Chapter 177: Different evils in this world, super powers VS monsters!

When Rin and Mikoto headed to the murderer’s hideout, Lin Luo also left the hotel shortly after that, because Lei was not at ease to stay here alone, so he released Bai Rui to let it protect Lei.

Bai Rui's strength is probably only slightly above the middle level among the envoys in this type of moon world. Although it is a clone of Nine Tails of Destruction, after all, there is only one killing stone, which is a very incomplete state. Compared with the complete Nine Tails... it is probably like the one-week-eye Lume Yuanxiang and the five-week-eye Yuanshen. The gap.

Although Xiao Bai's strength is not very good, he is not useful in high-level battles, but in this district of Fuyuki City, there is really nothing else that can kill Xiao Bai except for the seven heroes of the Holy Grail War. , And apart from Caster's neurosis, no one in the heroic spirit would come to trouble a little girl, so Xiaobai was very relieved to protect Lei Lin Luo.

After releasing Xiaobai from the seal, it became a miniature and flew onto the bed where Lei was lying on, and then crouched like a ferret, closed his eyes and took a nap...With its power, even if you don’t need to look at it, As long as a stranger approaches, it will react in the fastest time.

Looking at Xiao Bai who was lying beside Lei, who seemed to be asleep, Lin Luo suddenly had an idea... logically speaking, the girls who contracted with him can go to their world by themselves, so Bai Rui is his own Can the servant beast himself go to the world of spirit eating?

If you can, collect all the killing stones, maybe the Nine Tails of Destruction can come down...

"Well, let's talk about this kind of thing later." Lin Luo felt a little troublesome after scratching his head, so he didn't bother to think about it, and then he left the hotel.

What are you going to do next? Although he had already thought about it, Lin Luo still planned to reorganize it...In all his opponents, Jin Shining, the big boss, could not be touched for the time being. The moody hero king, Lin Luo was totally unsure of dealing with him. In the same way, Yanfeng Qili has probably established a good relationship with Jin Shining at this time, and his Assassin has a lot of people, and it is very troublesome to deal with, these two temporary passes.

Then, the more threatening King of Conquer...Forget it, this stupid man is still interesting, so I won't trouble him for the time being. After that, it was Caster. This has been given to Rin and the others to deal with it. A perfect knight king plus two LV5s that have the ability to control the rules. No matter how strong Caster is, he can never try to get a bargain in their hands.

Then there are the Berserkers and the Lancers... Matsumoto's family was destroyed by himself, and the identity of the Berserker's Master is no longer known, and there is no clue. As for the Lancers, it seems a bit simpler, but their group is the first to fight with Kirito Eomiya. There is no need to intervene horizontally. The most important thing is that if you come into contact with Kirito Eomiya right now , I can't help but cut him off, and it's hard to guarantee that he won't be against my king... This is something Lin Luo doesn't want to see for the time being.

Although Lin Luo is very happy to deal with Eomiya Keiji, fighting with my king will put him under a lot of pressure, and once Eomiya Keiji dies, my king will be gone. This is the place that makes people entangled... …You have to get the scabbard first! But the scabbard was in Alice Phil's body again... so all kinds of entanglements.

In fact, if Lin Luo is a cold-blooded killer like Eomiya Kirito, then with his familiarity with the plot coupled with his own strength and the red and white kings, he can definitely kill the other seven groups in the shortest time. People become the ultimate winner. But the problem is... Lin Luo is not Keiji Eomiya, he can't be as cold-blooded and ruthless as Keiji Eomiya, he is not a pure warrior!

Otherwise, in the first battle at the dock on the eve of tonight, he would never agree to let Lily play, nor would he save Saber at the cost of revealing his identity. Therefore, as a fighter, Lin Luo is extremely unqualified.


Because of this disqualification, he was able to stand here, he was able to have so much happiness and troubles, he is a real person!

Just like what Aozaki Aoko said: Even if you have strange eyes, don't even make your heart strange.

Even if you have the power to surpass humanity, you can't erase humanity! This is Lin Luo's principle, and this is the path he has taken.

If at any time he becomes a cold-blooded killer like Kirishu Eomiya, who can brutally obliterate the things he loves and respect, then Lin Luo will no longer be Lin Luo!

"So, there is only one guy who can deal with now." Muttering, Lin Luo raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then ran in one of the directions.

About half an hour later, Lin Luo stopped at the foot of a mountain...This is Yuancang Mountain.

"Is this the location of the Great Holy Grail..." Frowning, Lin Luo raised his head and shouted towards the sky, "Little Saber, come down."

Soon, a light spot like a meteor fell quickly downward, and finally stopped on Lin Luo's head with a swish. Little Saber put his arms around his chest, his expression somewhat triumphant, "MASTER, now you know how good they are."

