Chapter 1120: The secret of the heart of the world... the tip of the iceberg?

Rei Tosaka, this is Rin Tosaka... well, it should also be Lin Luo's daughter's name. As for why the surname is Touzaka instead of Lin, this is indeed a problem. After all, women in District 11 must follow their husband's surname after they marry. Of course the children are also. But on the other hand, if the woman is not married, she will have children. , Then the child’s surname must be determined by the woman’s mood.

Obviously, it can be seen that Rin Tosaka's mood index should be relatively low at least during the period of giving birth.

Therefore, Lin Luo is not entangled in the child's surname. Anyway, for him, this kind of thing that the ordinary family sees is very important, but he looks at it very casually, as long as you don’t have a surname, you can call Rei Tosaka. Ah, Misaka Rei, or Enjoji Rei does not matter.

...If it is really called Yuanchengjiren, I should be very happy...

Because Rei Tosaka burst into tears all of a sudden, so, in order to appease her, the question about why she fell from the sky didn’t get an answer until they arrived in the Sky City, and even Lin Luo suffered for it. What a freshman general training, what is said because of his forced questioning, the child will be scared to cry.

Lin Luo has a lot of opinions on Tosaka Rin’s illogical blame, but regrets it. Judging from the current situation, his position in Tosaka Rin’s heart is obviously not as high as Tosaka Rin’s heart, so he is very self-aware. If you don’t say anything, it’s your fault.

However, his refusal to express an opinion does not mean that he will enter the pit willingly. From his perspective, he always believes that Rei Tosaka, the bear child, is 80% of the kind who has a very cunning and dark-bellied character.

After returning to the Sky City, two girls ran towards him, looking like they were about five or six years old. First they greeted everyone timidly, and then took Rei Tosaka and ran away to play.

"The two children seem to be familiar..." Lin Luo frowned as he looked at the back of the two girls.

"Long Wanxuan's daughter, idiot!" Tosaka Rin unceremoniously despised his memory.

"Oh, yes!" Lin Luo patted his head and finally remembered. Long Wanxuan did have two daughters. They seemed to be called Jingdang Linglong, but his time was too long, if not deliberately. To search the memory bank, it's hard to remember for a while.

"By the way, the two of them are already this big. I remember that they were about the same size as Xiao Lian when I saw them last time." Lin Luo said in an old-fashioned tone.

"Nonsense, everyone will grow up." Tosaka Rin hummed.

Lin Luo glanced at her, feeling very strange in her heart. She didn't know what gunpowder she had taken today, or the menopause came early, and she was really not at all polite.

"This is the City of the Sky. It is much more spectacular than I thought." Hui Ye couldn't help but exclaimed after watching the various wonders in the City of the Sky for a while.

"Yeah, do you want to take you for a visit?" Lin Luo said solemnly, and he didn't care about Rin Tosaka, who was at the side offering his courtesy to Huiye. In fact, his thoughts were also very serious. At this moment, Rin Tosaka, Hedong Lion. The state of roaring, he was really stressed.

Women become mothers or something, and sometimes they are really sad for men.

"No, for the first time I like to be alone." Hui Ye smiled slightly and stepped forward.

Seeing Huiye's back figure drifting away, Lin Luoyou looked back, and immediately saw Tosaka Rin's unhappy expression, and then shrieked angrily and walked into the main hall of the Sky City.

Lin Luohan got one, and quickly walked in.

"Only you? What about the others?" Lin Luo asked suddenly after walking for a while. Of course, Rin Tosaka could not be the only one in the Sky City. Apart from the others, there were 300 maids alone. It's just that what Lin Luo mentioned at this moment is obviously not some unrelated people, but the host.

He could feel that in the entire sky city, there was only Rin Tosaka's aura of a host.

"They are all in different spaces." Rin Tosaka said while walking without turning his head. "You should know that when you contacted here last time, all of us except Mikoto were practicing in different spaces. Until Mikoto contacted us, we didn’t know that such a big thing happened on your side, so we had to break away from the alien space. This loss was great, so on the day of return, besides me, including Yiwen and the others Everyone inside has entered a different space."

"So that's it." Lin Luo suddenly asked again, "Can you tell me more about the matter of the Heart of the World?"

As the two talked, they had already arrived in the living room. After they sat down, the maids immediately served tea and snacks. Rin Tosaka drank a few sips of black tea and said: "About the power of the heart of the world, what we have now is only the fur. Not to mention other things, just that seemingly invincible combat technique, according to Mikoto, is just the tip of the iceberg."

