Shen Zhenting didn't seem to expect that Lin Yi would actually talk to him about conditions.

The courage of this little girl is more and more beyond his expectations.

Shen Zhenting: "You're not afraid of me?"

Lin Yi: "Why should I be afraid?"



Shen Zhenting paused: "It's only half a month, that kind of crazy woman, it's good for her to suffer a little more, but you remember, don't cause anyone to die."

Lin Yi: "It's not me, you have no evidence..."

"Okay, I won't talk about it."

Shen Zhenting was really scared Lin Yi: "Who do you want me to investigate?"

Lin Yi told Shen Zhenting about Ren Fangfang's information, but Shen Zhenting didn't bother, and hung up the phone after writing it down.

Silent just made a goal at this time, and the audience was screaming loudly and frantically again.

The whistle sounded, and the team led by Silent won the championship.

The coach, the substitutes, and other people in the team rushed onto the court impatiently, gathered together to celebrate, but silently walked out of the crowd and walked straight towards Lin Yi.

Because of strenuous exercise, his skin that was still slightly pale in the past was now showing a hint of blush, his eyebrows and eyes were moist and bright, and the broken hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, which obliquely covered his ink-stained eyes. The sternness and anger of the whole person seemed to have been dispelled a lot.

Lin Yi stood up, looked at the bottled water beside him, and carried it without saying a word.

Lin Yi: "Drink it."

Silent: "..."

Shen Jing's eyebrows moved, and although the others were still in the joy of victory at the moment, silence was the focus of the whole Linde. Lin Yi's move into the gym carrying bottled water before also really shocked everyone, so at this moment There are still many people who have seen such a paradoxical scene.

Everyone else had bottled water handed over by other girls.

In front of the silence, there was only Lin Yi's bucket of pure water.

What they didn't expect was that Silent was silent for only two seconds before taking the bottled water from Lin Yi's hand, then holding the front end with one hand and the bottom of the barrel with the other, he raised it and started pouring it into his mouth.

Everyone: "..."

Lin Yi looked at the progress bar above Silent's head that didn't change at all, and Chūnin couldn't stop complaining.

After drinking my water, there is no progress.



At the end of the game, Lin Yi and Shen Jing had no class in the afternoon, so they went home directly.

Silent is covered in sweat and needs a bath.

Watching Silent walk into the bathroom, Lin Yi only hesitated for a moment before walking in as well.

It went up by 20% last night, and if it goes up again, will it go up to 100%?

And still on top!

Ergouzi felt that Lin Yi's thoughts were dangerous and not advisable.

Ergouzi: [Sister Yi, I think you should not have too high expectations. 】

Lin Yi thought very openly: [Dream still has to be, what if it comes true? 】

Ergouzi: […]

Silent was already standing in front of the mirror at this time, his dark and deep eyes like ink were reflected in the mirror, as if reflecting the other side of his personality.

He pursed his lips, silently raised his hand to the back of his neck, and pulled up the collar gently.

The whole shirt was pulled from the head and landed on the washstand.

Suddenly, his eyes fell silent.

Lin Yi's figure appeared in the mirror. She was standing at the door of the bathroom, her expression as indifferent and cold as always, holding a pair of eyes as clear as ancient wells, staring at the silence for a moment without blinking.

There is no shame in the slightest bit of peeping people changing clothes and being caught.

The quiet and sexy Adam's apple moved up and down, and his eyes darkened.

Although last night had passed like this, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to look at Shen Jing's body without a trace of fat at this moment.


Silent breathing was a little heavy, and his voice became slightly hoarse: "Are you feeling better?"

Lin Yi: "???"

what's wrong with her?

Silent turned his back to Lin Yi, and looked at her through the mirror. The next second, he suddenly opened his lips and cursed in a low voice, then turned around and grabbed Lin Yi's arm, pulling the person over.

Lin Yi was completely unprepared by Silent's unexpected actions, and when he realized it, he was already pulled into his arms by Silent.

His kiss was always so fiery, like a sudden gust of wind and rain in a clear sky, and like a sudden blizzard in the polar regions, it was impossible to resist.

Lin Yi raised his head and wrapped his arms around his neck in a posture that Silent liked.

Breathing is getting harder and harder, but the silence doesn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

Not only did it not mean to stop, it was getting more and more turbulent, more and more horrified.

Lin Yi felt like a leaf that fell from a tree and fell on the sea, with nowhere to turn and nowhere to escape.

Suddenly, big silent hands supported Lin Yi's waist on both sides and gently lifted it up.

Lin Yi lifted his feet off the ground and was placed on the washstand behind him.

Silent's eyes are scarlet, and his eyes are full of strong desire, like a beast that has been locked for many days. Every inch of skin and every cell on his body is full of bloodthirsty danger.

Lin De's school uniform for girls is a half skirt, just enough to expose Lin Yi's slender and straight legs.

This angle is just right to be silent and do whatever you want.

The waves are getting bigger and bigger.

The sea under the night is a dark blue, as if it can drown all desires in it.

There was a raging hurricane on the sea, sweeping everything around, as if to destroy.

The leaves floated lonely and helpless on the sea surface, like a broken boat. Under the blowing of the hurricane and the turbulent waves, they were dragged into the air and fell into the sea again.

Hurricanes don't stop, so do the waves.

The hurricane was frantic and fiery, with the horror of destroying everything, and together with the sea water, the leaves were swept up, spinning helplessly in mid-air, floating.

All of a sudden, a hurricane that was even more violent than before came.

The leaves seem to be in the center of the hurricane.

It was leaping, getting closer and closer to the sky, getting closer and closer, mixed and wrapped by the sky and the waves.

Leaf opened his eyes and looked at the dark blue sky in front of him, as if he could touch it with a hand.

The next second, she followed the waves into the turbulent sea again.

The hurricane stopped.

The waves were quiet.

The leaves are weak and powerless floating above the sea.

Silent pressed his chin against Lin Yi's shoulder, and his heavy and enthusiastic breath sprayed on Lin Yi's shoulder.

She didn't know when the clothes on her body had slipped, and her smooth and white skin was exposed in the silent sight.

It's just that there is a freshly scabbed wound on top of the bright white.

Ugly, hideous, but reassuring Silent.

That's what he left last night.

The mark he left on Lin Yi.

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