"Yeah, very powerful, very powerful." Lin Luo can only give affirmation to the attitude of showing off and showing off for the little Saber. Of course, it can not be regarded as perfunctory. At least, he can come down without being noticed by anyone. In this round position, the little Saber contributed a lot.

In terms of concealment ability, in the holy grail wars of the past, the little Saber with an A + + level is well-deserved No. 1 in the world, even Assassin can't compare to her.

With high concealment ability, it is understandable that in turn, he can crack concealment one level lower than himself. With Assassin's concealment ability one level lower than her, if it is completely still, Saber can't find it, but if the opponent is moving, then Saber can definitely detect his breath.

Of course, this was just what Little Saber said. With her often bragging character, Lin Luo didn't think it was very reliable, but... don't believe her for the time being.

Lin Luo came to Yuancang Mountain to find the Great Holy Grail. What he thought at the time was that if he could destroy the Holy Grail, then everything would be over, once and for all.

However, he couldn't find the specific location of the Great Holy Grail at all. Although it was said to be under Liudong Temple, where was the underside? Secondly, it was also the "Avenger" in the Great Holy Grail. Lin Luo was not sure whether he would be cursed by it. After all, that kind of thing was too mysterious, so he didn't put it into action at the time.

But now the situation is a little different. After all, he has already parsed out some of the rules. It is not difficult to perceive the position of the Great Holy Grail. If the Holy Grail is really found, even if it can’t be destroyed by that time, just analyze it. Maybe another way can be found.

After all, no matter how mysterious the Holy Grail is, it cannot exceed the root cause, its restraint power, and the truth of the world! After all, the system of the Holy Grail is just a loophole of two major inhibitory powers. It is even possible that the two major inhibitory powers have already been discovered, but this kind of small matter is too lazy to deal with.

Let little Saber stay outside to watch, Lin Luo himself entered Liudong Temple. Then close your eyes and open the unique perception domain of the walker, just like analyzing the rules of the world, perceiving the location of the Great Holy Grail, and the controllable "line" gradually deepens with your own thoughts...

I don't know how long it took... suddenly!

Lin Luo opened his eyes fiercely. At this moment, his face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and he was gasping for breath, "No, it's impossible! There can be no such thing! It can't be like this..."

Lin Luo felt it. At that moment, he really felt that this extreme existence seemed to combine all the negative emotions in this world...Hate, resentment, destruction, jealousy, killing, greed... …If he uses his original knowledge of the world to understand, then there is no doubt that the name of that thing is the most evil existence in the world—the evil of this world!

but! ……wrong! No, no, no, no, no!

Lin Luo didn't know what was wrong, how to express it, or how to understand it, but... that deep, dark and immense power is absolutely impossible to be the evil of this world in the original book!

Is it because of his own chaos, or the flow of time, or other unknown reasons... Some things have changed, and they have become existences that he does not understand at all!

The evil of this world in the original book is nothing more than a condensed body of evil. Although it looks terrifying, it can't stop Saber's oath cannon, but... now what he feels is definitely close to the root level. The presence!

Can't let it out! Never let it out!

Lin Luo doesn't know why things have changed in this way, but he knows one thing very well. The power of this world’s evil is far beyond the one in the original book. If it is fully awakened, it can change the world in an instant. !

Nothing can stop it!

Destroying the Holy Grail War...No, it should be said to stop the Holy Grail War! The followers should not be allowed to die easily. Once all the followers are absorbed by it, the "evil of this world" will wake up. When that happens, nothing can stop it!

Lin Luo understood this deeply.


"What's that?!" Just when Mai Ye Shenli was about to attack again, her face suddenly changed. She saw it. In a dark corner opposite, two eyes full of horror and fierce light were staring at her. She couldn't see exactly what it was, but, just for a moment, she felt almost locked in by death, deep in her bones.

"Damn it! What the **** are you!"

Makino Shenli, who hadn't felt fear for a long time, was angry at this moment because of this depressed feeling, and the atom collapse suddenly shot out. The target was not the man opposite, but the two eyes staring at her in the dark corner on the right behind the man.

The white electronic wire passed through the void and shot into the darkness, but... there was no response, Mai Ye Shenli could not feel anything being destroyed by him, as if her attack was drawn to another space, and those eyes were still staring. she was.

fear! At this time, Mai Ye Shen Li truly felt the fear, the fear of the unknown.

"Go...hurry up!"

Without any hesitation, Mai Ye Shenli yelled, and at the same time he pulled the nearest bee eater around him quickly back. Although Mikoto and Rin didn’t understand what happened, they didn’t dare to see Mai Ye like this. To the effect, immediately flew back.

It was at this time, where they were standing, a little bit forward on the stairs, from the jogging platform in the living room that was blocked by the stairs, something suddenly came down like an avalanche. .

