Chapter 1098: The returning maidens, touched, there will always be only a moment

Yakumo Zi wanted to make a quick battle, but in fact it was not that simple.

Historically, Hakuli witches have been connected from one generation to the other, and there has never been a situation where two Hakuli witches are together. One plus one equals two. Everyone knows except Cirno. However, what kind of combat power will be formed by a Boli Miko and another Boli Miko...not to mention that Cirno doesn't know. No one in the sky or the earth knows.

Facing the joint attack of the first and second generations, Yakumo Zi felt immense pressure. The two maidens obviously cooperated for the first time, but the tacit understanding they broke out seemed to have been fighting together for hundreds of years, without a trace. Loopholes, there are no flaws, 10% of the power in their hands will instantly become 30%, 40%, 50%... the terrifying place is daunting.

The advantage that Yakumo Zicai had regained immediately disappeared under this cooperation.

She wanted to be cruel to hurt the killer, but looking at the familiar face, she was still cruel after all. She clearly knew that this was a conspiracy, but she didn't have the courage to crack it... For her own powerlessness and cowardice, Yayun Zi deeply hated it.

How can I do?

While resisting the joint attack of the first and second generations, Yakumo Zi asked herself, but she could not find the answer, because just as she was thinking, another familiar figure appeared beside Lin Luo... The hair with double ponytails, the all-colored witch costume, and the red headscarf tied to his forehead, looked extremely refreshing and capable. She was holding a curved bow in her hand, but the bow was so curved and used to shoot arrows, it made people think that she could shoot down the stars and the moon in the sky.

Seeing her, Yakumo Zi suddenly felt a sinking heart.

Three generations! The Shooting Miko of Paradise!

In such a short ten minutes, Lin Luo unexpectedly projected the second and third generations continuously, which was completely beyond her imagination. She was under pressure just by the two witches, and now there is one more...

Yakumo Zi's confidence began to waver.

The three generations did not enter the battlefield immediately after playing. Instead, they just stood on the spot, bending the bow and shooting arrows, aiming the sharp arrow at Yakumozi. As Yakumozi continued to move, her bow-holding hand would move back and forth. She would never let her target escape, but at the same time, she never shot her arrows.

But Yakumo Zi did not dare to take it lightly, because she knew that the three generations were a very special witch. Among all the Hakuri maidens, she was the worst in terms of savvy and spiritual power, but she had something that other witches absolutely did not have. Ability, that is the grasp of the battle situation.

No matter what the battle, as long as she takes a look at it, she can immediately judge the situation of the battle and at the same time find a way to guide the battle. Therefore, with insufficient spiritual power and melee ability, she chose the bow and arrow as her weapon.

She is able to guide the battle, with one glance and one bow, she is invincible to Gensokyo.

At this moment, she just stood there, and the threat to Yakumo Zi was not inferior to the first and second generations.


Less than two minutes after the appearance of the three generations, suddenly another figure fell from the sky... the face was beautiful, petite, and temperamental, with a little girl-like innocent smile on her face, but in the seemingly innocent smile, there was something vaguely revealed. The stock is crazy, giving people a wild and cute contrast.

The moment Yakumo Zi saw it, her face changed again.

Four generations! The Broken Sorceress of Paradise!

The four generations of witches with a loli body, her fighting style is like the unparalleled fierce generals on the battlefield, wild and domineering, as long as she takes a blow, it will be the power of breaking the army.

How could this be? How can it be so fast?

Yakumo Zi could hardly believe that, starting from the second generation, the three generations and four generations appeared faster and faster. They appeared one after another, as if they had entered a state of acceleration. She couldn't understand how Lin Luo did it.

And there are already four witches, if you delay it...


Yakumo Zi just thought of this when a slight voice suddenly sounded in the air.

Has the maiden refreshed again?

Yakumo Zi thought instinctively, and at the same time looked towards the voice, sure enough... a beautiful maiden was standing not far away, with several pieces of talisman paper between her fingers, as if she was ready to go.

The five generations have the strongest spiritual power among all Boli witches! Rune-killing Miko of Paradise!

Although the fourth and fifth generations have already appeared on the stage, they did not join the battle group, and did not even make any movements except standing onlookers. This is not because they think that only three witches can suppress Yakumo Zi, but because... No need anymore.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Six consecutive rays of light flashed on the ground, and the light dissipated, and there were already six witches standing in the same place.

Yakumo Zi looked at these witches, his face was shocked or shocked.

The six generations with absolute air superiority, the sky maiden of the paradise!

Seven generations of extraordinary swordsmanship, the paradise sword witch!

You can see the unpopular Yatsushiro at a glance, the true witch of the paradise!

The nine generations who can easily change their fortunes, the realm witch of paradise!

Ten generations who are good at defensive post-control, the guardian witch of the paradise!

And...the predecessor who has the ultimate melee ability, can be called invincible melee, the culling maiden of Paradise!

