The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4864: All-inclusive

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"The sky is changing !!!"

He shouted angrily, and he displayed a secret method.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly the strength of a split sky skyrocketed.

Endless tearing energy swept out of him, directly forming a terrible area and enveloping water.

"A crack in the sky !!!"

Immediately afterwards, the cracked dome exhibited the strongest blow.

He waved his right hand to the sky.

In this field, an Optima Claw Print broke out,

Carrying supreme power and blasting towards the cracked sky.

"The secret of water !!!"

"The tide is thirteen !!!!"

The flowing water drank sharply at this moment.

With a wave of his hands, a terror broke out on him.

The power of the avenue of water descended frantically and poured into the flowing water.

He blasted out with a single punch.

With the punch of running water.

An endless wave of water erupted throughout his body, turning this space into the sea.

And as he punched out,

Tides of terror swept out one after another.

A total of thirteen turbulent surging waves were superimposed and completely erupted.

This claw of the cracked dome was swallowed up by the terrible waves.

These thirteen heavy waves are superimposed and turned into huge waves, capsized directly towards the cracked dome.

In the face of these thirteen heavy waves,

Suddenly he felt very small.

It seemed like he was going to be swallowed next second.

His mood and soul have been greatly oppressed and impacted.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a roar of noise.

Dirty energy swept out,

In an instant, the realm where the Rift Dome was exhibited was completely destroyed.

And his whole body was directly bombarded out.

Huh! !! !!

The cracking sky smashed into the star battle platform.

Blood spit from his mouth, and his expression was ugly.

"Sorry, brother !!!"

"To prove my strength, I can only sacrifice you."

Liu Shui grinned as he watched the cracked sky under the stage.

"You ... you wait for me !!!"

The cracked sky hummed coldly.

"kill him!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

When he heard Xiao Yifeng's words, Liushui's gaze was fixed.

He shot again and blasted towards the cracked sky.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, when the look of the split dome changed, he took out Yu Jian and wanted to crush it and run away.

The flowing water shot violently, and a terrifying water arrow burst out.

At lightning speed,

Before the cracked sky crushed Jade Jane to escape the battlefield of the starry sky, she pierced her brows.

Destroyed his emperor infant directly.

The cracked sky eyes widened and fell to the ground.

The number of running points suddenly surged and rushed to the top ten of the standings.

At the moment Wan Tianjiao on the field and those in all circles of the starry sky who are concerned about the starry battle platform,

They saw that the descendants of the **** emperor of the fifteenth emperor ranking were killed in this way, and they expressed their emotions.

Because of a word from the Great Emperor,

The descendants of an emperor's strongman fell.

The whole starry sky is the only starry sky star who dared to kill the descendants of the emperor.

"Boss, I have completed your task."

"You can accept me."

At this moment, the flowing water destroyed the cracked dome and looked at Xiao Yifeng and said quickly.

He even called the boss directly.

"It's okay, watch and watch."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"You kill the dome, and once the emperor of the dome knows, you are dead."

At this moment, Long Jian looked at the flowing water and drank coldly.

"Boss, I broke the sky in accordance with your order."

"If the Emperor of Heaven seeks revenge on me, you have to help me !!!"

Suddenly the flowing water looked at Xiao Yifeng pitifully.

"Don't worry, if he dares to avenge you, you will let him come to me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with disapproval.

His eyes turned to Long Jian and Gu Haotian.

"You two are also descendants of the blood of the emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"The descendants of Emperor Eighteen Dragon Bone Great Blood !!!"

"The tenth descendant of Emperor Haoyang's bloodline !!!"

Long Jian and Gu Haotian said directly.

Everyone at the scene was equally startled when they heard their identities.

Unexpectedly, these two turned out to be the bloodline descendants of the Emperor.

Especially in this ancient Haotian, his ancestor ranked tenth.

There are thirty-six people on the emperor list.

Those who can rank in the top ten are definitely the top and best players in this starry sky.

Maybe they can compete with the Star Emperor,

After all, the Star Emperor is not on the emperor's list.

"Interesting, descendants of the Three Emperors !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"But I want my person to be in the starry sky."

"So you two go on your own initiative or let my people kill you."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two people and said directly.

Then his eyes turned to Mo Shi and Wuwei, and Xiao Yifeng had just disappeared, so he was promoted to the tenth dove of the standings:

"The three of you should leave too."

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, he looked indifferent.

Mo Shi had an angry look.

On the first day, the angels' eyes were constantly flashing.

"Star Emperor, though you are strong."

"But you're doing this, too much."

"Do you want to have all-inclusive stars?"

Mo Shi, the esteemed ancestral ancestor of the continent, Shizong Tianjiao, looked at Xiao Yifeng with a sullen expression.

"Yes, I do want to have all-inclusive starry sky rankings !!!"

"Of course if you feel unconvinced."

"I can give you a chance."

Xiao Yifeng said, his gaze turned to the residual knife, the cold front, the sky, the wild beast, the tiger and the tiger.

"You want to be in the starry sky, then choose your opponent."

"Kill it, or kick it out of the star battlefield !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted coldly and solemnly.


Can Dao and others nodded.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, the residual knife body turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards the inaction which is now the second in the standings.

boom! !! !!

Facing the active attack of Can Dao.

Inaction displays the Dharma, is shrouded in Buddha light, sacred and solemn.

He turned into a **** and a fierce battle with the residual sword.

Leng Feng rushed towards the Dragon Sword.

The dragon sword directly waved the dragon's head long sword carried on the back and the sword in the cold front collided.

Boom boom! !! !!

The two Kendo powerhouses also fought together.

All the terrible swordman swords and swords shot at each other ~ ~ Various kendo swords and swords collided together to form a very horrific offensive.

Ni Tiancang is rushing towards the bloodlines of Gu Haotian, the tenth strongest in the emperor list.

The mad beast rushed to Mo Shi.

The two fists hit their fists and fought fiercely.

The big tiger rushed to the doffer.

Looking at this scene,

Tens of thousands of Tianjiao under the star battle platform, they talked one after another.

They did not expect that this time the Star Emperor would give the all-inclusive list to the sky.

"Boss, you won't get me off the top ten in the standings."

At this moment, Liu Shui looked at Xiao Yifeng pitifully.

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