The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4863: A funny guy

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With Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced away.

Wuwei's look changed.

Their eyes were staring at Xiao Yifeng with a solemn and shocking gaze.

"Big God, you are so awesome !!!"

Just then, the flowing body suddenly rushed over.

He hugged Xiao Yifeng's thigh, and shouted excitedly.

"Do you know the Great God?"

"You are the idol I admired since childhood."

"I grew up listening to your legend."

"I swear by the water to be a super strong like you, and admired by thousands of people !!!"

"I didn't expect to be lucky to see my idol today."

"Big God, take me as an apprentice !!!"

The flowing water hugged Xiao Yifeng's thigh and said with anticipation.

Xiao Yifeng was directly frustrated by the nonsensical behavior of flowing water, and his mouth twitched.

He did not expect that this guy with super strength turned out to be such a funny.

It's almost as much as the original money.

All the arrogant people present at the moment were all sobered by the funny behavior of Liu Shui.

Wan Tianjiao on the field, each one full of worship and reverent eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng.

Whether it is Xiao Yifeng's predecessor identity.

It is still his strength in today's world to slay Emperor Tianzun's innocence,

All deserve to be worshiped and respected by everyone! !! !!

"Let go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly, watching the flowing water.

"Big God, accept me, I really want to be your apprentice."

Liu Shui still held Xiao Yifeng's thigh and said.

"Not everyone can be my apprentice."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"Big God, give me a chance."

"I will definitely perform well, and I will never lose face with you."

Flowing water quickly said.

"Want to be my apprentice? Then you first defeat my two apprentices."

Xiao Yifeng said pointing at broken bones and Wu Fei.

At this time, the broken bones and Wu Fei's eyes were gazing at the flowing water.

"Want to be our brother, that depends on whether you have that strength."

Wu Fei looked at the flowing water and said directly.

Liu Shui glanced at Wu Fei and the broken bones and continued to hold Xiao Yifeng's thigh and said:

"Big God, aren't you pitting me?"

"The two of them are so powerful, I can't beat them."

"Since you can't beat it, why should I accept you?"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

"Then you should take me over."

"I will definitely honor you."

Flowing water spoke.

"To be under my command, you must have strength."

"Some of them, you can do one casually."

Xiao Yifeng pointed at inaction, Mo Shi, Gu Haotian, Dragon Sword, and Split Sky said.

"it is good."

The flowing water nodded.

He stood up and glanced at the five men.

"Just you, you come out and fight with me !!!"

The flowing water pointed at the cracked dome and drank coldly.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"You want to challenge me, I think you are looking for death !!!"

In the cracked dome's eyes, the cold killing gaze flashed at the flowing water.

"Yo, so arrogant, who are you?"

Running water disdains.

"I am the bloodline son of Emperor Fifteen Heavenly Kings."

"Just because you want to challenge me? It's ridiculous !!!"

The cracked dome hummed with a cold look.

"Fifteen Emperor Lists? The Heavenly King?"

Hearing the words of the cracked sky, the appearances of the heavenly pride were shocked.

Their eyes widened, revealing an incredible look.

They didn't expect the origin of this cracked sky to be so large,

Turned out to be a descendant of the emperor's descendants.

Emperor list, that is more terrible than the starry sky proud list.

The starry sky arrogance list is just a list that the younger generation of the starry sky competes for.

The Emperor's List is the most powerful player in the real world.

Countless strong stars are thinking of one day boarding the emperor's platform, completely emperor, and ranked on the emperor's list.

It is rumored that ascending the emperor's platform, the strongest person on the emperor's list can be called the true emperor.

If you want to ascend the Emperor's Terrace, even if you have the strength of the eternal emperor, you may not be able to do it.

To reach the Emperor's Terrace, various aspects of assessment are required.

It's not just strength, some people who have just entered the emperor's realm can also board the emperor's platform.

But no matter what, as long as you can board the emperor's platform and be on the emperor's list,

That is really standing on top of the sky,

Become the top powerhouse in the sky.

Fengditai and Emperor's List will only appear once in a million years.

The last emperor's platform appeared.

Only Xuanyuan Emperor and three other emperors finally boarded the Emperor's Terrace and ranked on the emperor list! !! !!

The number of places on the emperor list is more than that of the starry sky and the total number is 36.

Thirty-six places remain unchanged.

If you want to be on the emperor's list, you need to squeeze a strong person on the emperor's list,

If you don't, even if you board the emperor's platform, you can't really be on the emperor's list.

This is the cruel and terrible of the emperor list! !! !!

Thirty-six places do not have enough strength.

Even if it is listed, it will eventually be surpassed by future generations.

Being able to rank 15th in the emperor's list is definitely a supreme power with top strength.

This split dome is a bloodline descendant of Emperor Fifteen Dome, and its identity is also scary.

"Huh, what about the bloodlines of the emperor?"

"You're not the King of Heaven, what am I afraid of?"

Liu Shui hummed in disapproval.

"Today I will show my strength in front of my idol."

"watch out!!!"

The flowing water hummed coldly.

He directly turned into a residual image and attacked the cracked sky.

"Go die !!!"

With a scream of rage, he turned his claws into a claw, tearing the sky and blasting towards the flowing water.

The claw of the split dome was just near the body of the flowing water.

His body turned into a mist of water and dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, this mist of water appeared abruptly behind the cracked dome.

"Boy, I'm behind you."

Liu Shui said.

Rift Dome turned sharply.

He was met with a horrifying punch of running water.

boom! !! !!

The cracked sky has no time to fight back, but can only passively wave his hands to resist.

As a result, the fist of running water contains a terrifying power,

The flood like a **** was surging and out of control.

Suddenly, the split dome collapsed a dozen meters.

He trembled, grunted, and turned pale.

"This guy has a little power ~ ~ It is so deep in understanding water that it completely turns the body into water."

Xiao Yifeng said gently while watching the flowing water.

Can realize a kind of heaven and earth power to the extreme, and transform itself into this power at any time,

This is not something anyone can do.

Even the Emperor can't do it.

Flowing water did it, so he was a bit capable.

Of course, this may be because he has special constitution and bloodline.

But Xiao Yifeng still can't see it now.

"Damn, I want you to die !!!"

After the split dome was injured by running water.

He roared, his expression sullen, his face angry.

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