"The tip of the iceberg?" Lin Luo was stunned. "If I remember correctly, the highest level of Heart of the World is Heart Transformation. Although you haven't reached it yet, Mikoto has reached the highest state of Heart Transformation. Is that just tip of the iceberg?"

"Yeah." Rin Tosaka nodded, "I don't know what's going on. After all, I didn't even reach the heart, but when Mikoto told us that, her expression was very serious, and she shouldn't talk nonsense. ... She also told us that since she reached the heart-melting, some very strange images flashed in her mind occasionally."

At this point, Tosaka Rin's expression became faintly serious.

"Strange picture?"

"It's hard to say clearly in words, please see for yourself." While speaking, Tosaka Rin stretched out his hand in the air next to him, and a light mirror suddenly appeared, "This is what Mikoto used her power to see everything she saw, all Don’t be surprised after seeing the patterns that have been realized."

Lin Luo looked towards the light mirror, and saw clouds and mists lingering in the mirror, and mountains flashed faintly, as if it were a landscape picture looking down from a high altitude. He didn't care much at first, but as the lens gradually moved. Ascending away, the scenery in his eyes changed from a mountain to a planet, and then from a planet to a universe, and then from a universe to a world, and then he kept pulling up, his face became serious.

This kind of lens that kept pulling up and away lasted for almost ten minutes, and even Lin Luo could not tell what he was seeing at the moment, and then suddenly an extra figure appeared in the picture, that is, at this moment, The zoomed out shot finally stopped, but the next thing was the most shocking thing.

I saw the figure in the lens suddenly took a palm, and in an instant, everything I saw just disappeared...just a palm, just such a palm, nothing was left!


Lin Luo stood up abruptly from the sofa, bumped his knees on the coffee table, the coffee table shook, and the cup placed on it immediately fell over and fell to the ground with a bang, but Lin Luo didn't notice it. Still looking at the light mirror on the opposite side, his face was pale, with an expression of disbelief.

"Well, let's be surprised." Tosaka Rin seemed to have expected him to react like this a long time ago, without any surprise.

Lin Luo didn't speak, looked at it for a while, and then Tosaka Rin took back the light mirror. He sat down again, and then took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "This is more than a shock. It's... sensational!"

No wonder Lin Luo was so shocked, because what he saw just now was really extraordinary.

Although the light lens looks a bit blurry, his eyesight is not bad. He can see clearly that the change of scenery when the lens is pulled up is actually the angle of view when jumping out of the world. Except that it was just like a warm-up exercise at the beginning, it was just flying towards a high place, but after the first world jump, every subsequent change of scenery is a process of jumping into the world.

Tiandao once said that the world is diversified, and the known worlds are divided into five types, the small world, the large world, the infinite world, the infinite world, and the most mysterious outer world.

Three thousand small thousand worlds are one big thousand world, and three thousand big thousand worlds are one yuan thousand world. Then, the countless thousand worlds add up to an endless world.

For example, the time and space they live in at this moment is within the infinite world.


The scene shown in the light mirror just now, if he guessed right, the world that the figure jumped out of was an endless world, and then that person waved it off, and the entire endless world was gone!

Is this kind of thing possible?

Lin Luo couldn't believe it.

If it is said that it is a small thousand world or a big thousand world, even Yuanqian world, it will be blasted by a palm, he will not be surprised, but the endless world... this is truly endless, and it really does. It's too ridiculous to be bombarded by someone's palm!

"This matter... have you told Yaoyao?" Lin Luo asked dryly.

Rin Tosaka nodded: "Of course, when we saw this picture, we almost didn't get scared, so we went to find Yao Yao the first time."

"Then what did she say?"

"Her... she has a much better expression than you, but I swear that I will never want to see that person's surprised expression again in my life."

Tosaka Rin smiled bitterly, and then went on to say, "And besides that, she said something."

"What are you talking about?"

"She said: I can't do it, this kind of thing, even in my peak period, can't do it!"

Is it true...

Hearing these words, Lin Luo couldn't help closing his eyes.

Yaoyao’s peak-period theory is of course the realm of Tianwaitian. However, even this realm is not enough to blast the endless world with one palm, but... the person in the light mirror did it!

And it seems... easy!

Who the **** is it?

What kind of relationship does it have with the Heart of the World?

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