...Looking at these familiar faces, Yakumo Zi is completely speechless. At this moment, she has already stopped fighting because her confidence has collapsed, although she still does not understand that Lin Luo is really How to project all the eleven witches in such a short period of time, but the witches in front of her let her know that Lin Luo has successfully obtained the souls of all the witches, and whether the entire enchantment exists or disappears is only between his thoughts. .

And she had no choice but to compromise.

"Zi, now you lose." When all the witches appeared, Lin Luo had already withdrawn from the world of the Great Enchantment, and of course also brought out Mei Li and Lian Zi. At this moment, he looked at Yakumo Zi and said so.

Yakumo Zi's gaze swept over these people one by one. She knew that whether it was the witches or the two girls, they were all on the same line as Lin Luo... Although she understood the reason why the witches would support Lin Luo , Because they are only soul projections, their existence is based on Lin Luo's consciousness, but in this case, she still has a feeling of betrayal.

"Why? Why? Why do you have to be right with me? I obviously just want to protect everyone's dreams... I obviously just want to guard everyone's existence... Why? Why?"

Yakumo Zi dropped her hands and said with a trembling, all persistence completely collapsed at this moment, and her heart was desperate. At this time, she was no longer the sage who Zhizhu was holding, but just a helpless little girl.

"Because the scenery over there is not beautiful enough." Lin Luo stepped forward and said softly, "The dream you want to protect, the existence you want to protect, all of us are the same, but we continue the same way. , It will only make the sadness and pain last forever, the happiness in exchange for sacrifice is not the real happiness, so...come here! Come on our side!"

While talking, Lin Luo smiled and stretched out his hand to Yakumo Zi...

On the beast road connecting the Red Devil Mansion and Hakurei Shrine, there is a shadow stretched slender under the moonlight. The owner of the shadow is not someone else, it is Hakurei Reimu.

The banquet was over at three o'clock in the morning, and most people were also resting, but Reimu couldn't sleep. For some reason, she felt a sense of restlessness. After lying on the bed for a long time and still unable to sleep, she decided to go for a walk outside, and then walked to this animal road.

"Do I have the disease that I can't sleep without being in the shrine?" Reimu said with a mockery, and after that she shook her head again and continued to walk aimlessly on the animal path.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the side, attacking Reimu like lightning.

Although Reimu was a little distracted, she wouldn't let go of her alert for danger. Her excellent combat intuition made her immediately aware of the enemy's attack, and she almost didn't hesitate, and blasted her fist at the incoming people.


The attacks of the two collided head-on, and Reimu stood motionless on the spot. Instead, the black figure who attacked was counter-shocked and flew straight for more than ten meters before falling to the ground.

"Hey, who are you? Don't you know that if you make me angry, the consequences are very serious?" Reimu looked at the dark shadow opposite, with a hint of laziness in his arrogant tone.

"Hehe, there really is a big change." The shadow was smiling, a woman's voice.

The woman’s voice is of course nothing strange. After all, Gensokyo is always yin and Yang declining, and Reimu never thought that the person who attacked her would be a male animal, but after hearing the other party’s voice, Reimu's face suddenly changed. , The lazy breath disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his eyes were full of incredible.

"You...who are you?" The same question was asked, but her voice trembled a bit at this moment.

"It's really unfilial. It's only been more than ten years. Have I forgotten it?" Soi Ying said disappointedly, and then pulled off his black robe with a crash.

Under the moonlight, she was an extremely beautiful witch, not someone else, but an ancestor witch.

"A...A...A..." Reimu was stunned, looking at the shrine maiden opposite, as if she was completely speechless.

Xiandai smiled slightly, took a step forward, and instantly appeared in front of Reimu.


This is one of the most proud skills of the predecessors. Of course, it is impossible for Reimu to not know each other, but looking at the shrine maiden in front of him, Reimu has no idea how to react, just staring blankly.

"You don't know me anymore? Reimu." Xiandai said.

"Really...Is it really you?" Reimu stretched out her hand tremblingly, trying to make sure that what she saw was not a dream, but she stopped halfway through it because she was afraid it was just an illusion.

Xiandai grabbed her retracted wrist, then pressed it on his face, and said softly, "Of course, I'm back again."

Familiar appearance, familiar taste, familiar touch, and the same gentleness as in the memory... At this moment, Reimu was confirmed, and the person in front of her was her...


Tears of joy welled up from his eyes, and with this cry, Reimu had already rushed into the arms of the predecessor.

In that long-lost hug, Ling dreamed...because I liked it, when I lost it, I would feel sad, but if I didn’t like it from the beginning, then no matter who died, even if he died in front of his own eyes, he would not. There is any sadness.

So on that day, she decided not to like anyone anymore and kept a distance from everyone. Only in this way would she not be hurt again.

Protect your heart forever and ever!

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