Chapter 811: Childbirth is a major event in life, it must be written in great detail

Although returning home asked Yakumo Zi to improve her strength as soon as possible, Yakumo Zi also felt that she should speed up, not to mention, at least it should be faster than that bad Haruhi Suzumiya, but now she does not have this time, because It's Hakurei Reimu's birthday... Oh no, it's the day when Hakurei Reimu gave birth to a daughter.

"Hey, let's just put aside other things for now. Since that woman is confident, she will probably be fine." Yakumo Zi sighed softly, the gap opened, and disappeared from the boundary in the blink of an eye.


There are more visitors to Hakurei Shrine today than ever before. Even when the banquet was held in the past, it is not as lively as it is now. On the **** where the cherry blossoms are flying, countless fairies fly around, and all kinds of monsters are hovering around. At the entrance of the shrine, even some figures in the dark history and those who are usually invisible...After all, the shrine maidens who have a very high right to speak in Gensokyo are going to have children, so why are they so? To give a bit of face.

Even if you don’t want to witness this historic moment, you must at least prepare a gift for your child. In case that child becomes the next witch, she will be as undisciplined as her mother, thinking that they will not give her a birthday present today. It's not good to trouble them.

"Hey, Reimu, I'm coming to see you." The manly black and white magician, riding a broomstick, came late, she was still domineering as before, and when she jumped down, she made a carefree voice, and she was about to tighten her feet. Go to the shrine with the door closed.

"If it's a meal, then go back." Before she rushed up the stairs, a chic figure stood in front of her. At the request of Hakuri Reimu, Ikuya Sakiya is temporarily acting as the housekeeper of Hakuri Shrine today. After all, there are so many guests today, and it would be messy if no one takes care of them. However, looking at Gensokyo, the housework ability Only this chic maid was the only one who could overwhelm the group of demons and block ten thousand by one.

The head maid lived up to Reimu’s expectations and took care of everything in an orderly manner. At the same time, she blocked the bandit Marisa who wanted to break into the delivery room in time. Seeing the other party’s stunned expression, Sakiya added a smile. In one sentence, "I said what I said just now for the witch."

Marisa Da囧, "I’m not here to eat dinner, but to see my goddaughter. You see, I have even prepared a gift. It took me a lot of hard work to make it. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be late." While talking, she took off her hat and took out the mini gossip stove inside.

Marisa's magic is not only powerful, but also very gorgeous. She often uses magic as fireworks. Obviously, most of the gifts she prepares are of this type.

"Wait! I can't assume that I didn't hear this." As soon as Marisa's voice fell, before Sakiya could say it, Yakumolan had already walked over with the orange cat with a serious face, "Miko's The child is specially named by Master Zi to take care of him, but he can't be spoiled by someone like you."

"What do you call a person like me?!" Marisa almost roared, "You monsters will bring bad children, and you fox will run naked. If Reimu's children are taken by you, you will be a little young. What should I do if I also learn to run naked?"

" mouse!" Yakumo Lan was embarrassed and angry. Originally, under the name of her sky fox, it was not easy to take a child. It was just that Marisa hit her fatal weakness in the first sentence. , Made her unable to refute, gritted her teeth with anger, wishing to open the barrage PK immediately.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing between you two. Reimu is still giving birth. What if you scare the child?" The miraculous girl Dongfeng Gu Sanae saw the two of them about to fight and immediately discouraged.

She has a snake and a frog in her family. Although the two great gods don’t know how to fight, they still have a lot of mouths. Every time she mediates in the middle, she has become accustomed to nature, and she has already developed a very good hand. The peacemaker has the ability to persuade him to get up. At this moment, as soon as Sanae got out of the horse, he was right. Although Yakumoran and Marisa were depressed, they were helpless.

"Oh, it's really boring to have a baby, why isn't it good?" Remilia sat on the chair that Yu Meiling moved all the way from the Red Devil Hall to the Hakuri Shrine, playing with majesty and boredom. Said.

"Did you drink black tea when you gave birth? It will be fine in a few minutes, even if you drink black tea, you have to add blood type B, so troublesome." Paqiuli leaned against the tree, unceremoniously despising the eldest lady. ignorance.

"By the way, who is delivering Reimeng's birth right now? Is there a midwife?" Youyouzi floated over slowly and asked curiously. From what she asked this sentence, she knew that she came not much earlier than Marisa.

"There is a midwife, but..." The person who answered her was Alice, clutching her forehead and said helplessly, "It's just that the midwife fainted before giving birth."

