Chapter 1070: Xinye, you must not understand...Oh, did you run to the wrong set?

Shortly after Xiao Zi ran out of the room, the sound of footsteps came from the stairs, and then, Shen Qi's figure appeared at the door of the room, fixedly looking at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo spread out his hands and joked: "What day is it? It's so lively in the morning."

Shenqi ignored his joking, frowned and said, "You know it, why don't you tell her?"


"About Youxiang, although I don't know what happened last night, I think you must know, in that case, why don't you tell Xiaozi? It's not like you would do it."

Seeing her serious expression, Lin Luo stopped joking, put on her coat and walked off the bed, stood by the window, turned her back and said, "The relationship between people is simple and not simple. Even if you don’t say it, two people can know what the other is thinking, but sometimes, even if you say it, two people can’t understand each other..."

"What do you want to say?" Shenqi felt that she didn't understand.

"What I want to say is that this matter is the same whether I say it or not. If Youxiang makes a decision, she will not repent and will definitely go on. And Xiaozi also has her own ideas, although they They are young, but they are not so naive. As for whether their ideas and persistence will conflict with each other, it is no longer possible for others to intervene."


"There is one more important point. My time is running out...Although it is a little faster than expected, it is not unexpected in general."

"Huh?!" Shenqi's expression suddenly changed. Could it be the meaning of this sentence?

At this moment, Lin Luo turned around, "Shenqi, you should also go."


Xiao Zi's chasing was really hard, and it took her two days to catch up with Youxiang.

This seems a bit ridiculous. After all, Xiao Zi has the artifact of the gap. In terms of mobility, I don’t know how much stronger it is than Youxiang. Even if it is a few hours late, it should catch up with Youxiang earlier, but The actual situation is not as simple as the theory.

First, Youxiang knows Xiaozi’s gap better than anyone else. Since she is determined to leave quietly, she will naturally prevent Xiaozi from catching up when she knows, and in order to deal with Xiaozi’s gap, she The countermeasures made are the suspicion array.

With the ability to control flowers and plants, she can also possess her own breath on the flowers and plants, and then when the herbivores eat these flowers and plants, her breath will be transferred to those animals, and at the same time, her breath will increase. When the amplitude is reduced, her breath will spread in all directions.

Of course, because the trajectory of many animals is uncontrollable, if this is the case, as long as Xiao Zi is careful, he will soon be able to grasp the direction of You Xiang's own actions.

But for Youxiang, there is no such trouble. After all, she has been working hard to survive since she was born, not only to improve her own strength, but also to master and use the environment far beyond ordinary people.

The animals she was looking for were all animals that could specifically understand the trajectory of her actions. In this way, even if she didn’t need to deliberately control them, these animals would go on according to her ideas, even if there were one or two mistakes, but at least 80% of them. It will not fail.

And every some distance, she would use the same method again, and continue to confuse her eyes.

Although this method can be used by anyone who is accustomed to fleeing, Youxiang can make the most of it, but the inspiration comes from the usual computer games.

Probably because of Lin Luo's influence, Youxiang also plays some beautiful girl games. Although these games are mainly based on the screen and plot, there are of course the game characters themselves. This is not necessary, but Youxiang After playing for a while, I discovered the most essential thing about these games, that is-options!

Although it is the player who plays the game, the story and the ending of the game will develop differently according to the player’s personality and interests, but this is just a representation. In fact, when the option appears in the game, no matter which game, it is manipulated. It is these options that matter to the player, not the player's own will.

With the different choices of options, the game plot and ending will be completely different.

If the event of Youxiang's departure is a game, then the options she has placed in the game at the moment are so many that it makes the scalp numb, and there will be more than ten more options every distance, stacking up, this can be selected There are hundreds of routes, but only one leads to the true ending, and all the other routes are...BADEND!

Although Xiao Zi knew Youxiang very well, and knew her aura too well, but with mental arithmetic and unintentional, she still chose too much wrong route. Fortunately, this is not a game. Taking the wrong route does not mean the end. She can go back and choose again, but the delay in time is inevitable.

When Xiao Zi finally stood in front of Youxiang two days later, she was already out of breath. In the past two days, in order to catch up with Youxiang as soon as possible, she did not eat or drink and sleepless all the way. Fortunately, she is a monster, if It's an ordinary person, already BADEND.

As for Youxiang, after seeing Xiao Zi, she also had a surprised expression. She didn't expect that even if she tried so hard, Xiao Zi would still catch up.

Youxiang spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "I thought it was impossible for you to catch up with my arrangement, but the result was once again beyond my expectations. It's really you, Xiao Zi... So what are you going to do next? Say goodbye to me? Or stop me?"

