Chapter 1097: Miko witch, this is a night destined to clamor

"What are you doing? Do you want to stop me too?!"

Yakumo Zi exclaimed incredulously as she looked at the first maiden standing in front of her.

As the great sage of Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi is calmer than anyone else. She will not panic at any time. No matter what kind of danger she faces, she can do everything, but at this moment... not here. In ten minutes, her mood fluctuated violently like ocean waves, completely losing the calmness that a sage should have.

Of course, her gaffe is not unreasonable, because... Lin Luo, who gave her the goal of Gensokyo, wants to destroy the great barrier and end Gensokyo. She has the same ideals as her and even willing to sacrifice her life. She also ganged up with Lin Luo to stop her, she had never thought about this kind of thing!

She should have been her closest companion, but now she has become an enemy. Things that would never happen before are now displayed in front of her like a nightmare. How can this not move her?

The first generation maiden shook her head, "I'm sorry, because I am only the manifestation of the soul. I only appear here through the power of that person. Although I have a subjective self, I don't have a standpoint of myself. My consciousness is all that of the projector. Consciousness is the main thing, so...preventing you is the only reason I am here."


Yakumo Zi could not speak immediately. She understood that the maiden standing in front of her at this moment, although she has the first appearance, the first memory, the first love, and even the soul is the first herself, but because she was caught by Lin Luo projected it, so her consciousness would completely lean towards Lin Luo's side, just like a marionette, the puppet itself has no autonomy, and all actions must follow the consciousness of the manipulator.

Of course, the state of the first maiden at this moment is far from marionettes, because she still has her own subjectiveness, can judge right from wrong, and distinguish right from wrong, but under the influence of Lin Luo's consciousness, her position will not be tilted. , As long as Lin Luo wants to do it, she will do it.

To be more precise, the first generation of witches at the moment is more similar to some of the current fans, who will unconditionally support their idols.

"It's so despicable!"

Thinking of this, Yakumo Zi couldn't help gritting his teeth. Although Lin Luo had long known that Lin Luo had no lower limit, he still hadn't reached such a level that he would not have no lower limit. He even tied the first generation to his chariot in such a bad way.

"Thank you, because I am a hero." Lin Luo accepted with a smile.

"I didn't praise you!"

"I will listen to it as a compliment."

"..." Yakumo Zi was depressed and vomiting blood, this guy... this guy... this guy! !

Yakumo Zi wanted to scold Lin Luo a lot, but after thinking about it, in her huge mind, she couldn't find any words to describe Lin Luo's despicable shame, what a breakthrough the lower limit of the sky!

However, Yakumo Zi finally calmed down. Since Lin Luo projected the soul of the first generation, it means that all the souls of the first generation are in his hands. Then, once he takes the souls of the other ten maidens, she will It can't be saved anymore.

"I won't give in, even if the enemy is you!" Yakumo Zi shouted in a deep voice, fully expressing her determination, her voice had not yet fallen, and her gap opened and she had already attacked Lin Luo.

"The gap, I really miss it." The first generation maiden said faintly, the white figure flashed, she had already blocked the attack of Yakumozi while she was speaking, and then the speed rose again and counterattacked.

When she was still alive, she fought fiercely with Yakumozi many times, and the two of them did not distinguish between the winners and losers, and she knew almost everyone about the gap between Yakumozi.

Of course Yakumo Zi also knew the difficulties of the first generation, and had no intention of head-on, so he slipped into the gap, then appeared from the completely opposite direction, and attacked Lin Luo again... the first generation was just a chess piece that Lin Luo used to hold her, no The need to fight with it, in Yakumo Zi's heart, only Lin Luo should be defeated.

However, although she deliberately avoided the battle, the first generation would not follow her closely as she wished, even if it was the magical ability in the gap, the first generation's attack did not lag behind.

Five hundred years ago, the strength of the first generation was equal to that of Yakumo Zi, but now the first generation is just a projection of the soul, which is weaker than when he was alive, but Yakumo Zi is constantly improving, but the true strength is far behind. Above the first generation.

But at this moment, the two people fight, but there is a tendency to divide them. In this not very large space, they shuttle like electricity, and the fight is almost invisible, and the sky is full of afterimages.

As a soul projection, Lin Luo's consciousness helped the first generation a lot at this time, so that she would not be unfamiliar with the powerful strength of Yakumo Zi. On the other hand, the first generation's own fighting instincts are also unparalleled, just fighting intuition. , She went straight to Reimu Bajo Street.

Therefore, in a short time, the first generation can barely tie with Yakumo Zi. Of course, the bigger reason is that Yakumo Zi did not use all his strength.