It was a very thick gown! It seems to be a group of snakes made up of countless snakes? That is an indescribable creature. Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that it is a biological organ. Its body is covered with dense mouths. When the body moves slightly, the moment the mouth opens, you can see the terrifying fangs inside. .

What kind of monster is this?

Yes, this thing in front of me can only be described by a monster. For a moment, the four of them felt a chill in their hearts. Just now, if it wasn't for Mai Ye's quick reminder, they might have been involved in the monster at that moment!

"Attack immediately!" Mai Ye Shenli yelled, and the white electronic wire was continuously shot out of her hand.

Actually, she didn't need to ask her at all. When they saw the monster as if it was about to pounce on them, Mikoto and Rin instinctively shot them immediately. The lightning spear and gem magic all smashed through, but... there was nothing at all use!

No, it’s not useless. Their attacks did have an effect... The moment the atom collapsed hit the monster, a part of its body was immediately shattered. When the lightning spear hits the monster’s body, it hit the monster’s body. The flesh was scorched in an instant, and the combined attack of curse bombs and gem magic weakened the monster's power while also exploding its body.

However, this kind of injury that is enough to cause ordinary creatures to die in an instant is like a tickling to this monster. The shattered body will regenerate in the next second, and the scorched flesh will immediately recover. The exploded body will soon be able to reassemble... not so much that it is ineffective, it is better to say that the monster's anti-strike ability and regeneration ability far exceed their imagination.

"This is a monster! This is definitely a monster summoned by Caster!" Although it was not clear what was going on, but remembering the information Lin Luo had said about the heroic spirits before, Lin immediately judged the origin of this monster. You can't go wrong, except for the evil magician, no human beings can summon such a monster in this world!

"Damn! How do you fight this kind of guy! No matter how you fight it, it will regenerate!" Mikoto's whole body was enveloped by electric current, and one after another lightning gun shot past, although every time he hits, every time he can give the monster. It caused real damage, but it couldn't stop its advancement at all.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh..." roaring like **** ghosts, monsters like a group of snakes rushed towards the crowd with their mouths open.

"It's coming! Fast back and fast back!" Seeing that ordinary attacks can't stop this monster at all, Rin immediately yelled... Just kidding, that kind of scary monster is enough to make people feel like just looking at it. It's cold, who dares to play close combat with it!

Not only her, but even Mai Ye's close combat skills that are almost close to the master level dare not come into close contact with it, especially those mouths!

"Disappear for me! You monster!"

Everyone immediately withdrew for a long distance, before the monster rushed up, Mikoto's angry voice had sounded, and then a huge black wave rose from the ground, and countless iron sand was instantly collected by her and formed in mid-air. A whip of iron sand like a black dragon!


The whip of iron sand split the air, making a harsh sound, and instantly cut the monster nearly ten meters away into two pieces as it fell.

"Roar!" The monster fell down as if let out a painful cry.

"Hey, kill it?" Mikoto was stunned. The three attacked so fiercely just now, and they didn't do anything to this monster. Why is it so simple now? Is it true that only pure physical attacks work?

Just when everyone thought so, suddenly the monster that fell on the ground stood up...No, it should be said that there were two!

After being divided into two halves by Mikoto, this monster did not gather together importantly, but completely became two. Although it was slightly smaller in size,...

"The third one, what a good thing you did!" Mai Ye Shenli was somewhat angry, it is already difficult to deal with a monster, and now it has become two...

"Disgusting ugly bastards! Go back to **** and groan!" Mai Ye Shenli attacked mercilessly, the electronic wire shot in his hand has become bigger and bigger, and the state of output has been slowly improving.

"Wait a minute, let me try." At this moment, the bee-eater, who had never done anything, suddenly said, she smiled mysteriously, and then took out a similar small shake from her inseparable backpack. The controller thing, lightly press.


It was as if it was a flash of electric light, and then everyone saw that the two monsters, who were still extremely violent, suddenly stopped.

"this is……"

"Look, I said earlier that my ability is more relaxed." The bee-eater smiled. As an all-powerful superpower who can handle all kinds of mental phenomena in one hand, her ability is not only applicable to humans, because she It is to control the brain waves of the human body to achieve the effect, not directly through thinking, otherwise her ability will not be useless to Misaka Mikoto, and will not be ranked fifth in the Academy City, but the real NO1.

Of course, this is not to say that her mental abilities are low. Although it is invalid for one party because of the vector, and because of the electronic connection, it is also invalid for Misaka Mikoto and Maiye Shenri, but... as long as it is a living thing, it has brain waves. , Then in theory, her attack applies to any creature!

Now, through the brain waves, the thinking of the two monsters is directly controlled. In a sense, she has become the master of these two monsters.

"Sure enough, it is a disgusting ability." Mikoto frowned.

"But it works, isn't it?"

"..." Mikoto has nothing to say. Indeed, it is easier to deal with such undead creatures by directly controlling them, it really that simple?

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