"Youxiang, I know what you want to do." Xiao Zi took a step forward gently, and in Youxiang's questioning expression, she said, "A month ago, when the uncles were still at home, you asked They asked a question. Although I didn’t hear the whole process at the time, I was fortunate enough to hear a few of them. The question was about the Lord of Flowers in the Deep Blue Flower Field, and Youxiang...what you want to do Just challenge the Lord of Flowers!"

The uncles in Xiao Zi's mouth were naturally the 13 Taibao, because Lin Luo knew that he was about to return to the future, so he let them go in advance.

Youxiang laughed as if he heard the joke, "Don't be kidding, Xiao Zi, the lord of flowers is a lord-level monster, stronger than the ghost yasha we played last time, although I am destined to challenge The monster, but now I am still too far away, how can I go to death, I just..."

"Don't lie to me!" Before she finished speaking, Xiao Zi Meng roared like a chilly cicada.

You Xiang was instinctively stunned, and then heard Xiao Zi say, "I know, your strength has been regressing throughout these days, and you are also very anxious about this. Although I am worried about you, I also understand. Your self-esteem, your heart is higher than the sky, you can't show a weak side in front of my peers. So I don't know, even if you secretly go to practice at night, I don't even see it."

Hearing this, You Xiang was taken aback, and then she laughed helplessly, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, but based on this, why are you going to challenge the Lord of Flowers?"

"Because I know you, just like the last time I challenged Ghost Yasha, the more difficult things you have to do, and once you do, you will leave your life behind." Xiao Zi did not hesitate. Said.

"..." It was probably because the truth was revealed. You Xiang couldn't speak for a while, but after a while, she shook her head in pain, and then said, "Xiao Zi, you really don't understand me, if If you understand me, you will not stop me."

"What did you say?" These words made Xiao Zi take a step back subconsciously.

Youxiang looked at her squarely, "You are right, I am indeed going to challenge the Lord of Flowers. I have already decided. I will bet my future and everything in that battle."

"I won't let you go!" Xiao Zi opened her hand and stood in front of her.

"Why? Don't you believe me?" Youxiang frowned.

"I believe you, no matter what the lord of the flower, or the king of the wolf, or the king of ghosts, one day you will surpass them, but that is not now. The two of us can't even beat the ghost yasha. How can you beat the ghost yasha alone? A stronger flower lord!"

"I have worked hard."

"Even hard work is useless! It's... uh!" Xiao Zi yelled, but halfway through, she noticed that Youxiang's expression changed, and she suddenly stopped, realizing that she had said something wrong in her urgency. the words said.

For a long time, Youxiang has lived by hard work until now, but he said that hard work is useless. Wouldn't it be that you denied everything about Youxiang from the side?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zi was full of regrets, "I'm sorry, Youxiang, I didn't mean to..."

Youxiang closed her eyes and shook her head, "I know you didn't mean it. Indeed, a hundred percent of the effort is often not as good as one point of talent, but all I have is hard work."

"It's not like this, it's not like this..." Xiao Zi's eyes flashed tears, and she shook her head again and again. She knew clearly what the two words of hard work meant for Youxiang, even if she didn't mean it, but the sentence just now was also true. It really hurt You Xiang.

At the moment when Xiao Zi shook her head and regretted, You Xiang had already stepped past her, "I'm sorry, Xiao Zi, don't stop me anymore, no one can stop me."

"Don't go!" Xiao Zi finally recovered and shouted. But Youxiang didn't stop, nor looked back, no matter how Xiao Zi shouted, she still walked forward silently.

Suddenly, a gill net stood in front of Youxiang, and Xiao Zi said behind her: "This is the net of my realm. As long as it is pierced by the stabbing on the net, it will keep bleeding, although it will not die. , But will always be weak, so... stop, Youxiang."

You Xiang paused, but she only hesitated for less than a second, and then continued to move forward, as if she hadn't seen the net at all.

Youxiang's reaction made Xiao Zixin twisted like a knife. Seeing that the thorn on the net was about to pierce Youxiang, she finally took the net back and cried out, "Why? Why on earth?!"

Youxiang's actions have explained everything. In any case, she will go to the Lord of Flowers to challenge, even if she has a broken hand or foot, even if her body is weak, or even broken to pieces, nothing can stop her!

Therefore, Xiao Zi didn't understand, what was it for? Is it more important to become stronger than himself?

However, at this moment, You Xiang finally turned her head, a sad smile flashed across her face, "Xiao Zi, you must not understand."

After speaking, she continued to walk forward without looking back.

And behind her, Xiao Zi was already dumbfounded.

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