Chapter 812: Shenma Lushan Shenglongba Diamond Stardust Fist... We will all!

Lin Luo didn't know that Qi Lunuo of ⑨ crossed the plane and came from the tens of thousands of years shady Yakumo Zi, and did not know that Returning Xi was playing a big chess game, so he froze a male frog in the face. Qi Lunuo of ⑨ who was still looking for the female frog to freeze for a while, he really felt a bit incomprehensible pain.

If Mingming has the will of God, knowing that he is weak now, so he will send him a helper, but why is it ⑨? Is it because there are too many frogs in this world, so let her eliminate some? Although her combat effectiveness is not low here, her IQ is really not easy to use. Even if she is such a wise and martial person, it is still very difficult to command an idiot who can't even 1+1.

Moreover, if you accidentally get caught in the aura of ⑨, that would be very bad.

"Hey, why is it ⑨? If the one who jumps out of the lake is Zi Ma or Queen Youxiang, even if she jumps out of Marisa, she can still help herself to the NTR Yangtze River Knights..." Lin Luo was infinitely entangled and couldn't bear it. Slander it. If you let him know, if he had this idea a little bit earlier, he might really jump out of Zi Ma or Youxiang from the lake, and he would probably regret vomiting blood.

But depressed and depressed, he couldn't sit back and watch anymore. Since Merlin's non-male and female ladyboy doesn't care, the mess can only be dealt with by himself. Thinking of this, he stepped forward and beckoned to some foolish goblin who had forgotten about it, "Cirno."

Although Lin Luo's voice is not loud, it does not prevent Qi Lunuo from hearing it. When she is looking for reputation, her eyes suddenly shine, and she flies in front of Lin Luo in an instant, and said excitedly, "Ah, it's you, give me a popsicle. Good people."

You can't blame Cirno for not recognizing Lin Luo before, because she is a ⑨, which may not seem like a reason, but it is actually the best reason...Can you ask too much of an idiot?

Cirno also brought the cold of winter when she flew over. Lin Luo felt the chill on her face, but ignored the good person card issued by ⑨, stepped back a little, and tried to keep herself free from catching a cold. Distance, asked, "Why did you come here?"

"Where is this place?" Cirno answered her question, but her face was blank.

"It's not Gensokyo anyway. Just tell me what happened when you stayed in Gensokyo before." Lin Luo knew that it was mostly unrealistic to ask her to answer how she got here with an IQ of ⑨. Can ask questions in another way and analyze by yourself.

"I don't know." Qi Luno asked and didn't know.

Lin Luo was helpless. Although he didn't have much hope for ⑨, he still couldn't help being disappointed. It seems that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment this sentence is not necessarily completely correct.

When Altria saw Lin Luo and Cirno talking very well, she was a little surprised, and she walked over and said, "Do you know the elves in the lake?" She originally thought that Lin Luo was just a little bit more knowledgeable, but now she doesn't just talk to her. Merlin knew him, and seemed to be very close to the elves in the lake, which was unexpected.

Lin Luo felt that there was nothing to conceal from Altria, but instead insisted that Cirno was a lake elf to have trouble, so he said, "This guy is not a lake elf, but a fairy I knew in my hometown. Forget it, Ice Fairy, look... it's cold."

Lin Luo reached out and touched the ice wings of ⑨, and said in his heart: This should work well in summer.

"Ah!" Altria was obviously taken aback, looking back and forth on Cirno, incredible, "Then why was she summoned by me?"

"Your question is what I want to know." Lin Luo felt a little weak.

While Altria was looking at Cirno, Cirno was also looking at her, her blue eyes rolled around a few times, and finally seemed to have thought of something, pointing to Altria and exclaimed. "You are the white swordsman, no wonder I look familiar."

"What white swordsman?" Altria asked blankly.

Sure enough, there was a problem... Lin Luo patted his forehead, and felt a little headache. It is normal for Altria to not understand, but of course he didn't know that the white swordsman meant Lily.

Since Cirno has an IQ of ⑨, there are generally only three kinds of people she can remember. The first is the fools who often play with her, such as Reddy, Big Fairy, Lumia, and the third menstrual period. After all, Same-sex attraction, people who play with idiots can only be idiots. Otherwise, how can we say that children with intellectual disabilities are more happy.

The second type is people like Lin Luo who often give her benefits, but in Lin Luo's view, Cirno remembers him completely because of the benefits he gave. If there is no benefit, most of them have forgotten.

As for the third nature, people like Reimu and Marisa who often bully Cirno, after all, no matter how stupid this guy is, he will hold grudges. If you bully her, she will definitely remember you.

