Lin Yi feels like a puffer fish now.

If there is no accident, at this time, there will be an accident!

Lin Yi didn't know what Zhao Yan was going to do, but he fumbled honestly and put his hand on Zhao Yan's palm.

In fact, when she was just groping in the dark, she had already noticed that the touch in front of her was a little different.


Blacken villains are ghost eaters!

Lin Yi: [Er Gouzi, can I strike first and kill him? 】

"I come."

Because of the age, the iron door still has black and red rust Madara Madara, the metal paint on the door has even begun to peel off, and there are cobwebs hanging on the four corners, which looks depressing.

The iron door, which was originally very obedient and could be opened without much effort, seemed to suddenly have vitality at this moment, and the moment Zhao Yan let go, it suddenly closed back.

Lin Yi turned his head angrily, and looked in front of him by the light of Zhao Yan's mobile phone flashlight.

Lin Yi: "..."

Is this what she wanted to ask?

Lin Yi: "I'm fine."

The iron door was opened, and there was a harsh sound of old metal rubbing against it, especially in the dark, which irritated people's nerves.

Lin Yi held up the phone and turned to look at the door, the iron door was tightly closed and motionless.

Lin Yi paused, then turned around to see Zhao Yan standing behind her, holding her hand with the flashlight turned on, facing her.

The next second, Zhao Yan grabbed the hand on Lin Yi's shoulder and began to move up slowly.

Lin Yi didn't want to talk anymore. Blacken villain shameless, what can she do?

When the dog gets up, even she is ashamed of herself, okay?

But fortunately, Zhao Yan didn't use much strength to pull open the iron door in front of him.

Because there was no light, Lin Yi could only grope in front of him with both hands.


Ha ha!

Ergouzi: [But our Blacken villain can't die, didn't he tell you before? 】

Lin Yi: "???"

Zhao Yan's low and hoarse voice sounded in the darkness: "Let's go."

Zhao Yan: "Little girl ghost!"


Strange voices sounded from all directions, and Lin Yi's whole ghost was instantly ill.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

It was pitch black and there was no one else here. Although the Blacken villain said before that he would not eat her, Lin Yi didn't forget that he was the Blacken villain.

When Lin Yi was talking to Ergouzi in his mind, Zhao Yan's hand was already running along Lin Yi's hair and touched the top of her hair.

It seems that at this moment he is no longer the one in the world, the director of the Wei Ling office that deals with strange and strange events, but a demon dormant in the dark, dangerous.

Zhao Yan removed his hand from the top of Lin Yi's hair: "Little girl, give me your hand."

The next second, Zhao Yan suddenly raised his hand and patted the top of Lin Yi's hair lightly.

That's it?


Seeing Zhao Yan's beautiful and slender hands resting on the rotten doorknob, a trace of displeasure appeared on Lin Yi's face.

Just talking, Lin Yi suddenly felt that Zhao Yan's voice sounded more and more strange.

With the light, Lin Yi saw Zhao Yan's face with a playful smile, so he could see the amazing face, Zhao Yan also saw that Lin Yi's eyes were full of wonder and doubts even though his expression was tense and unbroken. .

When the words were over, Zhao Yan was already holding Lin Yi, step by step in the darkness, walking towards the depths of the steps.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yan firmly grasped Lin Yi's hand.

At this time, Zhao Yan had also let go of Lin Yi's hand.

Zhao Yan stretched out his hand to pull the handle of the iron door again, but this time the iron door seemed to be firmly welded to death, and it didn't move.

At this moment, a strong white light suddenly struck behind him.

His voice seemed to have been suddenly tuned, becoming more and more low and slow, until in the end, it was like the needle of an old record player was stuck on the disc, and even a complete Can't hear the words.

Lin Yi is inside the door and Zhao Yan is outside.

It's just... FUCKING!

It's a little embarrassing to say it, but I'm afraid when you're here, okay?

Zhao Yan: "Little girl, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lin Yi: "???"

Hearing Lin Yi's voice, Zhao Yan's expression eased slightly, but there was still a strong danger in his voice.

What is this?

Although she is afraid of ghosts, when she was young and ignorant, she did not believe in evil and watched a few horror movies.

Lin Yi thought for a while: "Okay."

very good!

Zhao Yan glanced at the phone: "This is the flashlight function that comes with the phone, don't you know?"

In case she regretted eating her here, she would really be called Tiantian's refusal, and earthly and earth not working.

no Zuo no Die.

Lin Yi took the mobile phone and walked into the iron door first, and Zhao Yan released the door handle and followed.

Although I don't know why the villain Blacken is holding her hand, he still hasn't changed his mind and wants to eat her, that's fine.

"Giggle... Jie Jie Jie..."

Lin Yi paused and was about to pull the door handle, but Zhao Yan took a step ahead.

Zhao Yan: "Don't be afraid, Zi Teng will come down soon, we..."

Outside the door, Zhao Yan was still thinking about Lin Yi's fear of ghosts, fearing that she would be afraid if she was locked in the door alone, so she comforted her with a rare speech.

There is also a rule in most horror movies-

With that, Zhao Yan handed the phone to Lin Yi, and reached out to pull the door handle.

It's not an ordinary earth or brick wall, but a touch similar to metal. Now that there is light, Lin Yi finds that standing at the end of the steps, blocking them, is an iron door. .

Lin Yi: […]

What she wants to ask is, since you have this stuff, why didn't you take it out earlier? Why did the two of them take so long to discredit?

Seemingly guessing what Lin Yi was thinking, Zhao Yan said lightly without any guilt: "I knew you wanted to be a little closer to me, so I didn't take it out on purpose."

However, Zhao Yan's shrill laughter continued to sound in the darkness, which weakened the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere a bit.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Lin Yi's heart, and he panicked.

Outside the door, Zhao Yan's icy blue eyes suddenly shone with a cold light, and his eyebrows, which originally had a faint smile, became cold and sharp at this moment.


"Stand in place and don't move!"

The two walked down side by side like this, and finally, came to the end of the steps.

Lin Yi thought for a while without arguing, then took the phone from Zhao Yan's hand and raised it to a high place, Zhao Yan immediately grabbed the doorknob full of rust and dirt with both hands.

Lin Yi: "..."

So she still stayed here honestly, waiting for the Blacken villain and Zi Teng to open the door first.

There was a huge muffled sound in the air, everything happened too fast, Lin Yi and Zhao Yan didn't have time to react, and they were already isolated in two spaces.

Dare to play tricks in front of him?

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