Chapter 178: Who are you looking for? Golden glitter? Mother glitter? Or Shining Loli? (2)

The original fire waved, and the raging flames ignited, blocking all the treasures.

"You..." The girl changed her color slightly. At this moment, facing Nero, the King of Heroes didn't dare to be careless anymore. She was already wearing a golden armor, and more intense battles would be triggered...

"How is it possible? How could it happen!?"

Tosaka’s family, through magic mirroring, once again showed an extremely shocked look on Tosaka’s face. Although the trouble of the hero king to find Lin Luo was not his opinion, he did not agree with it, but he couldn’t make the decision of the other party. Stop it, so I have been observing through magic.

Before, Lin Luo was able to block the King of Heroes' treasures, so he couldn't believe it anyway. A Master blocked the attack of the King of Heroes, which was a bit too bad.

But what shocked him even more was behind... the ninth Servant! The third SABER!

Tosaka Tokimi almost suspected that he was dazzled. How could this kind of thing happen? !

However, no matter how he didn't want to believe it, the facts before him could not be resisted, and...

"Gilgamesh is going to be true, please make a decision quickly." Yanfeng Qili's voice came from the communication device next to him. It can be heard that his tone is not calm at all. The second one appeared before. SABER has been surprising enough, and now there is a third one! And this Saber also didn't conceal her identity. Only from what she said, her true identity could be judged-the ancient Roman tyrant Nero!

Her power is not under the white SABER!

Damn it! Who the **** is you? ! What the **** do you want to do? ! ... Tosaka Tokimin hugged his head in pain, cursing Lin Luo fiercely in his heart.

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