The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4870: Outbreak of war

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest master of beauty president!

The nine royal families seem to know his past life.

The previous life in their mouths does not seem to be the one of Xiao Yifeng's Starry Emperor.

Because what they said just now proves that they have not seen the Star Emperor before.

"Royal Huanghuang?"

"Don't ..."

Xiao Yifeng thought silently in his heart, and suddenly he thought of something.

Since these nine royal families are the forces of the flood season.

Then it is very likely that they knew him from the previous life is the one from his flood days.

Xiao Yifeng was still wondering why these nine royal families suddenly arrested his son and led him down.

After all, he had never contacted the nine royal families before.

Even when he stepped into the flood and wasteland in ancient times, he had no relationship with the nine royal families.

They shouldn't start off suddenly.

Now it seems that the nine royal families should be related to his identity in the flood and drought era.

The nine royal families are hostile to him in the era of floods! !! !!

This is what Xiao Yifeng has come to now.

Only this conclusion can explain why the hegemons of the nine flood seasons suddenly shot at him! !! !!

"It seems you arrested my son and led me."

"It's all because of my identity in the flood days."

Xiao Yifeng watched the indifference of the nine royal patriarchs.

"It seems you already know something."

"That being the case, it will be even more difficult for you."

Another royal patriarch coldly.

"Fortunately, we found it early."

"Otherwise, if the Nine Astral Realms are unblocked."

"When you wake up, my nine royals will be in trouble."

A royal patriarch with a beard and a domineering look at Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

In his eyes flashed the cold cold mang.

"Did you seal the Nine Astral Realms?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned, coldly.

He has just learned about the Nine Astral Realms in the Temple of the Starry Sky.

The Nine Astral Realms should be owned by Honghong I, but only sealed.

Now it seems that the seals of the Nine Astral Realms have a great relationship with these nine royal families.

"You know a lot !!!"

"Yes, your Nine Astral Realms were sealed by our nine ancestors."

The nine royal heads said indifferently.

For a time, Xiao Yifeng looked cold and cold, his eyes flashed with coldness.

No wonder as soon as he came to the royal world, he would become hostile when he saw the statues of the ancestors of the nine royal families.

It turned out that he had such a great hatred with the nine royal families.

Although he is still not very clear about the grievances between the flood era and the nine royal families.

But he knew that the nine royal families were his enemies.

To the enemy, we must show no mercy! !! !!

"That being the case, then no need to talk nonsense."

"You guys led me to kill me !!!"

"And you kidnapped my son, I won't let you go !!!"

"Let's fight directly !!!"

Xiao Yifeng yelled cold and strong.

As soon as he waved his hand, the 700,000 Star Army of the 7th Army of the Star Army appeared here.

Each of them was wearing armor, holding weapons, exuding a breath of slaying.

The 700,000 well-trained and fearsome martial arts army appeared here, and it was extremely spectacular! !! !!

People from the nine royal families saw this scene.

There was also a look of surprise in their eyes.

"I didn't expect your strength to be bad in this life."

"I have cultivated a lot of good men !!!"

"But this is in the royal world, in the territory of our nine royal families."

"Even if you bring as many people as you can."

"After all, it's just a dead end !!!"

The patriarchs of the nine royal families drank coldly.

Next, there was a roar of noise in the void of the royal world.

Immediately in all directions there were leaping figures.

Countless figures come into black spots,

Like dense bees.

In an instant, the nine royal families dispatched more than 100,000 martial arts strongmen.

The martial arts power of the nine royal families together directly surpassed the millions.

They held Xiao Yifeng's 700,000 people in arms and surrounded them.

Together, the two martial arts powerhouses have gathered here,

This picture is full of shock, making people have an inexplicable palpitation and fear! !! !!

The entire void in the royal world was filled with a strong killing spirit.

At this moment, the atmosphere was heavy and depressed! !! !!

"Now do you think you can make any big waves?"

A royal patriarch looked at Xiao Yifeng with a sneer.

"Are you all afraid of all the officers of the Star Corps?"

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"Don't be afraid !!!"

The army of 700,000 stars drank directly.

"What should you do in the face of the enemy?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.




Ge Henxi and the leaders of the Seventh Army Corps took the lead.

Then the 700,000 Star Corps of the Seven Army Corps shouted their weapons in unison.

The war and killings on them were all inspired.

Their blood began to boil.

"Well, let these nine royal families see the strength of our Star Army today."

"Kill, don't stay one !!!"

Xiao Yifeng yelled coldly and powerfully, his eyes flashed with cold cold murderous power.

Next, the seven regiments rushed towards the million martial arts army of the nine royal families directly under the leadership of the seven regiments.

Snow Master even released the beast army she brought and rushed towards the nine royal families.


Nine royal patriarchs also chuckled coldly.

The nine martial arts powerhouses with more than a million martial arts eyes froze.

They also rushed out with their weapons.

Boom boom! !! !!




Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, the martial arts army of the nine royal families and the army of the seven star groups and the beast army were killed together.

Endless battle roars rang out one after another.

The sound of horrible bombardment spread throughout the royal kingdom,

It alarmed the entire flood and wasteland.

Such a large-scale battle,

Naturally, it suddenly caught the attention of other major world powers in the flood plains.

A horrific amount of fighting energy erupted from the imperial realm, which made people scary.

"What happened to this kingdom?"

"It turned out that such a terrible fighting might erupt."

"I feel like there are millions of people fighting in this realm !!!"

At this moment, the other major world powers in the flood and wasteland gathered outside the royal world to discuss and discuss ~ ~, but none of them dared to step into the royal world to explore.

The energy spilling from this kingdom alone is frightening.

Not to mention the imperial realm.

If I go in, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out.

Of course no one dares to take risks! !! !!

Among the realms, in a palace.

"Is he here?"

A white-haired old man stood here, muttering to himself.

A complex and deep look flickered in his eyes.

PS: Someone asked the Emperor Yaochi not to come to the floodland, how to make him be faced. Do n’t worry, this time without face is for a bigger face in the future, anyone who looks down on the protagonist will be severely faced

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