The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 850: diary

Since that day, my seven companions from the same dormant warehouse and I have each accepted a different task. It was also on that day that we never met again, although it was a long time before I heard that Manchester seemed to be in Performed a secret base mission, but never saw it again.

   Seeing this, Reinhardt sighed slightly. This is a diary, and it is a diary of a person who participated in this series of history.

   The owner of the diary seems to have come from another starry sky, just like myself, maybe, that blank one hundred years of history exists in this diary, maybe...

   Reinhardt took a deep breath, then tightly held the diary in his hand, took a sip from the wine bottle beside him, and sank into the story again.

It should be that day when certain extinct and inhuman plans were formulated. During this time, the cosmic people on the spacecraft began to analyze and study the world. It is the individual power of this world that makes us feel threatened. The same What makes us feel fortunate is that the civilization here is extremely backward and information is extremely hindered.

   We have enough planning time, and we have enough patience.

This is not a decision made by the cosmic people on a whim, so send more [friendly] cosmic people to contact with people in this world to promote the ideas of [lunar people], and to make them look at the technology that only exists in mythology to improve The thoughts of this world come to confuse the thoughts of this world.

   For a long time, people in the universe are secretly planning a plan to occupy this world.

   I know that the owner of this land has always been not our cosmic people, but them. However, a plan that conspired for a five-season calendar is about to be implemented.

  The naive natives do not understand that those of us in the universe wearing white protective masks have never thought of coexisting peacefully with them and developing the world together.

   We are going to carry out massacres and completely occupy this land.

Just five years later, we cosmic people finally began their long-planned plan. Although people in this world rose up to resist, they obviously had no way to fight against this powerful technology, but later on, those magical devil fruits Abilities played a role. These people used various magical devil fruit abilities and powerful individual powers to finally withstand the initial offensive of the cosmic people, so that our plan was stopped.

   But how could the offensive pace of our cosmic people stop because of this... After this, we dispatched the ultimate power, with a powerful weapon that can be described as having the power of destroying the world-the planetary spaceship.

   I heard that it was later called Pluto.

   A planetary spaceship can easily destroy an island with one strike. With it, it won’t take long before all obstacles, including giants hundreds of meters high, can be easily killed.

   Just as we cosmic people are complacent and ready to do a big fight, we cosmic people have a very strange symptom.


Yes, it is narcolepsy. All cosmic people are not immune to this symptom, and some are severe enough to commit suicide. It is conceivable that even after a long cosmic voyage, few of us will suffer. Take the act of suicide, but in the face of this slumber, there is a suicide act.

   Therefore, this weird symptom has to be worrying.

   Soon after, the scientists on the spacecraft came to the conclusion that it seemed to be due to the long-term voyage in the dormant cabin, and the radiation of the rays in the universe caused it to fall asleep at intervals, just like lying in the dormant cabin.

   This kind of symptom is extremely serious for cosmic people. If you don’t sleep deeply, your skin will age.

If it occurs at other times, this symptom will not pose a fatal danger to the cosmic people, but now is the time of war. Every cosmic person is a precious human resource. Therefore, in the chaotic deployment, the cosmic person’s combat plan appears. Great mistake.

   Several years later, due to images of narcolepsy, the people of the universe finally announced a truce. After negotiating with the leaders of many races in the world and the leaders of twenty kingdoms, the war was declared over because the two sides reached an agreement.

   Since then, the three words "lunar man" have completely disappeared in human society.

   The twenty kingdom kings of different races seem to be called up by some guy...

   I have not been very clear about the process of this incident, but one day, I saw a man in the sky with a pair of rays forming wings, holding a light gun in his hand, like an angel.

I was very surprised. I rubbed my eyes, picked up the binoculars beside me, and finally saw the outline of the man’s face. It was very familiar... After the light man with wings disappeared, I finally remembered that man. name.


   One of those two teenagers.

   When he saw this place, Reinhardt was shocked. The guesses in his mind finally took shape, so he muttered to himself, was the boy back then the existence controlled by the world government now?

   Thinking of this, he couldn't get the answer.

   So he continued to flip through the diary and read it down.

   The weather is very good today, and the sun is spreading on the The residents in the distance are basking in this sunlight, and I return to where I live.

Today is the tenth anniversary of the armistice between us and the local world. I am very happy that peace has finally been ushered in. It seems that I have gradually integrated into this world, but there is always a thorn in my heart. That is because the spacecraft has been on the moon. A war base was built inside.

   It won’t be long, and a new round of war will start soon.

During this period, I married a local woman. Her name was Bartori Aldor. Although she was a woman who did not meet my aesthetic standards, she was kind and patient. Later, we had a son. Named Stuart Bartori.

According to our custom, the last name should be followed by the first name, but Aldor told me that Stuart will always be ahead of Bartori. Therefore, I will follow the Eastern surname way in my memory and let Stu Yate is in the first column and becomes the last name.

   So, Stuart Bartori, this is how he came.

  The war finally broke out again...

   On this day, the negotiations between the two sides ended, and a great war broke out between us and the world again.

   Those people rose up to resist, and I saw countless people falling in front of me, many of whom were my companions who had lived for a few years, but I was fully integrated into this world.

   Facing a fallen family member, I chose to fight alongside them.

   Hehe... I betrayed the universe, or that this is where I really belong... Even if I die!

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