Although she has made up her mind to stop the two of them, some feelings are beyond her control. No matter how decisive she is, she will not be able to kill Lin Luo and Chu Dai, even if she reminds herself over and over again in her heart. , She will unconsciously show mercy.

Moreover, in this small space, if she really attacked with all her strength, the great barrier would be very dangerous.

Precisely because of so many scruples, even though Yakumo Zi's offensive seemed very fierce, in fact, she did not even display half of her strength.

Despicable, really despicable!

Yakumo Zi cursed secretly, she knew that such a situation must be in Lin Luo's calculations. Although this guy had no resourcefulness, he was cunning enough to drive anyone crazy.

Yakumo Zi was suppressed, but Lin Luo knew that this suppression was only temporary. With her strength, she should be able to find the weakness of the first generation very soon. At that time, she couldn't do it if she tried to delay the time, so Lin Luo didn't have it either. It was a waste of time. When the two were fighting, he immediately began to collect the souls of ten other witches.

The soul of the first-generation witch is the most important factor for the existence of the Great Enchantment. At this moment, her soul is drawn from the Great Enchantment by Lin Luo, and the world of the entire Great Enchantment immediately undergoes earth-shaking changes. During the change, the souls of the remaining maidens, who could not be found, gradually became clear.

There is not much time, we must hurry!

Lin Luo reminded himself secretly, put down the fighting outside completely, and devoted himself to the great enchantment.

Lin Luo was fighting, fighting against time, and Yakumo Zi and the first generation were also fighting. Time passed bit by bit, just as Lin Luo expected. After ten minutes, Yakumo Zi finally saw through. The weakness of the first generation, the original draw was immediately pulled back by her, and the first generation retreated again and again.

"Give up, you are already defeated!" said Yakumo Zibian while fighting.

"You know, I can't give up." Chu Dai shook his head and acted as a lobbyist. "Why not give it a try, just like the guy said."


Yakumo Zi refused without hesitation. Although she hoped that the first generation would stop, she also knew that the position of the first generation could not be changed, so she stopped talking nonsense, and immediately attacked Lin Luo after pushing the first generation back with one blow. .


The first generation was shocked, but it was too late to stop.

In front of the gap, the space and speed are all floating clouds, losing the resistance of the first generation, Yakumo Zi is so flash, her person has appeared behind Lin Luo, and then the palm of the hand is slapped towards Lin Luo's back...


Yakumo Zi whispered, and while attacking, she closed her eyes subconsciously, because she knew that Lin Luo's mind at the moment was all in the great enchantment and could not avoid her attack. And if this blow is done, Lin Luo will be seriously injured, and the two girls will also lose their souls. Although I'm sorry, for Gensokyo, she has no choice.


With a soft sound, a white palm suddenly stretched out from the side quickly, clasping it on Yakumozi's wrist like lightning, and then Yakumozi's attack was stopped a few inches from Lin Luo's back.


This sudden change caused Yakumo Zi to open his eyes fiercely, only to see a black and white figure looming in his sight, and before she could react, an unremovable force hit like a wave.

In an instant, Yakumo Zi was thrown away fiercely.

This is it?

Yakumo Zi was shocked in her heart, the person had already slipped into the gap in the air, and then stepped out from the ground, looking forward...A girl in a black and white witch costume was standing behind Lin Luo, her hair combed into a single ponytail. Blowing in the wind, his right hand still kept the posture of throwing things away, showing great heroism.

"Oh, I didn't expect that we would even have a chance to meet. Tonight, it seems a bit noisy." The single ponytail witch also looked at Yakumo Zi, with a smug smile on her mouth.

Yakumo's Ziyinya clenched tightly, but couldn't express a trace of temper. He just said helplessly, "Sure enough, it's you...Second generation!"

That’s right, this girl in front of you is Gensokyo’s second Hakuri maiden. She doesn’t like to overpower people, but she is good at various articulations. She can easily dismantle the enemy’s offensive in battle. No matter how powerful a monster, she just has to face it. She will have a deep sense of powerlessness, known as the Sealed Witch of Paradise!

The second generation smiles.

"It looks like you are in a bit of trouble, Zi." Chu Dai walked up from behind and smiled.

"Although I don't like to win with more than less, but the difference in strength is obvious, and I can cooperate with the predecessors, my side is full of fighting spirit." The second generation took a few steps forward, forming a flanking force with the first generation.

"..." Yakumo Zi frowned, with a confident blow, she did not expect to suddenly kill a second generation, causing her to become passive again. The two Hakuri maidens joined forces, which has never happened before in Gensokyo's history. Even she felt a lot of pressure.

However, a quick fight must be made!

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