The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4869: Confront 9 Great Royals

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A group of strong men guarding the channel have the strength of the eternal imperial realm, which is enough to prove the power of the flood realm.

Here the strength of the strong is much higher than the strength of the starry world.

After all, the strong in the flood and wasteland are descendants of the major forces in the flood and wasteland era.

Their weapons and magical treasures came from the flood era.

A strength is naturally stronger than a warrior in the starry sky! !! !!

"Who are you?"

"Dare you dare to break into the flood?"

The group of flood and wasteland strongmen drank directly.


Xiao Yifeng sighed coldly at this moment.

"Bold !!!!"

This group of flood and wasteland strongmen heard Xiao Yifeng's words.

Suddenly there was a flash of anger in their eyes and they were about to start.

"court death!!!"

Immediately, the commanders of the seven major regiments rushed straight up.

boom! !! !!

The star of the 10th Legion of the Star Corps, Mieba, waved his fists and blasted out.

Instantly, the two eternal imperial realm powers were killed on the spot and turned into two blood mists.

Under the attack of the leaders of the seven major legions.

None of these floodland powerhouses were killed without a single round.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Ge Henxi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Huh! !! !!

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Yifeng directly released one of the nine royal families he had previously won.

"Take us to the nine royal families !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man coldly with a look of majesty.


The man nodded shockedly by Xiao Yifeng's terrible power.

Then Xiao Yifeng and his party followed this guy to the royal world where the nine royal families were located.

The imperial realm ranks among the top three realms among the 36 realms of the flood plains.

Although there are thirty-six worlds in the flood plain, these worlds have different strengths.

The strongest of these are the three worlds. These three worlds are the royal world, the patriarchal world, and the dark world.

These three worlds are the three strongest worlds in flood and wasteland, and dominate other flood and wasteland worlds at the same time.

The imperial kingdom is naturally dominated by the Nine Great Floods.

They control the whole kingdom,

It is the existence of imperial supremacy.

Even because of the existence of the Nine Great Floods.

The imperial realm is called the First World of Flood and Wasteland.

The Nine Great Floods and Royal Families can be called the most powerful existence of the Flood and Famine.

As for the Zong Jie, there are all the major gates inherited from the Honghuang era, including the eight gates.

In the dark world, there are some forces that like killing, fierce means, and psychological darkness in the flood days.

Leaded by the five devil kings.

Except these three worlds.

Flood and wasteland, other worlds also gathered a large number of forces.

Some of these forces were broken in the times of floods and famines, and those forces that were retained and passed down.

There are also forces that were born and established after the emergence of the flood and wasteland.

This is the general situation of flood and wasteland.

Although the flood and wasteland today cannot be compared with the flood and wasteland era.

But compared with Starry Sky Realm, it still has great advantages.

After three hours.

Floodland, the royal world! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng and his party walked directly into this place.

Once in the royal realm, a supreme royal coercion spread.

As soon as people step into this place, there is an urge to submit to kneeling.

And in the nine directions of this royal world,

The branch stands a huge human statue.

This terrible royal coercion comes from these nine towering human figures.

These nine human figures are the ancestors of the nine royal families.

Representing the authority of the nine royal families,

Witness the grand occasion of the nine royal families to dominate the emperor.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the nine statues.

With a frown on his face, a deep aversion and animosity developed in his heart.

As if he was hostile to the nine statues.

But Xiao Yifeng's attention soon fell to the center of the imperial realm.

There is a high altar there.

There is a cross above the altar.

With a child tied on it,

It is Xiao Yifeng, Xiao Yifeng's second son.

At this moment there was a golden light shroud on the altar.

Around the altar are tens of thousands of people.

The men wore nine different colors of armor and were armed with golden weapons.

They are the people of the nine royal families.

And their strength has reached above the sage realm, and the lowest is a savage saint.

"Yaochen !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted at Xiao Yaochen.

He rushed forward.

"Well !!!"

On the altar, Xiao Yaochen also saw Xiao Yifeng leaping, and shouted directly.


With Xiao Yifeng rushed towards the altar.

The powerful man in the stage of 10,000 saints chanted in unison.

A terrifying power broke out on them.

As for the golden mask on this altar, a terrible force burst out towards Xiao Yifeng.

Immediately Xiao Yifeng's expression changed, he waved the star sword and beheaded.

This terrible power was destroyed by Xiao Yifeng.

And his body was repeatedly backed by shock.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, nine streamers appeared directly from the direction of the nine statues, rushing towards here.

In a blink of an eye, the patriarchs of the nine royal families came here with a group of powerful men from the nine royal families.

They stood in front of Xiao Yifeng.

These nine royal heads wear gorgeous costumes, exuding the noble royal spirit.

The supreme Emperor Wei swept out from them, covering all directions.

People have an inexplicable impulse to kneel in submission.

Xue Zhu and his party stood behind Xiao Yifeng.

The two sides looked coldly, forming a confrontation! !! !!

The atmosphere suddenly seemed extremely depressing and heavy! !! !!

There was a trembling feeling.

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

One of the nine royal patriarchs looked at Xiao Yifeng indifferently.


"You are the heads of the nine royal families?"

"You are so brave."

"Dare to dare to attack my son !!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the nine people chuckled coldly.

In his eyes, there was a cold, murderous flare, and an outbreak of anger in his heart burst out.

If Xiao Yaochen were not in their hands at this moment, Xiao Yifeng would have already started killing.

Dragons have inverse scales ~ ~ Death to the touch! !! !!

Especially the other person is Xiao Yifeng's biological son, how can he not be angry! !! !!

"You are a far cry from your previous life."

"I didn't expect this life, you didn't even step into the emperor's realm."

"I didn't expect you to be worse than I was."

The royal patriarch looked at Xiao Yifeng and said coldly.

The other eight chiefs of the royal family looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of disdain and contempt.

They were a little disappointed in their eyes.

It seems that Xiao Yifeng has let them down! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng frowned slightly when they heard them.

What Xiao Yifeng captured from these people's words.

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