Chapter 1119: We still don’t know why the little girl fell from the sky

It is the first time that Lin Luo has encountered such a difficult girl. Although Ming Meng is also difficult, at least Ming Meng will not be so extreme. Talking to her is still very easy to get along with, although it is inevitable to do some shame play, But this girl in front of me... using a talented person to meet a soldier, the metaphor of being unreasonable and unreasonable, is simply weak, and he can't even speak!

When you talk to her, she ignores you completely, and stares at you with **** eyes until you have to divert your eyes, making people totally confused whether she is courageous or courageous. It’s easy to seduce her with a stick, but she only has a lollipop in her eyes. If you dare to touch her, she will cry for you, cry twice and hang up three times. It is the realm of reaching the pinnacle.

Anyway, Lin Luo was defeated.

"You are really useless at all." Seeing his frustrated look, Huiye certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity to despise.

Lin Luobai gave her a glance, "You might not be any better than me."

"Who said that, take it!" Hui Ye stretched out his hand immediately.


"Lollipop!" Hui Ye said arrogantly, "I'll let you get to know it, huh, a little girl, I'm not here yet."

"It's best not to be so sure. In my opinion, this girl is quite difficult to deal with." Lin Luo said, but still gave the lollipop to Hui Ye.

"You can't do it doesn't mean I can't." Hui Ye disagrees. After receiving the lollipop, she immediately attacked the little girl opposite, "Little sister..."

five minutes later.

Hui Ye leaned back on the mattress, looking up at the sky, with a playful expression.

In the last five minutes, she tried her best, threatened, deceived, threatened, and did everything, but her record was worse than Lin Luo. In addition to being robbed of five lollipops by the little girl, she There is no gain.

Gorgeous retreat!

"My pain, you should understand now?" Lin Luo patted Huiye's shoulder, making a comforting look, but his heart was already rolling with laughter.

Hui Ye said weakly, "Are you happy now?"

"No." Lin Luo said nonsense with his eyes open.

Huiye squinted at him with a sad look on her face, "You can laugh if you want, but before you laugh, I have to remind you that now both of us have failed, and you want to get her identity out of her mouth. It's impossible."

"Uh!" Lin Luo was stunned when the words came out... he almost forgot that their purpose was not to compare who was better at coaxing the child, but to get her secret from the little girl's mouth!

Thinking of this, Lin Luo felt depressed again.

"Hey." With a heavy sigh, Lin Luo looked up at the sky and said with a sense of excitement, "Let's discuss the point of view of why that girl fell from the sky."

"What is there to discuss?" Hui Ye tilted her head, with an expression of no interest to me.

"It's boring, anyway, there is still some time before the Sky City."

"Oh... Then I guess she broke her wing, so she fell off."

"She is a person, where did the wings come from?"

"It's broken, of course you can't see it. Besides, how could she fly so high without wings?"

"This view is unscientific. We can fly higher without wings."

"She is so young."

"Size is not a problem, just can fly."

"Then you said how did she fly up?"

"Uh... let's change our point of view, and discuss how she can fly so high without wings?"

"With this time, I might as well sleep and rest."

Two people who are so idle are talking about each other, talking about a completely nutritious conversation, while the little girl opposite is eating a lollipop while looking at them with **** eyes, and then again. Without that timid look, he seemed to be very interested in them.

I don't know how long it took, just after the little girl wiped out the sixth lollipop, there was a sudden bang, and the slowly flying cloud bed actually stopped in the sky.

At the same time, an extremely suppressed voice rang, "What are you doing?!"

Lin Luo looked fiercely, and saw Rin Tosaka standing on the opposite side of the bed, staring at him blankly.

"Uh..." Lin Luo was stunned, and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the little girl hiding in the clouds as a quilt suddenly lifted the "quilt" on her body and stood up, then swiftly climbed up to Tosaka Rin's body along the eaves of the bed, and wrapped her hands around her neck. , Yelled affectionately, "Mom."

what? !

Listening to this mother, Lin Luoton felt five thunders.

It took a long while before he reacted. First he looked at the little girl who was acting coquettishly in Tosaka Rin's arms, and then at Tosaka Rin with a gentle smile on his face. Finally, he pointed at the little girl Xiang Yuan. Rin Ban said, "That...your daughter?"

Rin Tosaka was very gentle when facing the little girl, but when her gaze fell on Lin Luo, she straightened her face, "Did you not hear her just now?"

Majesty, really majestic.