The midwife was brought over from the world by Sakiya early, and she was originally counted on her for today’s mission, but as soon as she walked into the shrine, she saw so many monsters that she could never dream of, and she was frightened and fainted... Actually The midwife was not scared to death alive, she was pretty good.

You Yuko didn't feel sorry for the lack of a possible underworld resident. He blinked and asked, "Who is the one delivering Reimu now?"

"It's Kami Shirazawa Huiyin, Sage Bairen, and Suzusen helping out." At this time, Bayi Yongrin and Kaguya also walked over. The former was somewhat regretful when he spoke, "As the only doctor in Gensokyo Originally, I wanted to show it, but unfortunately, no one would let it."

Huiye covered her mouth and chuckled, "Yongrin, if you go to deliver the baby, the child may not be saved."

"How is it possible! I am very experienced in delivering babies."

Next to her, Fujiwara gave her a red and white look, "Although you have experience, can you guarantee that you will not do strange things when delivering babies?" She often goes to the Everlasting Pavilion to find Kaguya's troubles, and she naturally knows Yonglin's Some nasty and super flavor, she was the one who strongly opposed it just now.

"This...probably not." Bayi Yonglin thought for a moment, and said truthfully.

Everyone was embarrassed and speechless.

"After standing for so long, my stomach is a little hungry. I heard that a woman will have a lot of milk after giving birth. I don't know if it is good or not." The silence for a moment was quickly broken by You Yuko, and she blinked her eyes. An expression full of interest.

"Master You Youzi, do you... do you want to grab milk with the baby?" Yao Meng calmly couldn't.

"Huh! Isn't it possible?" Youyouzi expressed surprise, "I was thinking about teaching my child something, such as grabbing milk with my child, so that she can learn how to eat."

"Eating is also a skill?" Yao Meng wanted to hang herself. Everyone didn't want to stop her, but also wanted to hang with her. Every sentence of this You Youzi's words is so top quality.

"Isn't it? I always thought it was." Youyou Ziyu is not surprising and endless.

Although everyone wanted to deny it, they had to admit that eating like You Yuzi was indeed a skill.

"By the way, when it comes to eating, I'm suddenly curious, will Reimu's child have blood type B?" Remilia had an idea and thought of a very philosophical question.

"Even if you have blood type B, you can't drink it, Miss." Sakuya poured cold water in a timely manner.

"What? It's boring." Remilia curled her lips.

"Ah, so everyone came so early, what are they discussing?" Suddenly, a petite figure appeared silently around the crowd, asking curiously.

"Lianlian, you are here too. We are discussing that after Reimu's child is born, let me play with her." The visitor was Gu Mingdilian. Seeing her appearance, Flandre immediately greeted her. , Talking about unwarranted topics.

Everyone shook their, no, absolutely can't play with you, it will break!

"That's great, I want to play together." Gu Mingdi believed it was true, very happy.

Two sisters who belong to sisters stay together very well to chat, but when it comes to sisters, you have to talk about your sister. Remilia asked, "Lianlian, where is your sister?"

"My sister didn't come. She said that if she came, you would be unhappy."

Gu Mingji with mind reading makes almost all monsters afraid. After all, no one wants his own ideas to be unreservedly presented in front of others. At this moment, there are so many monsters gathered here, and it is the right choice to not realize it.

While everyone was tweeting, the gate of the shrine suddenly opened with a bang. When everyone looked at it, Ling Xian ran out first and said excitedly: "The child is born, it's a girl!"

Everyone looked behind her, and saw Shang Bai Ze Huiyin and Sheng Bailian also walked out, holding a small baby in Huiyin's hand.

"Let me see, let me see... By the way, what's this kid's name?" Everyone immediately gathered around, expressing their curiosity enthusiastically.

"Her name is Boli Mingmeng." As the voice fell, the gap opened, and a figure fell from the sky, it was Yakumo Zi.


At almost the same time, the pale Reimu walked to the door, supported the gate of the shrine, raised a weak finger and stuffed it into the cash box, " year's money...stuffed money."

As soon as she finished speaking, the other side had already crashed.


Near the evening, most of the people were still at Hakurei Shrine, but Yakumo Zi appeared in the beast road, looking at a figure in front of him, showing sadness, "You still can't forgive me?"

It was a young girl with a sun umbrella and bright clothes-Feng Jian Youxiang.

Feng Jian Youxiang didn't speak or turn around, just standing.

"My memory has been restored, so should you, too." Yakumo Zi said softly.

After a moment of silence, Feng Jian Youxiang said without looking back, "It used to be the past, now is now, we... are no longer weak and we don't need to rely on each other anymore."

After speaking, she has drifted away.

Looking at the beast road that was no longer there, Yakumo sighed quietly.

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