Chapter 1071: For people in the future, the world cannot afford to hurt

The realm of genius is difficult for mortals to understand.

Similarly, the persistence of mortals is difficult for geniuses to understand.

It’s as if two people are doing the same thing. One of them took several months to complete, while the other took only an hour to do it, and the results are better than the former, so the latter obviously Don't understand the former's hard work in doing this.

Although the relationship between Xiao Zi and You Xiang is extraordinary, Xiao Zi is not ignorant of You Xiang’s hardship and helplessness, but she is still not You Xiang, after all, what she can see is only a part of the surface, and she has not personally experienced You Xiang. She couldn't understand everything about it.

This has nothing to do with whether the relationship between them is good or bad, but there are some things that must be experienced.

So Xiao Zi didn't understand what You Xiang was so persistent for, especially the words when You Xiang left last, as if with despair and incomprehensible loneliness, it made Xiao Zi suffer a heavy blow. Her heart twitched like a knife.

Seeing Youxiang's back gradually disappearing in front of her eyes, she wanted to shout, but she couldn't make a sound with her mouth open. She wanted to catch up, but raised her foot but didn't have the courage to step out because she was scared. She was afraid that Youxiang would continue to say those things, and she was afraid to feel the tone of despair and loneliness again.

She didn't know what You Xiang's words meant, but she could feel that it was a kind of disappointment to herself, disappointed that she didn't understand her.

Did you do something wrong? But where did I go wrong? Is it wrong to want to protect your friends? Is it correct to watch your only friend go to death?

Xiao Zi thought about it, but couldn't figure it out. She felt like an ignorant child.

Is Xiao Zi an ignorant child? Yes, it is not.

Say no, it is because she is very wise. No one can deny this. In the battle with Guiyasha, she saw the flaws of Guiyasha at a glance, and she also found the ghost in a few words. Yasha's weakness, so smart, not to mention the monsters of her age, even the whole world may not be able to find a few, even if it is changed to Lin Luo, if you don't open the plug-in, it will probably be inferior to Xiaozi.

In terms of wisdom, Xiao Zi is obviously above Lin Luo.

But in that case, why can Lin Luo see through You Xiang's mind, but Xiao Zi can't see it? To put it bluntly, because she is only a child, there is a huge gap in life experience, which is not something that wisdom can make up for.

It's like playing a game, a novice character PK against a full-level character, even if the player who manipulates the novice character has great skills, no matter how innocent the full-level character is, but under the huge gap between level and equipment, let alone fight, that is even The defense is unbreakable.

Xiao Zi is indeed very wise, but her wisdom has always been used only to deal with enemies, and she is very simple when dealing with relatives, she will not have any scheming at all, she has always done what she thinks in her heart. It was the same this time too. Knowing that Youxiang was taking risks, she chased up without even thinking about it. She never considered the reasons why Youxiang would take risks.

This, I really can't blame her for being naive.

Regardless of the starting point or the method, no one can single out her fault.

If she is really at fault, the fault is that she is not Youxiang, and that she is not a mortal.

Of course, this can't be regarded as wrong, so is Youxiang wrong?

No, because Youxiang's decision was made after careful consideration. No matter how ridiculous it looks, no matter how stubbornly it may seem, her life is always hers, and she has the right to make any decision.

No one is wrong, so who is wrong?

On the way back, Xiao Zi has been thinking about this question, although she has not found the answer, but she will not give up... Although she does not know the specific location of the Lord of Flowers, she can roughly judge Youxiang from the Lord of Flowers. There are still at least five days to travel, plus the inevitable delays on the way, it takes at least seven days, and it only takes two days for her to return to her residence, and the remaining five days can completely catch up with Youxiang again.

The key question is whether she can find the answer she wants in this short time.

"Okay, I can definitely do it!"

After a brief period of confusion, Xiao Zi quickly regained his fighting spirit, and while cheering up for herself, she galloped towards her residence. It doesn't matter if she doesn't know now, because she can still ask Lin Luo, in her heart, Lin Luo, who is so capable, can definitely help her find the answer.

When the time comes, when she catches up with Youxiang again, she is confident that she will never let Youxiang say "You must not understand" such sad words.

She understood that as long as she really understood, she would have the ability to bring You Xiang back, otherwise everything would be in vain.


Two days later, Xiao Zi finally returned to their home. After four days of rushing without eating, drinking and sleeping, her body was already very tired. This can be seen from the expression on her face, but she She didn't care at all, she immediately looked for Lin Luo as soon as she got home...physical fatigue, this kind of thing had long been forgotten by her in the face of preventing Youxiang from going to death.

