Zhao Yan said lightly without any emotion, Zi Teng's eyes widened when he heard the words, but Lin Yi stood up again, and started digging with a shovel.

Zhao Yan threw away the soil in his hand and watched Lin Yi's movements with great interest. There seemed to be brilliance in his ice blue eyes.

The next second, Zhao Yan turned his eyes to see Zi Teng standing aside, doing nothing like an outsider, and could not help but frown.

Zhao Yan: "Blind?"

Zi Teng: "..."

Too much!

You despise me for bullying your little girl and letting her dig alone, can you see what you are doing?

And you haven't seen the fighting power of your little girl?

One person is better than eight, do I need to do it?

Of course, Zi Teng only dared to complain silently in his heart, but he never dared to say it.

Zi Teng let out a dull sigh, then picked up his shovel and prepared to help Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi had dug something hard under the soil.

Lin Yi: "

After saying that, Lin Yi threw away the shovel, then squatted down and started to scrape the soil with both hands.

Zi Teng kept the action of swinging the shovel, which can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Especially Zhao Yan looked at him with disgust.

Zi Teng: "..."

Lin Yi lowered his head and used his hands to clean the soil, but just after cleaning it twice, Zhao Yan grabbed his wrist.

Lin Yi looked up suspiciously, and saw Zhao Yan's serious nonsense: "How can a girl's hand be used to pick up the soil? I'll just come."

Lin Yi: "..."

Zi Teng: "..."

So what are you doing in the morning?

Zhao Yan released Lin Yi's hand and let Lin Yi stay aside. Lin Yi thought about it and didn't refuse, just squatted aside and watched Zhao Yan's clean and white fingers flip back and forth in the black soil.

Soon, the soil was gradually cleaned up, and a wooden door-like thing appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Yi stared at the wooden door twice.

So, is this what the Blacken villains are bringing them here?

What does the world hidden behind the wooden door in front of you have to do with the other world behind the mirror in the water room?

Zi Teng searched around the wooden door, but couldn't find anything similar to a handle, and the strange thing was that it was reasonable to say that the wood was buried in the ground all the year round, especially under the moist soil, it should have rotted long ago. The wooden door was intact.

Zi Teng: "There's actually a basement here? But there's no handle, wait, I'll use a shovel..."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Zi Teng wanted to use a shovel to pry open the wooden door, but before he could finish speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Lin Yi.

Ziteng watched Lin Yi stand up, but Zhao Yan still narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Lin Yi with a relaxed look.

In the next second, Lin Yi raised his leg, headed towards the wooden door, and kicked it hard.

With a "bang", the wooden door was kicked off the ground and fell straight down.

Zi Teng: "..."

Zhao Yan: "..."

Zi Teng suddenly thought of the scene where Lin Yi raised his foot and kicked him when they first met, and suddenly felt the chrysanthemum tighten.

Fortunately, Zhao Yan grabbed Lin Yi in time, otherwise he would not have suffered a comminuted fracture if he kicked him?

Lin Yi looked under the wooden door and saw a series of steps leading to a world full of darkness and unknown. And the stench and bloody smell seemed to become stronger at this moment.

Lin Yi's face tensed, and he was about to go down immediately, but he didn't want his wrist to be grabbed at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, a cold and magnetic voice sounded faintly beside Lin Yi's ears.

"Didn't I tell you not to be so violent?"

Lin Yi blinked: "???"

Is this cranky?

The Blacken villain is too small!

After saying this, Zhao Yan immediately turned to look at Zi Teng and asked him to fetch the infrared flashlight on the car, but Lin Yi took this opportunity to lift his steps without saying a word, and stepped directly on the connecting ground. And underground, steps of light and dark.

Zi Teng went to the car to get the flashlight. When Zhao Yan turned his head, he found that Lin Yi was gone, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

The little girl is too impatient.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yan did not wait for Zi Teng to come back, and followed the stairs down.

When Zi Teng came back with the flashlight, Zhao Yan and Lin Yi had disappeared into the darkness.

Zi Teng: "Damn it! Can you two be any more dog?"

After all, the three of them are a team, so why leave him alone!


The stairs are very long, extending all the way to the unknown depths, as if giving people a sense that this is the stairs leading to hell.

It was pitch black all around, so dark that one could not see five fingers, so dark that one could almost forget that the sky was bright and bright at the moment.

When people are in such an environment, they will always unconsciously raise a kind of fear, vigilant about the danger that they dormant around without knowing when.

And this danger is enough to devour people without a trace and without a sound.

But for some reason, Lin Yi is not afraid now.

Although Lin Yi can't see the things around her, she is not breathing, and at this moment, she is tensing every nerve in her body, trying to feel everything around her.

And when people are invisible, other senses will naturally become sharper.

The further down the stairs, the more Lin Yi could feel the strong and disgusting stench.

This feeling made her have a guess in her heart.

The laboratory of the mustache may be at the end of this step.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to speed up his steps, but at this moment, something suddenly stretched towards Lin Yi's shoulders.

In the air that was so quiet that it was deadly still, a faint and cool voice suddenly sounded.

"Little girl, don't be impatient."

When the words fell, Lin Yi's shoulder was gently grasped by a large slender hand.

Lin Yi: "!!!"

The sudden sound caused the hairs on Lin Yi's body to explode, his chest already lost the position of his heart, and he vibrated violently.

She almost didn't frighten her to die a second time!

Can't the Blacken villain scare ghosts like this?

It seems that he felt Lin Yi's reaction. In the darkness, Zhao Yan's laughter full of jokes and schadenfreude came.

Zhao Yan: "Heh...Little girl, so you're really afraid of ghosts."

Lin Yi: "..."

I'm afraid of ghosts what's wrong?

Am I proud?

Lin Yi: "Which law states that ghosts can't be afraid of ghosts?"

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