Silent lowered his head and kissed the scar on Lin Yi's shoulder affectionately and reverently.

The tip of the tongue is soft and moist, outlines the wound, and gently depicts the shape of the scar.

Seeing that Lin Yi has his own mark on his body, Silent feels inexplicably at ease.

In the past countless days and nights, the darkness and emptiness that almost drowned him, I don't know when it started, has gradually subsided.

Silent hugged Lin Yi, felt her body and temperature, and felt the beating heart in her chest for the first time, real and warm.

He turned back subconsciously, wanting to find the demon who used to be with him.

Damn it, but he didn't know when, he was bound to the shackles, shrunk in the rusty iron cage, and left in the corner of the bathroom, unable to break free.

The first time Lin Yi recovered was to look up at the progress bar above Silent's head.

And then she was all over in an instant.

Didn't go up?

It didn't go up at all?

Sending a piece of water can still rise a little, but sending yourself to be motionless and stable like a dog?

Silent was naked and smelled of sweat.

When I was in school, when the boys came back from playing in the summer, they would come back with a smell of sweat.

At that time, Lin Yi only felt a headache, but for some reason, the smell of silence did not make Lin Yi feel uncomfortable at all.

His delicate and sharp collarbone is in sight, and the sexy Adam's apple goes up.

The next second, Lin Yi suddenly raised his head and stepped forward, biting on the silent Adam's apple.

Silent felt the pain and regained consciousness.

But he didn't dodge or dodge, just let Lin Yi's teeth and tongue tip recklessly on his Adam's apple.

The heartbeat quickened again.

Ergouzi is crazy: [Ah ah ah ah ah, what do you want to do! 】

Lin Yi ignored it, she just looked at her Adam's apple and wanted to bite.

What can I do?

Is it still possible to kill the Blacken villain?

Ergouzi: [Did you just see that the progress bar didn't move, didn't you have this idea? 】

【Have! 】 Lin Yi admitted generously.

[But I held back. 】

Saying that, Lin Yi moved down suddenly, moved his lips and teeth away from the silent Adam's apple, and landed on his collarbone.

This time, she showed no mercy and bit down hard.

The bones were sore and the teeth were sore, but Lin Yi ignored it, and soon the whole mouth began to smell of blood.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes.

[Er Gouzi, I seem to suddenly understand why the Blacken villain loves to bite. 】

Ergouzi: [Huh? Why? 】

【Cool! 】


Ergouzi: As expected of you!

If you don't speak the words of tigers and wolves for a day, you will be sorry for yourself.

Shen Jing helped Lin Yi take a bath, carried her to the bed and dried her hair before entering the bathroom to take a shower.

After entering the bathroom silently for a while, Lin Yi received a call from Shen Zhenting.

Shen Zhenting: "Little girl, I found that you are quite secretive, so you actually asked me to investigate your stepmother?"

Lin Yi doesn't like the title "stepmother" very much.

"Ren Fangfang." Lin Yi corrected coldly.

Shen Zhenting is also a smart person, so he changed his mind quickly: "Well, Ren Fangfang."

"What did you find?"

"A lot, your queen... Ren Fangfang is also a very secretive person. I'll send things to your mobile phone later."


After speaking, Lin Yi hung up the phone without any hesitation.

Shen Zhenting stared at the phone that was hung up for a moment, then couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Although the two of them are using each other, they don't say thank you so confidently...

cold enough! No wonder he was able to come together with Silent.

Lin Yi's mobile phone quickly received information about Ren Fangfang from Shen Zhenting.

It has to be said that although Shen Zhenting is unreliable as a father, his work efficiency is still acceptable.

Lin Yi flipped through it and found a few photos and some documents.

The photo is of Ren Fangfang and another man. In the photo, the two of them pose intimately and their expressions are ambiguous. At first glance, it is not a normal relationship.

And there are pictures of two people walking into the hotel.

Lin Yi was a little surprised.

At the beginning, she said that Lin Yuandong's head was green, but she just said it casually, but she didn't expect it to be a prophecy.

Lin Yuandong can play Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

Play the green grassland inside.

Lin Yi closed the photo with no expression, and flipped through the other documents. Only then did she know that Ren Fangfang had secretly transferred a lot of Lin Yuandong's assets over the years, and even bought a villa in the suburbs, signed by her and another man.

It should be the man in the photo.

Lin Yi turned off the phone.

Although these things are enough to make Ren Fangfang's life worse than death.

But she feels that doing things, either don't do it, or do it absolutely.

Lin Yi sent another message to Shen Zhenting.

Lin Yi: Help me arrange the paternity test at the First Hospital.


Lin Yi slept and woke up in the evening.

Silent was not in the bedroom, Lin Yi got off the bed with bare feet and walked out of the room.

When there was silence before, I didn't feel it, but now, walking alone on the second floor, Lin Yi felt a little terrified looking at the depressing and suffocating words hanging on the walls on both sides.

Just panic.

There was movement from downstairs.

Lin Yi was not worried that Shen Jing found that Fu Yaqiu was locked in the basement. After all, after taking her there, Shen Jing locked the door of the basement.

Moreover, the sound insulation effect of the basement is very good, even if Fu Yaqiu sings in it, it will not be heard outside.

Silence did not turn on the lights, all the windows were covered with thick curtains, and no light came in.

Lin Yi faintly saw a figure sitting on the sofa.

From her point of view, the figure was lonely and lonely, but cold and alienated, and the red fire between him flickered, like the eyes of a beast.

Lin Yi walked over, only to find that Silent was surrounded by smoke, and the ashtray on the coffee table was almost full of cigarette butts.

Lin Yi frowned.

Shen Si looked up to see Lin Yi appear, and immediately noticed her bare feet.

The silent ink-like eyes shrank fiercely, and then pulled Lin Yi into his arms, lifted Lin Yi's feet, lifted the clothes and put them on his stomach.

There was warmth in his feet, but Lin Yi didn't care.

The two looked at each other in silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

After a pause, Lin Yi spoke first: "Wait, will something happen?"

There is Lin Yi's reflection in the silent pupil: "Yes."


"Well, I want you."


Straight and naked words, I don't know why, coming out of the silent mouth doesn't make people feel wretched at all, on the contrary, it makes people fascinated.

Lin Yi's face was calm: "Leave it later."

let it go?

The silent face instantly turned cold.

Lin Yi: "Come back and accompany you until dawn."

Silent: "..."

Ergouzi: […]

Listen to what you have to say! ! !

[The author has something to say]

add more~

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