As for other people, although Cirno doesn’t know him completely, she doesn’t remember it deliberately. At most, she suddenly remembered "Ah, this is XX" after seeing it. It just so happened that Lily belongs to this. One in the series neither plays with ⑨ nor bullies ⑨, and of course it will not give ⑨ any benefit.

"It's nothing, it's just that people are similar, don't care." Lin Luo interrupted suddenly before Cirno answered. He didn't want to spread things related to him everywhere, and it was still on the premise that there was no strategy. In that case, the difficulty will increase by 50%.

It's just that Cirno suddenly didn't cooperate, "What are the similarities? People see them both..."

"Kiruno." Lin Luoqiang resisted the trembling chill, grabbed the ice fairy and looked straight into her eyes, seemingly threatening, "The ghost witch asked me to bring you a word, things can be eaten at random, but Don't talk nonsense, do you understand?"

"Uh!" Cirno is not afraid of the heavens, even if it is a character like the wind see Yuxiang Yakumo, she will not be afraid even if she can't beat it, but the fear of the ghost maiden has been implanted in the depths of the soul. Even if I didn't see anyone, I would tremble all over just when I heard the name. At this moment, when Lin Luo's "ghost witch" came out, the idiot immediately trembled, his teeth clucked, "I...I know."

"..." The surreptitious appearance of the two makes Altria feel a little strange. She always feels that this matter seems to be related to herself, but she is not the kind of person who breaks the casserole and asks the end. Seeing that Lin Luo and Cirno are neither When I talked about it, I stopped asking, just said, "Since she is not an elf in the lake, then I have to summon it again... in order to retrieve the scabbard."

"Well..." Lin Luo scratched his head and didn't know how to explain. After all, Merlin's words made him a little bit unable to understand. "I think it's better not to be too deliberate. Merlin also said that summoning the goddess in the lake is just an opportunity. It doesn’t matter whether you succeed or not. For the time being, let’s listen to his opinion. Besides, it’s not too early. If you don’t return to the Royal City as soon as possible, I’m afraid it will cause some trouble.

Actually, Lin Luo didn’t think that the goddess in the lake had the ability to take out the scabbard. This was what he just thought of... After all, Morgan is also the goddess in the lake. She can only steal it if she wants to get the scabbard. Other goddesses are better than her. High-level, I'm afraid she can do no better than her, because she can order Vivian to seduce Merlin. As a high-level goddess, if Vivian can get back the scabbard, will she be so oblivious.

So, this time Meilin’s prediction, perhaps the goddess in the lake is not the key, but coming to the holy lake is the key!

Thinking of this, Lin Luo's gaze subconsciously looked towards Qi Lu Nuo, inevitably, there was a hint of doubt. If this is the case, is the real key to this fool?

Lin Luo thinks it's cheating to take the fool as the trump card, but packaging may not be useless. After all, everything in this world depends on packaging. Even Shih Tzu, one of the four most beautiful beauties in China, would be afraid if she is unkempt and dressed in a beggar costume. Can't attract King Wu.

"Okay, then we will go back to the King City." After a hard run for nothing, Altria was unavoidably disappointed, but she couldn't find a better way, so she had no choice but to do so.

"Let's go, let's go back." Now that he decided to go home, Lin Luo didn't hesitate anymore, stepped directly on the horse, and greeted Lihua Zan and Qi Lu Nuo.

"Huh! I want to follow you?" Cirno asked weakly, not seeming to want to go. Also, although Lin Luo would benefit her, the other party was a person related to the ghost witch, and the fairies were afraid.

"Why do you want to bring her?" Altria couldn't help asking. Although she knew that the other party was Lin Luo's old friend, shouldn't she be living in nature if she is a fairy? And the body kept getting cold out, it was a little bit cold.

"Of course I have to take her, because she is the goddess in the lake." Lin Luo smiled slyly, then swished, there were already several popsicles in his hand, looking at Cirno, naked temptation, "I have seen it and come here, what is this? Strawberry flavor."

"Ah, I want it!" The stupid goblin immediately forgot the ghost witch, and rushed over quickly.

Altria understood that the reason why Morgan kept the knights from moving was that besides her own strength, it was more of the identity of the goddess in the lake, but if they also had a goddess in the lake, it would be the case. It's different... But what makes her more speechless is that Cirno is too stupid, if she is really the goddess of the lake, it would be a kind of sadness.

Cirno joined the team, and the happiest one was Lihua. She looked at the fairy who was eating popsicles excitedly, and asked with great interest: "Miss fairy, do you know how to fight the nirvana Lushan Shenglongba? "

Cirno didn't understand, but it didn't hinder nonsense, "Of course, I still play Diamond Stardust Fist."

"Really!" Lihua played suddenly excited, "Sure enough, just like in the game, the most powerful red and white maiden can beat Pegasus Meteor Boxing. I really want to see it."

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