long down jacket, a top of black cashmere wool on her head, and several times of cashmere scarves of the same series around her neck.

  According to my boyfriend, he entrusted a friend in Beijiang to purchase it on his behalf. The cashmere produced by the white cashmere goat in Beijiang is very warm.

  With such a dress, no one would recognize her without sunglasses.

   With a suitcase in her left hand and a soft bamboo basket with a food box in her right, she was waiting in front of a small gate of the film and television base.

"Hey sisters, are you also here to visit Brother Han's class? Have you heard a gossip that Brother Han hasn't had a good appetite since filming that psychological drama that touches human nature? Bring food?"

  A little girl came over to the side, she was afraid of the cold, she was tightly wrapped in a scarf and hat, she was on par with Xu Yin.

   "Are you here alone? Why don't you participate in group activities? There are seven of us here, and they went to the toilet. Let me look at the luggage here."

  The girl took off her gloves while talking, and took out the gift she brought to visit the class: a box of pine nut cakes that she baked herself.

   "I heard that Brother Han likes nuts more, so pine nuts should be his favorite, right? I just baked a pine nut cake. How about you, ladies? What did you bring?"


  (end of this chapter)

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