The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4800: Century reincarnation, the peak comes again!

In this life, Xiao Yifeng must not only let his own strength surpass previous generations.

He will also develop eight avatars that are as powerful as himself.

He wo n’t have to show up at that time,

Any of these eight avatars can suppress the starry sky,

Sweep the universe, cross the universe.

This is the real bull! !! !!

By that time, Xiao Yifeng was the true master of the universe.

It now looks like he has a chance to achieve this goal! !! !!

Once let these great avatars break through the realm of the emperor.

Their strength will get a sublimation.

By then, with these cards and opportunities they got,

Maybe you can have the strength that is comparable to that of the Star Emperor.

It's just that the eight major avatars don't want to break through to the emperor's realm.

The avatar and deity break through the emperor realm,

Need an opportunity.

An opportunity to completely break through the imperial realm! !! !!

As for when this day will arrive,

Not even Xiao Yifeng himself knew.

He feels,

Breaking through the imperial realm will lead to one of the biggest turning points in his life.

As for the breakthrough of the imperial realm, Xiao Yifeng did not know.

In an instant, the day was almost gone.

The destruction of Yao Xuan's holy land spread again throughout the Tianwu star domain.

News soon came out that the Emperor of the Stars had arrived at the Yao Xuan Holy Land.

Immediately after, the Yao Xuan Holy Land ceased to exist.

The people in Tianwu Star Field directly thought that Yao Xuan's holy land was destroyed by the Star Emperor.

For a time, the powerful forces in the major worlds of the Tianwu star domain could not help but doubt.

Is this the Great Star Emperor willing to destroy all the forces in the Tianwu star domain? !! !!

As this idea came up,

Many family gates in Tianwu Star Realm have directly relocated and left Tianwu Star Realm at great cost.

Because of the existence of the great star.

The entire Tianwu star domain has become a bit depressed and depressed,

No longer the strong prosperity scene.

Tianwu Star Field, First World, Tianwu Realm.

Tianwu Hall.

"Dear Lord, Tianwu Xingyu will let the Star Emperor continue to make such a noise, I'm afraid it's over."

"Now many forces have relocated and left Tianwu Starfield."

"The remaining major forces are also trembling !!!"

In this hall, there was a sound of discussion.

Tianwu Temple is a force created by the Emperor Tianwu, who is responsible for managing the Tianwu Star Domain.

"I know, but with the strength of the Star Emperor now."

"We want to deal with him very difficult."

"Unless the emperor shots himself !!!"

"But where the Emperor is now, we don't know."

"So we can only wait now."

"Once the shot is taken easily, it will anger the Emperor of the Starry Sky."

"When he comes to your door, it's troublesome !!!"

Tian Wu Dian, the current head of the palace, said directly.

"That's too aggrieved."

A group of strong men in Tianwu Hall shook their heads one after another.

"Lord of the Temple, can we join forces with the masters of the other major star domains?"

"After all, the people in the other major star domains may not want the Star Emperor to return, and live a life of surrender by his suppression !!!

At this time a strong man in the Tianwu Hall said.

"Top Ten Star Fields Before Starry Sky."

"We may be united together."

Another strong man in Tianwu Temple could not help but say.

"This approach is good."

"let me try!!!"

Tian Wu Dian Dian main eyes stared, and said directly.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng naturally did not know that Tianwu Palace planned to deal with itself with the major star domains.

Otherwise he must be the first to destroy the Tianwu Temple.

Flower Temple-

When Xiao Yifeng brought Yaochi back here.

Hua Shen looked at Yaochi with a smile:

"Yaochi, it's been a long time !!!"

"Flower God !!!"

Yaochi said indifferently looking at the flower look.

"She is not just the empress of Yaochi today."

"She is also the reincarnation of Our Lady of Yaoshan in the flood days !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"Mother Yaoshan?"

"Flood Era?"

"Is it an earlier time than ancient times?"

Hua Shen's gaze fixed, and he couldn't help but say in a deep voice.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful !!!"

Hua Shen looked at Yao Chi with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be reincarnated."

At this time Yaochi looked at Hua Shen abruptly and said.


"You said that the flower **** was also reincarnated?"

"Is she also a powerful reincarnation body in the flood season?"

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he heard Yao Chi's words, and said helplessly.

As for the look of doubt in the eyes of Hua Shen.

"Yes, I can tell at a glance."

"She is the reincarnation of a strong man in the flood days."

"And she was my predecessor in the flood season."

"It's just that her memory and strength are not yet awakened, she doesn't know."

Yaochi said in a deep voice.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed brilliantly, and he couldn't help glancing at Hua Shen.

He's really capable around him.

First, Yaochi was the reincarnation of Our Lady of Yaoshan in the flood season.

Immediately after, this flower **** turned out to be a reincarnation of the Xeon Man in the flood season.

"Did you have many strong people choose reincarnation in the flood season?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chi and could not help talking.

"The ancestral star was broken and the flood was destroyed."

"Countless floods have fallen short of preparation."

"Some of these Xeons are lucky to survive."

"Some of them choose to sleep on their own."

"I'll wait until the floods return."

"They can recover again."

"There is also a choice to reincarnate."

"It's just that reincarnation is at great risk."

"It is possible that they will not be able to awaken the memories of their past lives, and do not know who they were in their previous lives."

"It is even more impossible to restore their identity and strength in the flood season."

"So not too many people choose to be reborn."

"Most people still choose to sleep on their own and wait until the floods return."

"They will be able to recover directly from it !!!"

"I chose to be reborn again !!!"

Yaochi said.

"How can they be sure that the floods can be reproduced?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Because when the floods broke down."

"There is a prediction of the future, and the power of thoroughness makes a prediction: the reincarnation of the century, the peak comes again !!!"

"The reincarnation of the century, the peak comes again !!!"


"This sentence made many people think that the flood era would return, so they chose to sleep !!!"

Yaochi explained ~ ~ Century reincarnation, the peak comes again! !! !! "

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself, his eyes glowed with light.

"Just now."

"No one knows whether the flood era can reappear."

"Fortunately, I didn't choose to sleep."

"Otherwise I'm afraid I won't wake up forever."

Yaochi said coldly.

"What was my previous life?"

At this time, Hua Shen looked curiously at Yaochi.

"This will be known after you have awakened the memories of previous lives, I will not say more !!!"

Yao Chi said directly.

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