The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4801: Look down

"Help me arrange a room !!!"

Yaochi said indifferently at this moment.

"As a jade, take Yaochi to the room."

Flower God said directly.

"Prince, please come with me !!!"

Yan Ruyu looked at Yao Chi with respectful expression.

Then she left with Yaochi.

"After this Yaochi became the Holy Mother of Yaoshan."

"It's getting colder than before."

Hua Shen said lightly.

"After all, it is the supreme powerhouse in the flood era."

"It's getting cold and cold, which is normal."

"She also threatened me not to think of her, or she would kill me."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Is it so hard?"

"It seems you have to be careful."

Hua Shen looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"It's all right."

"I'm curious about who you are now."

"If your memories of the flood days are awakened."

"Will you not let me think of you or kill me?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled at Hua Shen.

Immediately Huahua's face turned red.

She looked at Xiao Yifeng: "No !!!!"

After speaking these two words, Hua Shen turned and left.

Xiao Yifeng raised a playful smile in the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, night fell.

In the Flower Temple,

Xiao Yifeng's room.

Xiao Yifeng was drinking wine with Hua Shen at this moment.

"Brother Xiao, don't you really want my Master to be your woman?"

Yan Ruyu looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"This kind of thing cannot be forced."

"Let it be, it will happen !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a sip of wine.

"If you let it go."

"I am afraid my Master will wait for another life."

"Brother Xiao, do you let me say what you say?"

"Speaking of your innocence, how many women are around you."

"Say you're not insane, why are you so reserved now?"

"My Master has been waiting for you for millions of years."

"You can't let her wait any longer."

Yan Ruyu watched Xiao Yifeng proudly hum.

"You can be a matchmaker."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"You wait."

At this moment Yan Ruyu got up and walked towards the outside.

Xiao Yifeng was wondering what this girl was going to do.

After half a ring, the flower **** was pushed in by Yan Ruyu.

"Brother Xiao, it's up to you."

Yan Ruyu said to Xiao Yifeng.

She closed the door directly.

"Is this girl so brave?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled helplessly.

"What are you doing?"

Hua Shen looked at Xiao Yifeng with a puzzled look.

"Do you see that?"

"Hello apprentice wants to match us and let us cook rice with mature rice !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"This girl, it's getting ridiculous."

The look of the flower changed, and he directly scolded.

Immediately she turned around and left.

"Now come with me for a few drinks."

Xiao Yifeng said suddenly.

Flower God stopped.

His eyes flickered, and he turned to sit in front of Xiao Yifeng.

The two drank directly.

In an instant, the two didn't know how long they drank.

Because both of them are useless to get rid of drunkenness, and there may be something hidden in their hearts,

As a result, the two soon became drunk.

In particular, the face of Hua Shen is crimson, showing a strong charm, more charming! !! !!

"Flower god, do you really like me?"

Xiao Yifeng said suddenly looking at Hua Shen.

For a time, the flower **** directly choked.

His gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng.


Flower God opened her mouth, but did not know what to say.

In the end, Flower God didn't speak,

She went directly to live in Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's eyes widened,

He was surprised.

He didn't expect this flower **** to suddenly become so bold,

Is it impossible to get drunk.

However, Xiao Yifeng did not refuse, but responded.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.

boom! !! !!

Just when the relationship between the two is about to materialize.

The door of the room was suddenly opened and Yaochi broke in.

"What are you doing?"

Yaochi watched the two drink coldly.

Instantly, Xiao Yifeng and Flower God were separated.

The two came awake all at once.

"How did you come?"

"Do not knock on the door when you come in."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chi and could not help talking.

If it were not Yaochi, he and Hua Shen would have been.

"Do you still need to knock on the door to go there?"

Yaochi is a strong demeanor of Our Lady of Yaoshan.

"The identity of the flower **** in the previous life is not something you can defile !!!"

"You better not think of her."

"Or wait until her memories of previous lives are awakened."

"It's your last day !!!"

Yao Chi watched Xiao Yifeng chuckled coldly.

She pulled Hua Shen directly and left.


Xiao Yifeng is full of black lines.

This Yaochi, it is enough to not let Xiao Yifeng delusional,

Still forbid him to delusion about flower god,

This is really overbearing.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng couldn't help but think that it would be good for Yaochi to fail to restore his flood memory.

Although the former Emperor Yaochi was a bit cold,

But it's not so cold, so overbearing! !! !!

And listening to this tone of Yaochi,

She looks down on herself,

I don't think my identity is worthy of the flower **** identity.

Xiao Yifeng muttered secretly! !! !!

"It seems that this woman did not know that I was also a strong man reincarnated in the flood era."

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

His identity during the flood season was definitely not simple.

It may even be higher than the identity of the flower **** in the previous life and the identity of Our Lady of Yaoshan.

After all, his previous life suppressed the two legendary masters.

However, this Yaochi did not see that he still has the identity of the flood and drought era, so he would say so.

Even Emperor Jindi and Shuidi did not seem to see that he was the reincarnation of the strong in the flood and drought era.

With the exception of his mother,

I'm afraid few people know that he is a powerful reincarnation in the flood season.

It looks like he was very unusual in the flood era! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng can't help thinking:

If Yaochi knew his identity during the flood season,

What kind of expression would she look like?

For a while, Xiao Yifeng couldn't help thinking about it! !! !!

At this time, Yao Chi took the flower **** out of Xiao Yifeng's room.

Hua Shen directly broke away from Yao Chi's hand.

"Mrs. Yaochi, what are you doing?"

Hua Shen looked at Yao Chi Shen Chan.

"I'm preventing you from doing something that regrets you for life."

Yaochi said coldly.

"What I do ~ ~ is my own decision and no one else can control it."

Hua Shen sank.

"No, if you have no previous life."

"What you do, of course, can't be controlled by others."

"But you are the reincarnation of the strong in the flood era."

"Your body belongs not only to your life, but also to your previous life."

"Your previous life was unusual."

"This kid is reincarnated as an ancient star emperor."

"Perhaps for today's starry sky, his identity is great."

"But in the era of floods, he could not be ranked at all by his strength."

"Not to mention compared to you."

Yaochi said one by one.

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