The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 851: guess

The sky outside the King’s Hall slowly darkened, and as time passed, the sun also rose on a new day. After a long time, Reinhardt finally turned to the last page with the name of Stuart, and went down. , But there is no writing anymore.

   seems to come to an abrupt end...

What happened later... What kind of war did the cosmic people have with the natives of this world? There is also another young man who has not written a name, as well as the moon base and twenty kingdoms. Eim is here for a long time. The roles played in the war, etc., have not been written.

  Although there are many blank papers behind, Reinhardt also understands that Stuart's diary ends here.

   Reinhardt slowly closed the diary and raised his slightly sore head. He looked outside the hall, the sun was a little dazzling, and he was full of attention all night, but it gave him the illusion of spending his life. It was probably the sincere narrative of this cosmic man named Stuart that moved him.

   Cosmic people... Moon people...

   Reinhardt thought in his mind that there has never been a so-called lunar man, and there have always been spacecraft humans shuttled from the universe. The remnants left on the moon were also established by the cosmic man.

It’s just that Reinhardt is very puzzled, whether the cosmic people Stuart is talking about are humans on his own planet, or in other words, his own planet. After hundreds or even thousands of years, the technology has developed to a very high level. Under the condition of high level, use the spacecraft to search for this habitable planet.

He didn’t understand this, but it’s not very important. Through Stuart’s diary, Reinhardt learned a lot of secrets. These secrets should have been destroyed by the world government. It’s just this diary. In this book, it does not seem to mention any information about D.

Im... Reinhardt stood up, murmured these two words softly. It seems that the master behind the world government who controls all of this should be the one mentioned in Stuart’s diary. Young Eames.

  622...900 years from now, if that young Yim was really the **** Yim behind the world government,

In 900... it sounds like it would only appear in a mythical world. Even if it is bizarre and absurd things, in this world, it is not false. Obviously, if it is really the young Yim in Stuart’s diary. If so, then there is only one possibility, and the only possibility.

   is the one who has the ability to eat the fruits of the operation with a high probability of Yimu.

   The world government erased some of the one hundred years of history, and presumably did not want to let the people of future generations know that there was a moon man in this world.

According to the description of the lock in Stuart’s diary, the man with a pair of huge light wings is Yim, light gun, light wings, this is an angel only in mythology, therefore, Yim’s devil fruit ability is not It goes without saying that the animal is in the form of an angel of human fruit, fantasy beast species.

A strong man who has survived for more than 900 years and has eaten the fruits of the animal family, the phantom beast, is in the form of an angel. Reinhardt can’t imagine or dare to imagine how powerful he is. Im is different from others because He has been subjected to an ageless operation and possesses eternal life, so his body functions will not experience any aging, so as long as he survives in the world for one day, he has the most peak fighting state.

After confirming this, Reinhardt finally understood in his heart what kind of powerful enemy he was about to face. In addition to the strength of the peak of individual power, the technology left by the cosmic people must also be controlled by Yim. Now, I think of a series of technologies in this world, including laser technology, biotechnology and other powerful technologies, which should be left by the people of the universe.

   This is also confirmed from the side, why the world has such powerful technology as lasers and biology, but it is so backward in other aspects. It seems that all this is a trade-off made by the world government in order to stabilize its rule.

   Can you imagine that in a world where all lasers can be researched, you can still use the oldest cloth sails and use the firearms?

   This chaotic science and technology tree and social system is by no means accidental, it should be formed by the intentional guidance of the world government.

In addition to these, there are many secrets left in history in Stuart’s diary, but they are just a few minor details, but even so, he still relieved a lot of confusion for him, but in this diary In the recorded content, the hidden secrets are only a small part. Compared with the blank 100-year history that the world government once erased, it should be just the tip of the iceberg.


   It seems that the Stuart Bartori Medea brought back by Meester this time should be the offspring of his direct blood, so he inherited the narcolepsy.

   Reinhardt thought of the companions who came out of the same dormant warehouse, Wang Shen, Guangyuehe, Manchester...

  Manchester seems to have mentioned it more than and Reinhardt is very familiar with the name Manchester. Isn’t he the owner of the image in the equipment screen that he found from the underground of Ankahet?

   is just the batch of experimental equipment, which has not been successfully repaired. It is still placed in the experimental base in Polkalia in the North Sea and continues to be researched by laboratory scientists.

There are also Guangyue and... Guangyue, and, then he won’t be able to establish the Hezhi Nation... It’s just that if he has a blood heritage in this world, he will most likely be the Guangyue family of the Hezhi country, but If this is the case, then why don't his offspring have inherited narcolepsy?

   Or maybe, Guangyue and, Wonokuni, the two are nothing more than a coincidence in their names. They were not actually created by him. It seems that if you want to know this information, you need to start from other aspects.

There is another one called Wang Shen... Reinhardt really can't remember the memory that can be associated with this name, but then it suddenly occurred to him that there used to be a pirate named Wang Zhi on the Rocks Pirates, right? The same belongs to his descendants.

It is a pity that Stuart did not mention their later experience and whereabouts in the diary. The only mention is that Manchester once accepted the secretly built base mission. Apart from that, everything else Not mentioned.

It seems that the rewards of sending Meister to the Kingdom of Cochs this time are really great. Not only did he get a combat power no less than the three ace to join, but also got this diary, if the secrets recorded in it were published. If you do, it will shock the world.

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