At this moment, Lin Luo instantly felt the majesty of Tosaka Rin's body, subconsciously a little guilty, scratched his head and smiled: "Hehe, it's really your daughter, actually..."

"Mom." Before Lin Luo finished speaking, the little girl yelled sweetly again, attracting Rin Tosaka's attention, and then pointed at Lin Luo with a grievance on her face, "Bad guy... bully."


Lin Luo was dumbfounded.

Little child, there is something wrong with her language ability, she can’t express her thoughts clearly, but these four words are coupled with her aggrieved expression, the subtext is: Mom, this person is a bad person, he bully me!

Sure enough, no one understood her child better than her mother. As soon as she saw the little girl's aggrieved expression, Tosaka Rin's eyebrows instantly strengthened, glaring at Lin Luo, and said solemnly, "You bullied her?"

"No no, absolutely no!" Lin Luo waved his hand again and again, he was wronged! When did he bully this girl? It's better to say that I have been bullied by this girl just now.

"If not, why did Xiaoren say that? You must have scared her!" Tosaka Rin obviously didn't believe his words, looked at his child's face for a while, and his anger rose again, "Asshole! You dare to say no. I see her eyes are swollen from crying, please explain to me carefully!"

Lin Luo burst into tears, how did he explain this?

Lin Luo was speechless for a while, and instinctively began to look for help. He looked towards Hui Ye subconsciously, but it was okay for him not to look at it. After seeing this, his heart suddenly became cold... I saw that he was still in harmony just now. The Huiye he was chatting about, now with his long hair scattered, rubbing his sleepy eyes, he looked like he had just woken up, and when she saw Lin Luo and Tosaka Rin's gaze at her, she was even more so Tilted his head, with an expression of "what happened?"

Lin Luo collapsed, this turn has become too fast!

"Why, is there anything that can't be explained?" Tosaka Rin stared at Lin Luo again.

"I really didn't bully her." Lin Luo wanted to cry, he was even more wronged than Dou E.

"Hmph, I know you dare not say it, I will ask myself." Tosaka Rin grunted angrily, but when she looked at her daughter, her tone was gentle and jealous, "Little pity, tell mom, that Why did the bad guys bully you? Mother is the master of you."

The little girl wiped her eyes, with dim tears, pouting her lips and said: "The bad guy...scare me... lollipop... don't give me... but also grab me... woo woo..."

Seeing her crying again, Lin Luo also had the urge to cry, but the truth is not like this at all!

"What do you have to say now?" Tosaka Rin looked at Lin Luo severely.

Lin Luo burst into tears, what can he say? Could he say that your daughter is lying? Although the facts are indeed not what she said, but... Judging from the child’s own subjective judgment, her words are not very exaggerated. It is a fact that lollipops are not given to her, and it is also a fact that she wants to catch her. As for the bad guys and scares, since Even if the first two points have become facts, then these two points will not be able to escape.

Lin Luo knew that he had nowhere to avenge justice.

"Huh!" Seeing that he had pleaded guilty, Rin Tosaka gave him an angry look. Then, when her gaze fell on the bed of clouds, she sneered again, "An adult, a faceless bullying a child for now. Needless to say, this bed is quite interesting."

This is really a wave of unrest and another wave.

Lin Luo quickly glanced at Hui Ye next to her, and found that she looked like she was out of the way, knowing that the charge was on her again, so she had to tell the truth: "About this bed, it's actually like this... Just now on the way we came, this bed was still a car, driving, the little girl...Oh, your daughter suddenly fell from the sky, since I saw it, of course I can’t die. So to make her landing safer, she turned the car into a bed. You know, kids, you probably won’t be afraid of falling on the bed."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Tosaka Rin continued to sneer, "You need to find other excuses, I may believe it, but you said that my daughter will fall from the sky, this excuse is so stupid!"

"I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, ha ha ha ha." The little girl sat in Tosaka Rin's arms, pointed at Lin Luo, and laughed happily.

"..." Lin Luo didn't die stupidly, almost to death, "What I said is true!"

"You are so big, Xiao Lian has always been very good. He won't run around or cause trouble to people, let alone go to dangerous places alone, saying that she will fall from the sky. It is completely nonsense. !"

"Then you said how did she come here? I can't possibly capture her from Sky City."


This question is very important, Rin Tosaka was also asked, subconsciously looking at the child in his arms.

For an instant, the eyes of the three of them were focused on the little girl, she was stunned, who was still smiling happily, and then...


The little girl burst into tears and burst into tears.

I rely on!

Lin Luo kneeled, you cried too in time!

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