"You are back, did you find Youxiang?" When Xiao Zi came back, she happened to see Lin Luo sitting alone in the yard drinking, so she was a little unsure, because she had never seen Lin Luo drinking in the past few months. Although she didn't care about her habit, Lin Luo took the initiative to ask questions when she was about to talk.

Xiao Zi didn't hesitate at all, and told the truth about what happened.

Lin Luo seemed to have seen it, without showing any surprise on his face, and nodded, "It turns out that this is the case, then what are you going to do next?"

"Bring You Xiang back, of course!" Xiao Zi said of course, "I will never watch her go to death, even if she will hate me in the future, it doesn't matter, but there is still a big problem to stop her. That is……"

"Needless to say, Xiao Zi, stop here." Before Xiao Zi finished, Lin Luo shook his head.

"What?" Xiao Zi was stunned, not understanding what Lin Luo meant.

"I mean, you can let go of Youxiang's business."

"What... mean?" Xiao Zi understood this time, but at the same time he didn't understand.

"Because my time is running out, look." Lin Luo raised his right hand as he spoke.

Xiao Zi looked at it and was shocked. Only then did he notice that Lin Luo's right hand was somewhat different. It turned out to be translucent, as if it was about to disappear at any time.

"What's going on?" Inexplicably, Xiao Zi had a bad feeling.

"Have you not found out yet?"

"Find what?"

"Feel it carefully."

"..." Xiao Zi didn't know why, but in the respect of Lin Luo, she still acted according to her words. After a while, she finally discovered that there was one less person in this room...Shenqi!

"Where did Sister Shenqi go?" Xiao Zi asked quickly.

"I let her leave, just yesterday, and won't come back again."

"This..." Xiao Zi Yusi, she wanted to ask, what is going on? First Youxiang left, and now even Shenqi is gone. What is going on?

But she didn't ask, because Lin Luo said before that: "Originally, the conflict between you and Youxiang should be a long time before it erupts, but I don't have much time, so I pushed behind you, although I'm sorry. You, at least so that I can grasp the progress of the incident and minimize the harm."

"Youxiang will leave because of Master..." Xiao Zi looked a little unbelievable.

Lin Luo nodded, "It does matter how much." He was right, after all, if it weren't for his guidance, Youxiang wouldn't make a decision so quickly.

"Why? Why do you want to do such a thing?" Xiao Zi was shocked.

"Didn't I have already said that, my time is running out." Lin Luo raised his hand again, "You can see it too, does my hand seem to be disappearing?"

Little Zi nodded.

"Do you know why?"

Xiao Zi shook her head. She didn't know what to say now, so she could only do mechanical movements.

Lin Luo replied: "Because I am not a person of this age, the world has begun to reject me."


"To be more specific, I came from the future, but such a thing breaks the rules too much, so the world began to urge me to leave as soon as possible."

"Why... is this?" Xiao Zi was shocked again. It was the first time that she knew that Lin Luo was the future, but what made her even more concerned was that Lin Luo was leaving. go away? That's what it means to go back to the future, doesn't it mean that you will never see it again?

Lin Luo shook his head, "This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. It was a bit difficult to understand at the beginning, but after thinking about it carefully, it feels normal... After all, it is too easy to destroy this planet with my strength, even if it is right. It’s not difficult for the whole world to cause devastating damage. If this is the time I’m in, it’s okay, but it’s a bit of a problem in the past. If I really wanted to destroy the world by accident, then it should have been. What should we do in the future of existence? The world rejects me precisely to prevent such things from happening."

Lin Luo felt the world's rejection half a month ago, and as he recovers faster and faster, the rejection is getting bigger and bigger. No matter how he fights it, it is useless, but it will make the rejection stronger.

At first, Lin Luo was puzzled. After all, in Xingyue World, he stayed for so long and nothing happened. Why was there a change only this time?

But gradually, he understood a little bit. First of all, he spent most of the time in the world in Xingyue, and would not cause too much harm to that era. Secondly, he was too weak at that time, even if If some harm is caused, the world will correct itself without any harm.

But the situation is different now.

He is about to return to the quasi-celestial rank, and his influence is too great. Even if he does not take the initiative to do anything, his daily actions will cause a great butterfly effect. When the time comes, he will affect his whole body, and the future will be Become unrecognizable.

And at this time, he also understood that after he came to this era, the reason for the sharp drop in strength was not just the problem of injury and capacity, but also related to this aspect, and it also accounted for the largest proportion.

He believes that even if he comes with full strength, after this, it is estimated that he will not be much better than then.

This is a good explanation. If you travel to the past and your strength is not affected, wouldn't the heavenly powerhouses travel between the past and the future at will, changing the future at will, wouldn't the world be completely chaotic? !

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